-___- my mother loves me so much.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
loved, contented, and secure
-___- my mother loves me so much.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
doesn't deserve a title

yup, you're staring into the face of my nightmare.
you see all those hangers? yeah, each one has got something [or somethings] hanging on it. guess what? that's only about a fifth of the laundry i did today.
wanna know what else? i spent half my day [literally] loading the washing machine, unloading it, hanging up the laundry, folding existing laundry.. over and over again. talk about killing my brain cells.
not only that, with the amount of laundry that i did, i didn't have enough line space to hang it all, which is why i had the portable rack and mini clothesline outside as well.
it was a windy day.
the rack fell over. shit, right? i picked it up. it went and toppled itself over again. go die la you stupid rack!!
then the mini clothesline decides it doesnt wanna live without it's friend the stupid rack. so it falls over as well. bloody stupid la these things. why can't manufacturers make them more sturdy? quality so lousy who can use? employ engineers la!! don't be so cheap. customer satisfaction is most important you know.
wow, my asian-ness emerges when i'm unhappy. it emerges when i'm happy too. actually, it's always there.
and as if it's not bad enough that i have to constantly be a mother to the stupid clothes... it starts raining. and me being me, i don't realize it. suddenly, sam goes "KIM, IT'S RAINING" and i scream. so frustrating man. and while i'm running outside to save my laundry, all i can think is "WHY IS SAM STILL STANDING THERE DOING NOTHING?"
oh well.. i can barely move in the living room because of all the clothes there now.. they were more dry when i first put them out -_-... and i have a bit of a headache from getting soaked in the rain.
the things i do for the laundry.. and this is how i get repaid.. sigh~ [waiseh, so dramatic]
God's sense of humour is... mysterious indeed.
Monday, July 17, 2006
during a sketch, ivan and karen are esther's parents..
esther: look dad, i got 95% on my exams!!
ivan: [with accent] 95% only? when your father was in school, he got 96% ah!! *turns to karen* your daughter is a dumbass!!
during an outdoor group discussion, a bee buzzes past sam..
sam: AAAAAARGH!! bee!!!
*everybody else is calm*
somebody: it's ok. it won't hurt you..
*sam is still hysterical. the bee flies past and wen decides to whack the bee with her sleeve*
during our sketch, cheng loon is girlie, and yu jhyn is girlie's father..
father: what's that, girlie?
girlie: i'm smoking weed, dad.
father: WHAT??? FROM THE GARDEN? you want to smoke at least smoke some good quality weed.
while practising said sketch, sarah is supposed to be doing cheng loon's hair...
sarah: so what do i do after i do him?
josh and i look at each other and then we just crack up. it didn't register with sarah what she'd just said, and none of us were gonna explain it to her...
while playing a game of cards, we're supposed to pick a phrase and an action to go with the phrase as part of the game.. here's what we picked.. [from what i can remember.. cause we picked more than once, and i might have gotten them jumbled]
esther: i'm stupid [points at self]
sam: i am sam [pounds right fist on left fist]
kim: i love kim [can't remember the action]
kwok: [gosh.. i really can't remember]
cheng loon: i'm a winner [loser sign on forehead]
david: i am sexy [ripping shirt open]
you can sorta tell who's got self-esteem and ego issues just by that. and everytime someone had to say "i love kim" it just put me off the whole game -___-.. david's was worse tho, and his second pick was "you turn me on" with a little dial-turning motion. nobody could forget that one..
i found my true musical calling while resonating wine glasses filled with water/coke. thanks to all who taught me the delicate art of music making.. i also spilled some of the coke, which led to the uncovering of another skill... cleaning stains from the carpet [which i'm quite good at, i realized].
and when i needed some therapy, i went and did some of the guys' dishes. look, it's the last day, the sink is full of dishes from 3 days, and both sides of the sink are blocked. [the bathroom was blocked too, someone said]. i started on the dishes, while cheng loon just STOOD THERE AND WATCHED. well, samuel stood beside me and ate.. but oh well, i got lazy halfway and gave up anyway..
i'm so sleepy.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
oh damn.. it's so good.
XD my sister just got hooked onto eating the peanutbutter. what do they put in that stuff? peanuts? butter? people used to say if you mix the two you get peanutbutter? is that true? is it? i know it's so stupid, but i've always wondered. it's one of those things on the same level as is winnie the pooh male or female. now THAT'S a hard one.
and say you figure out what winnie the pooh is... what about piglet?? it's PINK!! kanga's a girl, she's got a baby.. but what about the rest?!?!?!?!?! we thought about this long and hard during group discussions at camp.. long and hard.. who brought it up?? must've been yu jhyn.. he's the random one XD.
mm.. camp was fun. sadly, didn't really do much walking of the talk....
rargh.. i'll finish this.. some other time..
Friday, July 14, 2006
it was a day of slacking, a day of sleeping in class, a day of shiny reports, and a day of heavy camwhoring on everybody's part.

the ever gorgeous karina, as she would say herself.

and this is where she wants to be buried. that bush used to have leaves. but it's bare now that it's winter. karina's very upset.

this is how sennie always looks at me... and everybody else.

a couple of aborigines did a demo thing. one played the didgeridoo while this one pretended to be a kangaroo.

this pic is here just for finny XD. because someone thinks nigara's pretty.

moey and jess looking at... i dont know what.. i'm guessing from their looks that it's probably william XD.

sarah, ee wah, karina, clarissa and may... karina kept wanting to take a picture with casper the turtle. he's got to be the most unlucky turtle that ever walked the earth.

really like this pic of emi and sarah. very nice.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
stop complaining la
cause: blocked nose = cannot breathe and talk at the same time
prognosis: wait till winter's gone
symptom: perpetual hunger
cause: state of normality + eating slightly less
prognosis: not good
symptom: eating slightly less *shock horror*
cause: blocked nose = can't breathe while eating
symptom: blurness
cause: being kim
prognosis: not changing
symptom: failure to process speech and instruction
cause: knocked own head with badminton racket
prognosis: damage may be permanent
symptom: random bursts of happiness
cause: can only be dementia
prognosis: is dementia reversable?
symptom: whinging on a blog
cause: boredom and self pity [angry with the flu]
prognosis: tell you tomorrow
Saturday, July 01, 2006
and then the legs...
as always, the auntie-cooked food was goooooood. i had lots of rice [love rice, i do], and two different types of curry, and some mushroom, and fried noodles, and fried bee hoon, and some rendang-ish thing, and another kind of chicken dish. woohoo. missed out on the fish curry tho [scandalous].
ok, look, answer me. you prefer a blue jumper, or a maroon one? tell me, which is better, a blue jumper or a maroon one? would you rather be seen in a blue jumper, or a maroon one? ok, so i know rossy jumpers are a very.... unique shade of blue. but at least it's not maroon, like the willo ones.
alright, it was a stupid argument to have, but that's what you get when you cross a rossy student and a willo student. at least i had tiffany on my side. together, we shot sean down XD. actually, tiffany tried to break up the argument.. but you know how it is... if you can't stop them, join them....
there were a couple of people with blue shirts around, and sean pointed at one of the uncles who had a bright blue jumper and we all just cracked up. IT'S NOT THAT BLUE.. but none of us could look at the uncle without laughing. we've got a checkered school skirt tho, scottish style, so at least we're not so blue. with willo's maroon jumper, their maroon skirt, they walk around like this very maroon blob.
said sean about this: "no, what about their legs? the legs aren't maroon."
said tiffany: "OHO, SEAN... what have you been looking at??"
said sean: "ngh.. but, no. i mean, it's true. there's the legs...."
BAHAHAHHAHA.. tiffany rocks.
family night
so.. things that happened last night....
andrew sang words.. WOOT. "solo" performance... with cheng loon standing next to him on the guitar. smartmouthed his entire way through. he did really really well. and yeah, the singing wasn't bad either. [yeah, ok, you were good too, cheng loon]
then jason, ben, jono and cheng loon did if i stand by jars of clay. really nice harmonies there, complete with massive squeak from jono? when he tried to hit the high notes XD. the slideshow was good too.
then came the call for impromptu performances. everybody was pointing fingers. budden, auntie kim shouted 'SEAN, SEAN" and she actually pointed at him. and when auntie kim asks you to do something, you cannot say no... you can only say 'i dont know' as you pick your ass off the chair and drag your feet to the front.
ok, to be fair, we didn't make him do it alone... we're not pure evil. made tiffany accompany him on the piano XD.. damn talented people. one can sight read flawlessly, the other can sing so well without a practice.
somebody requested auntie kim go up to sing [TAN]. she shared a very quirky story instead, before making auntie anna, pak kai, and mei jing sing a song up there. it was actually a solo with a.anna singing the whole song and the other two standing there looking ornamental. but it was good.
yes, i know i'm useless. and i hate singing into the mic.
the whole thing actually became the cheng loon show. he's the only one who knows what's going on.
sooooooo, i got home late-ish. my sister opened the door for me, then sat herself back down in front of the computer. i went to tell my mum i was home, but she was on the phone. ok, it's all good. so i washed up, got into my PJs, blablabla. nobody paid any attention to me. i switched to the soccer and started watching that. i didn't bother anybody, and nobody bothered me. fine.
so when i felt the call of my bed, i turned off the TV [match went to germany, btw]. i told the sister my intentions and she ignored me. i bid the mother good night, she ignored me. NOBODY KNOWS I EXIST. my family doesn't care. [ok, i'm being over dramatic, because apparently, about an hour after i'd fallen asleep, the mother came to say good night to me. yay!i'mnotatotalloser]
i just sneezed three times in a row. i'm getting sick. i can feel it. WHY TONIGHT??
the other day, casper and i were discussing whether or not we were gonna hand in our homework. no points for guessing what we decided. he then said to me:
my world is now complete.