Sunday, August 27, 2006

aFter the ater


IMC Yellow Ribbon fundraising concert last night was a really great success. to those of you who didn't go [don't worry, i'm not gonna call you a loser], you missed out on 4 great choir pieces, an awesome singspiration with cute children dancing, three really cool dances, a couple of great duets, a rocking solo, the funniest sketch ever,an uplifting message, and two moving testimonies. [i am SO SORRY if i've left anything out, just trying to remember the program with my *ahem* goldfish memory]

oh, and sorry is spelt with one 'R' XD

mm.. didn't see most of the GMC people. only jenny, caroline, amy... oh yeah, sharon [i so know she poked me in the head] and sarah [super enthusiastic while singing in the choir].

walked to baskin robbins after we finished stacking chairs. rick said it was just around the corner. MY ASS MAN! ok, so it wasn't actually very far, but my shoes [slippers really] weren't made for walking... and... and rachel was wearing stilettos!! phwoar man, she made it all the way without twisting anything. amazing.

baskin robbins has the biggest scoops ever. rachel got a double. took her forever to finish it. kfc after that for dinner, and then we all went home.

there are so many babies in church. where the hell did they all come from? today i arrived, and i saw the Soon baby. went inside, and u.stanley?'s baby was in front. there was what sam referred to as the 'evil baby' to the right.. and i'm sure there are more lurking around up front, shoved between the chairs, and maybe even behind the pulpit. SO MANY.

i asked tiffany where they all came from. she said "kim, please don't ask that question."


ngh.. going to amy's party now. another hole in my pocket. i shall not go out for the next three weeks.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

ater a long long time..

ngh. this is for you, esther.

i'm at jane's, and i'm using andrew's laptop to do this.

yup, that means that i still don't have internet at home.

worse, i found out that our area doesn't actually have ADSL... and my mum has realized that she just cannot bear to go back to dial-up since we've gotten so used to broadband. i haven't been on msn for 19 days.

random change of topic.

karina and amy were sitting together in class the other day. they don't get along very well, not because they can't, but because they find it wrong. it's kinda like if william and moey started going out - they could, but it'd be totally wrong.

anyway, amy was fiddling around with karina's stuff, and she picked up one of karina's pens. karina exploded...

"AMY!! DON'T TOUCH THAT. it's from my grandmother!!!!
i stole it."

my my, that girl has a gift.

went to mcdougall park for games/minisports with the youth today. we spent more time chasing swans and feeling nauseous than participating in the games [which were made up of a three-legged race where everybody hopped, a sack race where everybody hopped, and a blindfolded-egg-on-spoon race where everybody yelled]...

there was this family of swans: a mother leading the way, a father bringing up the rear, and six or seven little babies in between. i went to wash my hands and spotted them on my way back. i 'detoured', as cheng loon put it, and then a whole bunch of us started stalking the swans. there was a brief argument about what they actually were [cheng loon told andrew they were geese], and then the goslings/swanlings/chicks/ducklings/BABIES/ swam away.

i left my camera back near the bbq pit. damn.

then there was the playground. we had a lot of fun on the carousel, and in the end everybody was dizzy and sick and had the urge to puke. yu jhyn actually did puke, we all saw it. the guys managed to play soccer on the carousel while it was spinning.

then kim the awesomest built a house. as i told my servant [cheng loon], designer [esther], and materials collecter [sarah], i was doing the government a great service by building cheap community housing, which could house many insects like ants and cockroaches. why would i do that? well, i'm a believer in equal rights, and if humans have houses, then so should anthropods [or is it arthropods??]. i should receive a nobel prize man. which one? NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LA!! why? because i've forged peaceful alliances with the spider community by building that house.

ohmygoodness i'm so high. we made the little house out of wood and rope, and had an organic, untreated floor made of real authentic timber. yeah, sticks, grass, and bark held our little house together.

everybody gave me shit for making that house, and then auntie kim came by and said THE HOUSE WAS SO NICE. THAT A PICTURE SHOULD BE TAKEN [one was, thanks to ben, who deserves special recognition for humouring us], and that IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOD.

then daniel came and made it fall down, after all that effort and innovation and pure genius.

sigh, story of my life.