i don't think it will be particularly deep and meaningful.
the OCD part of my brain demands that i make a list.
so in 2008...
1) I have been to karaoke more times than in all the rest of my life put together. Times by two. Mostly around the exam period (not before, definitely after, and sometimes in between ><). I'm not gonna lie to you. It did get disturbing sometimes.
2) I fried an egg. Myself. Perfectly. Once. I kid you not.
Sadly, I did not capture this monumental moment on camera.
3) I failed more assessments than I have - yup, you guessed it - in all the rest of my life put together. In my defense, all of them were Literature essays, and English is NOT (technically supposed to be) my first language. I did fail quite a few of these though.
4) I went to church camp and I learnt how much I really have to be thankful for. I learnt about stepping out in faith, because there is literally nothing stopping me. I learnt about possibilities, and that all I have to do is ask and believe. I learnt about love, courage, strength and so much more.I also had a heap of fun :)
5) I exercised like... 4 times.
We had to do two sports for school this year, and I picked bowling. Hur hur. Great workout, bowling. Very good for the... umm... something.
The majority (hahah! majority!) of my exercise came from playing strange games at youth created by YJ.
6) I had the best care group. Most. Awesome. Ever. 'Nuff said.
7) I finished my last year of high school. It started out kinda normal and not really very special at all, but it just got better and better (and harder and harder). But it was so good. I didn't want to leave when we eventually had to.
Calculus. Us girls aren't REALLY that short, okay. We're all bending a little bit to make the dudes feel taller. Mr. Whyte tolerated our incessant chattering but for some strange reason, would not tolerate something like 14x39=456 (do YOU think that's worth taking 4% off?)
8) I quit my job. This is the first time I have quit a job. Granted, it's only my second proper job, but still. I felt a sense of accomplishment. Now I don't really feel like going back. Now, I can't remember what a 12 hour shift feels like. Now, I also don't have sore feet :)
Oh, I also don't have to sing lame, clearly-written-by-the-manager-himself, "inspirational" songs at staff trainings that take 40 minutes for travel. Each way.
9) I graduated. From high school. I have achieved the WACE. It is a rather boring piece of paper, really. My bank statement is more interesting.
But it's nice to have something to say that the last 5 years of high school - including 18 weeks of swimming, hundreds of assessments, Chemistry, 18 weeks of swimming, Mrs. V, probability, and have i mentioned 18 weeks of swimming? - have come to an end and I must have SOME brains to have graduated :)
10) I did a lot more stuff but I cannot for the life of me remember them right now. My brain could really only process TEE towards the end (and oh, that's another thing I did in 2008).
It doesn't matter, though. The year has been great, thank God, and thank all of you that made it so lovely.
2009's got a lot to live up to, but I have no fears that it won't.
So Happy New Year guys.
Big smiles, God bless, and here's to a great one :)
*p.s. 11) My blogging habits are shocking.