Thursday, January 31, 2008

blub blub in the sunny yellow egg

i tried to blog about my recurring dream. but it's too damn weird.
actually, it's more of a recurring nightmare.
been watching too many Tim Burton films, i think.

Cottesloe on Tuesday was SO much fun. I inhaled a little too much salt water, but the good news is, I didn't drown!

OK, so half the time, Mel was holding on to me so I wouldn't die. Said Sam:
"You know, if you did drown, you'd probably sink Mel with you."

the wet.

the dry.

amazingness: Kynan floats. as in, he's actually buoyant. all he has to do is spread his arms and legs out and... it's like a guranteed stayalive ticket. so cool.

so much fun. we have to do that again.

on another tangent, we started watching Smiling Pasta yesterday, and i am in love with the main song. I'll be sick of it by tomorrow, probably, but today, i'm still loving it.

yes, yes, i know it's been out for a while. i'm slow, ok.

Monday, January 28, 2008

blogging to compensate?

the Lotterywest Skyworks people really outdid themselves this year.

beach tomorrow.
the sister is so excited.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


smile :)


Monday, January 21, 2008

if i could have anything from the genetic pool of my ancestors family, it would be my mother's strength, and her mother's wisdom.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

oversensitivy is a royal bitching pain in the you know where.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

welcome to the rest of my life

i just read tim's post on, err, life. and

"Wake up early, work, come home, eat, sleep
next day *insert repeat*"

sums up my life right now. to a tee.

i worked pretty much everyday (sundays included) during the lead-up to Christmas, and have been doing 6 days a week since then. today is my first proper day off (i.e. not factoring in days when the store isn't open) since the 22nd of last month.

i was reflecting on this last week when i had a disturbing thought.

this is what the rest of my life is going to be like.

it was a revelation, and i'm sure i would have felt slightly afraid had i not been so sleepy at the time.

because you don't know where life is going to take you; you don't know whether you'll ever finish high school, whether you'll get a degree, whether you'll ever learn to swim, to play the piano, to anti-differentiate reciprocal functions... whether you'll even be around to catch the next episode of That 70's Show on TV.

the possibilities are countless. our chances? slim.

nobody knows for sure what's going to happen next, all we can do is hope for the best.

finish high school with respectable TER, graduate with professional degree, get job with good salary (preferably with benefits), become CEO at 29, retire at 39, live rest of life on Island of Bob.

but what if hoping for that best is precisely what leads to the wake up, work, come home, eat, sleep, aaaaaaaand repeat kind of life?

nobody wants to get stuck in that trap.

like rickthewise said, it'd totally make a difference if you were working a job you loved.

"like those people who suffer for their art, but are really happy."

but you won't know what it's like until you try it out. then you might realise that the last 4 years and $20000 bucks of your life was wasted on a degree that got you a job that would never be fulfilling.

a job that rendered you lifeless.

so you know what?

i'm not gonna define life either.

and i'm going to agree with tim (for once) when i say that it's in the little things.
it's the in between stuff that makes us smile.

wake up, breakfast, work, help someone, mess around a little, come home, play, dinner, movie, ice cream, yum...

because it's not what you're given.
it's what you make of it.

peacocks and pink

an elderly lady came into the store today and was looking at the Tripp luggage. i asked her if she needed help, brimming with confidence seeing as i'd just, you know, tidied the entire section up.

she said "i've got a suitcase at home and i was wondering if you've got the hand carry in the same colour..."

"oh, what colour were you after, ma'am?"

"umm... i can't see it, so i'm not sure if you have it. it was a peacock sort of colour."

kim's brain thinks what the hell is peacock? ok, think. that one there is black, that one is maroon, and the other one is definitely a mauve-ish colour... so by process of elimination, we do NOT have peacock... whatever the hell that is...

while kim's mouth says "hmm... no, i don't think we have any of those ones in peacock anymore ma'am."

thankfully the lady buys it and went on to buy something else.

and indecision from a myer employed, anti-scancount, science student...

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:
when's your birthday dear

kim says:
my birthday... is.... err... in a few months

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:
april isn't it

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:

† [penguinnyfinfin ```p53k] says:
it's april!

he got it right the first time.

Friday, January 11, 2008

when i'm not spending my time annoying people by asking them if they require assistance in mauling the blender boxes, or dodging receipt rolls serving as canons in the War between Virgin music and Small Appliances, or making up price stickers for Vidal Sassoon hairdryers, Meng Han, and Messaoud ($79.95, $50.00, and $2.00 respectively)...

i am watching movies.

been doing a bit of a catchup on the movies that i've been meaning to watch for a while, courtesy of Video Ezy ($1.95 rentals Mon-Thurs; $2.95 for new releases).
yeah, my life alternates between work and watching DVDs at home.

so just quickly...

Jason Bourne is one of the coolest action heroes EVER (it's probably between him and Det. John McClane). i am gushing. Bruce Willis has that whole "i don't give a shit"cool factor going for him, but Matt Damon is amazingly clever and resourceful despite being constantly on the run. he fights with pens, with books, tricks people with fans... i loved it.

it's better than twelve, not as smooth as eleven, but it's as witty as any. the little one liners are enough to keep you amused, and the plan complex enough to keep you entertained throughout the movie.
that and Linus's nose, of course.

been wanting to watch this one for a while, and finally got to it. it's about racial discrimination, and almost every character is played by a famous actor/actress. i think the idea of the movie was that all the things you do, all the people you meet, will eventually crash together with - presumably - some sort of tragic result.
it doesn't quite hit home, but there ARE some ironies in it that leave you things to think about... and the film is mostly just heartbreakingly honest about human relationships in a racially diverse world.

a film from Danny Boyle, this is about a crew of 8 who are on a mission to save the dying sun. they run into problems on the way - rather cliched ones too - but it's all done brilliantly, and doesn't get old or lame.

sci-fi isn't usually my thing, but this film was actually really good. it sorta morphed from clever science and impressive CGI to mindless bloody action with a twist of horror about three quarters of the way through... but i still really liked the ending.

and for something totally different...

we watched Enchanted at the movies, and i had a stupid smile plastered on my face the whole way. it's one of those ridiculously feel good movies with a soundtrack that gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
it's very sweet though... even if the formula gets a bit old.

the cinema was PACKED with children. little children. most under the age of 12. they liked to laugh loudly.

typical kids' movie that brought us back quite a few years with the song "witch doctor" (ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang!!). the chipmunks are so cute... especially Theodore, the little fat one.

i think i have an affinity for little fat things.

i'll have to write up a movie list, otherwise i'll never watch everything i want to.

so continues my lifelessness.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

because you DEMANDED it

happy belated birthday tim.

all the best.
yeah, i'm nice sometimes. can?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

today was the day of the pissy customers

first up, i made a mistake. i won't deny it.
i screwed up one bit.
details are a bit much to spit out, but... yeah.

anyway, i went out back to look for something for my pissed off customer, praying damn hard we had it cause he was SO ANGRY.

we didn't have what he wanted.

...and i knew i was so screwed.

i ran into jason and yolanda (workmates) on the way out, and we had the saddest conversation.

J: (to me) did you find your thing?
K: no. i didn't... i'm so screwed aye.
J: yeah. he's really angry.
K: i don't wanna go back out there. i really don't.
Y: you wanna swap? this woman... i've been with her for an hour, and she can't even speak english properly.
K: really? (super hopeful) swap?
J: nah man. her dude is really angry. even i wouldn't swap with her.
Y: seriously, i've been with her for so long.. she asked for a manager, so Jemma pretended to be my manager and told her we can't do that. but she's still... ugh.
J: yeah, but you really don't want to take that guy.
K: yeah, i can't do that to you. he's... ohcrap. i'm so dead.
J: ok, ok guys. *does the hand pile up thing* all for one?
ALL: and one for all.
J: let's do this.

then we walked out together, and faced hell.

i saw Yolanda's customer and ok, her english sucked, and her face was set in a permanent grimace. not fun. and she started scolding Yo even before she'd gotten within speaking distance.

but my guy definitely took the cake.
there was a point where everyone nearby just stopped and stared at us.

by the end of it i felt totally defeated. i stood there all while he was complaining to my manager (half of it was about me), just so i could apologize to him properly. and he didn't freaking give a shit.

forget anger.
forget embarrassment.

i just wanted to cry.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

to 2008

i am not in a reflective mood.

but the past year has gone by so quickly that i feel as if i need to force myself to remember it, or risk losing it entirely.

so here we go.

year 11 was not the insanely difficult year that so many people made it out to be. or maybe i say that only in retrospect. i remember telling myself at the start of the year that i would work hard and stay on top of things.

i failed. miserably.

the stress was, at times, hair-pulling crazy; but by grace, i somehow pulled through with a bunch of As, and 99% attendance.

i don't know where the 1% went -_-

i also lost the job i'd had for two years.
i hadn't realised that i'd been working there for so long.
long enough to see the people come and go, have kids, get sick, get better, grow up, grow old, die.

i even miss mopping the floor there sometimes.

but i got another job, and even though at this point it may or may not be permanent, it's keeping me occupied and earning me pocket money that i don't really have time to spend.

but when i do spend, i spend a lot of it ><. it doesn't help that i now work in a deparmental store that's generally pricier than the average Target or Kmart. and then there are the people - the things we did, the things we said, how we feel about each other. i've made new friends, become closer to some, drifted apart from a few, been reacquainted with others.
i love just hanging out and doing normal stuff together; i don't need to go out and do something special. it's the everyday things that make me smile.

it's not the parties or the outings we had together that i remember most. it's the little moments we had that stick out in my mind - like that time us girls sat together on that bench under that tree, and just made fun of each other.
ok, so we mostly made fun of karina.

special mention to G&T class, which was ALWAYS a pleasure to go to. always. i love talking crap and messing around with you guys.
yes, even though we look hell stupid.

i think william got shat on by crows the most this year. if not the most, then definitely the worst (hair, all across the shirt, hands).

we give each other shit sometimes, but for the most part, we just take the shit out of each other.

and all the games, jokes, food, food and food...
i think most of my spending went to food.

barbecuing in the rain may have been a tad optimistic, but we still got our food in the end.

and how could we ever forget three certain someones who crouched behind a rock in the cold for hours... just to be able to say "BOO. did we scare you?".

it's really in the little things...

lining up frozen and hungry in the rain.
playing cards till the wee hours of the morning.

deep and meaningfuls that were really quite scary.
building miniature fences with little sticks...
...then arguing about whose nut-head is bigger.

slacking off in the rainbow room.
sharing biscuits and bananas and muesli bars in intro calc.
sunshine, rainbows, butterflies.
and tears.
along with scores of other things.

this year, i make no resolutions.
i make no promises.
i'll take it as it comes, because that's the only way you can.

live, life, love.

so here's to 2008,

let's make the most of now.