went to watch I Am Legend, Beowulf and 1408 on friday night/saturday morning.
20 bucks for three movies was worth it, even if it did mean i didn't get to sleep the entire night.
kinda a dumb thing to do when you have to work at 7 o'clock the next morning tho.
anyway, moving on.

a virus that was supposed to be a cure for cancer ends up turning people into hairless blood-sucking creatures allergic to UV. (they never actually said "vampires" in the movie, but it sounds familiar, no?)
Will Smith is brilliant as Dr. Robert Neville, a scientist working to find a cure for this virus who is, as far as he knows, the last man on earth. with only his german shepherd - Samantha - and a bunch of mannequins at a video store for company, Neville struggles not only with finding a cure for the virus, but with his own frustrations and loneliness.
ok, there are obviously some plot holes, but it's generally a very entertaining movie; not too fast paced, funny, intense, and at times, rather heartbreaking. the shots of a jungle-esque Manhattan are really nice too.
but don't think. just don't think while you're watching the movie. don't ask why. just watch. and enjoy.
typical heroic ending tho, and thanks to a certain ABC i was spoiled about an hour before i went to watch it.
SPOILER: "he kamikaze-ed his ass". end of spoiler.
but you are reminded once again of just how fantastic an actor Will Smith is. what the movie lacks in plot and coherence, he makes up for in character. he makes an otherwise ordinary monster-filled action flick worth watching, especially if you haven't read the book (which i haven't).

it's based on an old scandinavian tale about a man who kills a monster and becomes a king.
i'm not really sure. i'm just regurgitating what my friend told me.
it's an animated flick, but ohmygoodness everything looks so real. everything. even angelina jolie looks real, albeit a little waxy. you get a few odd moments where you sorta think "real people don't quite scratch their backs like THAT", but otherwise, the animators did a great job (and the scenery is fantastic).
i quite liked it, but Beowulf (the character, played by Ray Winstone)... man, that guy has a seriously huge ego. Oedipus complex to the max. he's got an annoying "I am Beowulf, hear me roar" thing going on.
unlike I Am Legend, if you actually stop to think for a while, you realise that Beowulf is as much about human nature as it is about killing monsters. it explores particularly how vulnerable people are to greed and power... and also how useless men are in the face of angelina jolie.
it feels a little like the producers concentrated more on the animation than the characters, but there is a storyline that holds its own very well. and i think the only reason i liked it was because of that storyline. it's very english lit.
the only thing i sorta regret about this movie is that i didn't see it in 3D.
and beowulf needs to stuff a sock in it.
although to be fair, he does become a "changed man" towards the end of the movie.

maybe a little bit because i was sleepy.
credit needs to be given to the first half tho, which was actually pretty good because it really was creepy and scary (that clock radio is the most disturbing unanimated object i have seen in a while).
it's creepy more because of the way it messes with the mind than with straight out horror. john cusack is good at the whole acting thing - one minute sceptical, the next totally freaked out; going crazy one moment, completely relieved the next.
it would have been a good movie had the vibe of first hour been kept up throughout. unfortunately, halfway through, it just gets stupid. it's as if the writers ran out of material, and just decided to pad it up with half-arsed scares. and the whole pretend-he-gets-out-when-he-really-doesn't-haha-ilaughatyou thing doesn't really work. everything after that point feels draggy and becomes a chore.
it was a little like I Am Legend in that one man show way, and John Cusack, to his credit, does really well. but the whole thing becomes sort of a joke to me after the first hour.
not bad if you want to be disturbed. but totally forgettable.
working a ten hour shift after a movie marathon takes it's toll, and i slept 14 hours straight from 7 o'clock last night. it was an accident. mom tried to wake me up around ten, apparently, but i didn't even stir. that sofabed can be pretty comfortable.