I have finally finished watching the ff7 movie.. FINALLY.. I know everyone else has watched it and I'm a bit slow, but¦ [stupid subs] I had to download a whole new player to watch it; it was worth it.. the fight scenes are so awesome.. YAY!! I'm gonna watch it again..
the torture device is this thing that sits in the living room of sarah's house... it is big and black and a risk to the well being of normal people... sarah calls it therapeutic, probably because people who've sat on the chair require therapy afterwards... so sarah man-handled me into the device and pressed some dangerous looking buttons and everyone had a good laugh while i giggled and cringed like an idiot.. ok, i call it a torture chair cause the part where you rest your legs has the massaging stuff as well; so suddenly, it'll clamp onto your ankles really really hard.. AND YOU CAN'T GET AWAY... seriously, i tried shifting positions in the chair while that was going on, but i couldn't.. I COULDN'T.. ok, technically, it's supposed to clamp on your calves or something, but i wasn't long enough, so all it got was my ankles... anyway, when the thing started pounding on my back, i giggled cause it was kinda ticklish... everyone was like "that's the exact same reaction rob had"... see, i wasn't the only they'd tortured.. the pounding was interesting; when i said sarah, it came out s-a-a-a-a-r-r-a-a-a-h-h, no joke.. and i cringed cause the thing which was started kneading on my head.. MY HEAD... if that wasn't a brainwashing mechanism, i don't know what was... in the end, i got used to it and i thought it was actually quite nice... in a painful, ticklish sort of way.. i still have all my bones so it probably wasn't that bad.. but if you go to sarah's house, BEWARE THE TORTURE DEVICE DISGUISED AS A MASSAGE CHAIR!!
yesterday was a public holiday.. the queen's fake birthday... but no school kid cares anyway since we're all having school holidays now... it was a really nice, sunny day though.. yesterday i went to Bunnings to look at flowers and paint... actually, i was just following my mum around cause she wanted to buy something... yesterday i met sarah to go take photos... i was late because i stopped by Bunnings first and also because i intended to be, but sarah was late too... so we ended up arriving at the same time and operation be late to meet sarah failed... photo taking was harder than we thought, because i had problems working the camera, until i realized it wasn't even on... and she had trouble taking photos of stuff she wanted, since she kept forgetting to wind the film... in the end, we spent more time playing in the playground of the park than actually doing any photo-taking... yesterday was sarah and ken's birthday celebration thingy.. we went back to her house where she scared everything outta me with this weird ass video.. no one but her heard me scream though, since the volume of the video was so high... we watched some tv, then people started arriving, and we all went to dinner... dinner was really good.. roast pork, rice, hokkien mee, two types of salad and other stuff... it was really yummy.. and then sarah's mum came to talk to us (she's nice AND a great cook) and they started talking about some beef dish that she'd improved and it was now even more beautiful to eat..i'd never tasted it (btw this is the first time i've encountered sarah's family) so she said she'd give some to me next time she made it... i was going to say "nah, it's ok" but somewhere between my brain and the rest of me a wire short-circuited and i started nodding.. I NODDED.. but not before i made a really retarded and constipated face (side effects of trying to say no to free food)... but i nodded... wanna know how rude and impolite and retarded and dumb and vulgar and indecent that was?? even sarah was shocked... and halfway through i tried shaking my head at the same time, so i was really BOBBING my head around... yesterday after we had the good dinner, we had a totally rocking jam session... i didn't actually play anything, but other people did.. ok, everyone is so talented.. everyone can play something (except me).. there were two acoustic guitars and two electric... and this guy brought his entire keyboard (plus stand).. they're so good... we sang a bit (more like yelled to the music) and it totally rocked... and then we went to cut cake... and i had to go home just before the cake was actually served... my punishment for nodding earlier... i'm so stupid.. yesterday i got home at nine something.. i had jelly with custard, which was really nice... i watched some tv, read a bit, then i felt really sleepy so i went to sleep..
i am so hungry right now... it's 12.10, and i haven't eaten since... 9.30 i think...
they're showing a repeat of last night's australian idol on channel ten now... there's only ten contestants left and they did the rock/supergroups show last night... 5 of them - 5 - sang songs by queen...i reckon roxane did pretty well, even though i don't like her that much.. lee and james rocked the stage, but dan's performance was sort of dead after what he pulled last week.. hmm... who else... emily was really really good; not many people can sing queen, much less BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY!!! seriously... she's still not one of my favourites though... ok, ok.. i'm getting kicked off the comp... plus, i'm going out later anyway... still hungry :( even after lunch..
you say you're falling apart, reached the end of the line just looking for your place in an ordinary life no one calls you friend, no one even knows your name you just want to feel loved instead of all the pain You no longer have to say, no one's listening anyway
come here and cry on my shoulder, i'll hold you til it's over i'll rescue you tonight let my arms be your shelter, your hiding place forever i'll love you more than life
you're wearing a frown, giving up on hope my heart is reaching out more than you will ever know is your burden too much, is it more than you can bear i'll help carry the load if you're willing to share
you've had some hard times, had thorns placed in your side i know about what you've been going through tears of pain are falling down, it hurts so bad you're crying out your problems won't last forever let me put you back together
guess what... the subtitles for advent children won't work on my player. that just totally sucks. for those people who don't know what advent children is, it's the final fantasy vii movie which just came out after... oh i don't know... just a long long time... it's really worth a watch.. i'm intending to watch it over and over again... but the damn subs aren't working, and the only japanese i understand is 'konnichiwa' and 'naruto'... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! the worst part is, i already watched half the movie and now i really wanna know what happens next... i was so happy when my cousin passed me the movie this morning, but now, i'm suffering from a serious case of final fantasy depravation... i thought of watching some other anime, but i'm not in the mood for the full-on depressing-ness of full metal alchemist... i find that watching too much of it at once makes a person really quiet and moody... especially the later half of the episodes... hmm... i'm beginning to think that this blogging business is a good way to complain without actually annoying anyone... i just hope none of my friends read it - that would be soooooo... retarded... oh... did you know that 'reatardibility is radiatable'? words of a wise woman... or a mentally challenged individual, depending on how you look at it... since that phrase came up, i've noticed that an increasing number of people seem to be staying at least eight feet away from me... i wonder why... anyway, turns out that the word 'retardibility' doesn't exist... it's actually 'retardation', and no, 'retardedness' isn't a word either... hey, sydney just beat west coast in the AFL grand final... someone i know who was watching the game is totally subdued suddenly... in the last few seconds, it looked like west coast was going to kick a winning goal, and she was ecstatic... screaming up and down the house... but one of the sydney guys caught it at the last second... now, she's just sitting in front of the tv... totally silent and motionless... oops, now she's begun abusing the sport... and the teams... "the ball was one bloody inch from the west coast guy's boot... how could he miss it? haiyah... aargh... *breathe in* *breathe out*" and the tv is suddenly turned off.. anyway... i'm gonna go find something to eat now...
first day of the holidays!!! oh yeah! went out today, to a FOOD FAIR at blue gum rec center... i bought bak chang (dunno how to spell), cha kueh (dunno how to spell), and satays (know how to spell). haven't eaten any of them yet though. went with sam and jane and richard. jane and richard bought a whole lot more than i did (so scary). saw sarah at the food fair. you'd think that i see her enough already at school, but nooooo, i have to meet her outside school as well. happened last holidays too. it seems like every time the holidays come and i think that i might get away from her (at last), she has to show up and spoil it... sigh~ XD. anyway, she was selling some stuff. didn't really look at it, since it didn't appear edible. there was this smoke free zone at the rec centre where the food fair was going on. it just so happened that the satays were all being barbequed just outside, so the area actually got pretty un-smoke free... wait, that didn't make sense.