Wednesday, May 28, 2008

could i really?

I listened to Linkin Park's remix of Crawling, and it got me thinking...

Thinking about September 11, 2001, and how the worst part of it was the afterwards, when the entire nation had to figure out how to cope with the devastation. It was sudden, it was scary, and it gave the people something new to fear.

It could happen again.

What the country needed most at that moment was not government aid; it was not a war, and it was not revenge. What they needed was reassurance - to know that they would be able to get past this destruction, no matter how crushing it seemed.

And guess what?

The leader of the country stepped up to the challenge and gave it just that.
It didn't matter who wrote the speeches, or how much they cared. He was there to deliver it, and to deliver it so convincingly that it not only gave the nation the support and strength to pick itself up...
It gave it hope.

"Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. These acts... have failed. Our country is strong."

I watched House earlier, and the brilliant Dr. Gregory House, MD said to his daytime-soap-star patient
"hope is for sissies".

But if it gets us to the end, then I think I could live with being a sissy.

birthday posts are becoming tools of procrastination


I'm sorry it took so long for me to say
Happy Birthday.

I remembered while I was brushing my teeth.

But anyway.

Sometimes I want to stab you in Applic because you keep on making me play weird paper games with you. But you know that, and you still make me do it.
I forgive you though, because I keep winning the games (cow vs. robot much?).

stick to the stuff you know.

It's been a fun few years, and I think there are some things we'll never forget (like the time in year 9 when you laughed cause the bird shat on my hair, but you didn't realise it had shat all across your back).

Watching you get taller has been kinda interesting.
Watching your hairstyles change has been downright mind-boggling.

I have about 500 of these that you took on my camera because you kept saying "I look so shit" after every. single. shot.

Happy 17th, Will.
And oh, before I forget.
I have all the most embarrassing pictures of you.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

for your 18th (and yes, this is a bribe)

For your 18th birthday,
Instead of nice underwear, I bought you cutesy flannel pyjamas and a pair of woolly socks (the underwear was Terry's suggestion).

On your 18th birthday,
I made you cry, then I told you with all honesty that no matter how hard you fanned your face, your nose would still be red.

For your 18th birthday,
Everyone made a video and said nice things about you, but all I could think of was how much I liked the way you speak ESL.

But on your 18th birthday,

I cannot help but smile at how you do such ridiculous things, but somehow still manage to look good doing them.

On your 18th birthday,
I remember moments like this, when we all had so much fun, even though this incident kinda hurt a bit. A lot.

On your 18th birthday,
I remember the time Alfred called your hair "puffy"; the time three of us sat on the oval and made stupid videos; the time you and Jess made us all late for Karina's birthday because of something to do with somebody's hair; G&T, 2007; and all the times you got angry with me because... okay, because I pissed you off.

But yes...

The point is,
That on your 18th birthday,

We all can't help but hope for another 18 years...

of hearing you speak ESL, just the way you do.

Happy birthday, Nigara.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

has it sunk in? are we stressing out? do you think we are? i don't know, are we? really.

i have run out of Crunchy Nut.
the world is a bleak, bleak place.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

this is what happens to my school fees

This is a classroom conversation in Physics. The class has been told to write up our Lab, which involves a bit of graphing, amongst other things.
Nicole, sitting next to me, is listening to what we say.

The teacher is, by the way, pretty cool. So it was all good.


kim: Mr. L, is there any graph paper in this room?

MrL: *thinks* Well, Kimberley. You see, I have what is called a deficiency complex.

kim: ...O-kay. What's a deficiency complex?

MrL: A deficiency complex means I have a fear of being deficient in something. Which is strange, because we have an abundance of all things in this world, don't we.

kim: Umm... not everything.

MrL: You're right, you're right. What are some of the things where we have a deficiency?

kim: Oh, things like-

MrL: *exclaims* Abalone! (pronounced abaloney)

kim: mmm... Abalone!

Nicole: Aba-what?

kim: Abaloney.

Nicole: Babalooney?

kim: Abalon! (super Asian accent)

Nicole: OHH... abalone! Right.

MrL: What? How did you pronounce that?

kim: Oh, some people say abaloney and others say abalon so I usually just roll with whichever way the other person says it.

MrL: Oh, my wife does that too. It's very interesting. When she's speaking to Italian people, she has an Italian accent. When she speaks to German people, she has a German accent. It's FAScinating *is now lost in his own world and begins to pace away*


MrL: *comes back* Well, the whole point of me telling you about my deficiency complex is that... There is probably some graph paper in that drawer over there, but if I give it to you, then there won't be any more of it, thus we have a deficiency, which I fear.

kim: Well, Mr. L. You see, I have this deficiency complex too. When I'm writing up my labs, I have a fear of writing too much because if I use up all my ink, what's going to happen then? *MrL has previously made comments about the brief-ness of my answers*

MrL: ...I do not encourage that particular deficiency complex of yours. It could be detrimental to your marks...

kim: And I'm not sure that your deficiency complex is particularly conducive to my learning...

MrL: Oh, alright. Let's go see what we have in the drawer.


So I got my graph paper in the end, and so did the rest of the class. Took a while to get it, but mission accomplished.

And later on...

Nicole: Kim... you're so full of shit.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

tiredness is the kim

crashing is inevitable.
burning, optional.

yawning has never been so painful.
or so stressful.

actually, meh-ness is winning.
the feeling is strangely detatched.
the apathy is setting in.

so i will prepare for tears when this one comes back.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am proud of myself

Because tonight is the first night-before-the-test in my entire life when I am not stressing my heart out doing a bit of last minute cram work. No, no brains leaking out of my nose tonight. Straining my 56Kb memory? Hah! I spit on the idea.

No, tonight I am relaxed.
And I am proud of myself.

Because for the first time since I can remember...
I STUDIED IN ADVANCE. advance, I mean that I finished covering the work at 5.30 this afternoon.
And yes, believe me, that IS a record.

Of course, I should be reading Frankenstein because I have to prepare 5 essays for Lit for Friday. Yeah, this Friday, and I haven't finished the novel. 50 pages of size 6 font to go. Hooray for me.

Highlight of my day: New episode of House.
Close second: Watching Will Smith's face go all funny when he gets food allergies in Hitch.

Yeah, okay. Back to Frankenstein.

Monday, May 12, 2008

the way you make me feel

love it or hate it,
it's becoming addictive.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

6 months of this

I don't know if I can do it.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

so. tired.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

hey, they're not really as tall as they look

Mel was asking how tall Jessica Alba is, so I googled it.

This is the first thing that made me smile.

Angelina Jolie: 5ft 7in
Paris Hilton: 5ft 7.25in
Carmen Electra: 5ft 2.5in
Britney Spears: 5ft 4.5in
Lindsay Lohan: 5ft 5in
Mariah Carey: 5ft 8in
Hillary Duff: 5ft 1.5in
Jennifer Aniston: 5ft 4.75in
Jessica Simpson: 5ft 2.5in
Keira Knightly: 5ft 7in
Shakira: 5ft 0in
Pamela Anderson: 5ft 6in


I'm 5'3", by the way.

And this is the second thing that made me smile.

Mel says:

We both cracked up.

In other news, mom and I were talking about dogs today and... well...

kim: Hush Puppies are Basset Hounds right? Not Beagles.
mum: Yeah. Hush Puppies have longer ears than Beagles.
kim: And they're not as tall. Basset Hounds are sorta... Daschund shaped.
mum: Yeah. Like luncheon meat...
kim: umm... you mean, like SAUSAGE dog?

Happy days, mate.