MSN personal message of the week:
"why don't you like me?"; "you're fat." - Rorshach
close second: Wed 10.45-11.00, worst time of the week
in case you didn't understand that last one, Oliver has his accounting tutorial at 11 every wednesday, in the business school. if you still don't get it, you should take a walk to the business school one day.
in case you didn't understand that last one, Oliver has his accounting tutorial at 11 every wednesday, in the business school. if you still don't get it, you should take a walk to the business school one day.
every morning i get to the bus stop and the skies seem to be darker than the day before. two weeks from now, it'll be pitch black when i leave the house for uni.
on the bright side, i'll get to see the sunrise every morning :)
however, that is also the downside. it means i'll actually be awake before sunrise.
on the first day of semester, i got to uni at 7.35 in the morning. on the second day i got there at 8.05, late for class. i have tried, in the last three weeks, to be punctual, and so far, have only been late twice.
i blame the lateness on how far the chemistry building is from the bus stop. i credit the punctuality to the speed and determination with which my legs carry me across james oval (through mighty dampness and freshly cut grass).
i have met many people, strange and wonderful. a majority of them are strange. no, not really. i'm still trying to remember names and faces and degrees and schools and... i have a feeling my 56kb memory would be better spent on physics (which, just so you know, is mega full of bs).
you know you need to study when you look up "polarisation" in the textbook and it references you to page 1262. then you flip to the back of the book and find that you have go back 500 pages to get to it.
that is why i never bring textbooks to uni.

it's cute :)