Wednesday, December 27, 2006
short one.
sarah: saw jon the other night. was saying how without msn, you guys could all die and i wouldn't know. bleak, bleak thoughts [that make some people fly XD]. anyway. guess what i duxed. GUESS. BAHAHAHAHA. photog. i duxed photog. WOOHOO. cousin jane was like "people dux physics, chemistry, you go and dux photog". so bad. but turtle didn't get science. guess who did. WE DID. both of us. AHAHAHAHAHAH. that's the joke of the year man, getting it twice in a year.
oh, and could you pick up a couple of guitar picks for me while you're back there? one of mine is with nicole and the other is lost somewhere in jess's house [i think her bro thinks it belongs to him -__-]. i like the one you got me last time. the thin one. the 1.0mm fat one is very hard to use. THANK YOU.
don't worry la, i'll pay you when you get back. no need so kiamsiap hor.
cheng*space*loon: had the weirdest dream last night about you and esther bullying me and sam and jess into doing a dance at church that was choreographed by a year 12 girl from my school. ESTHER it was all your fault [interesting watching you dance tho XD]. the scene changes to SMK Chung Hua Miri where 5 year 12s appear and suddenly we're at Happy Cafe in Miri, only it's not Happy cafe. it's 2020 coffee shop where the guy is busy making jichiongfan.
i gotta go.
be happy everyone.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
awk awk chicken
and they call me a lazy bum.
so what will i do for the 7 weeks of liberation?
i have a choice of jet-setting to europe for a three week tour around France and Germany, with a short trip to Spain. or maybe i'll cruise around the carribean eating shrimp and drinking from coconuts. going to Japan for a couple of weeks sounds nice. i know! i'll take a round-the-world trip!
last summer it was working 3 to 4 shifts a week at my lovely air-conditioned job. i ended up with new muscles, $600 and nothing to spend on. felt a great sense of achievement... until someone mentioned that i had no life. [i already knew this, but i thought if i didn't say it out loud then maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be true]
it looked like the same thing would happen this year, when i got a phone call at about 3 this afternoon.
remember my job at the royal show last holiday? yeah, my boss called and offered me a job from 6.30am to 1.30pm monday to friday for the holidays.
hey, at least i have the afternoons free...
as if my non-life wasn't sad enough.
i don't wanna work 5 days a week so if anyone is interested in splitting the days with me... let me know. soon.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
dj came three hours late. THREE HOURS. and the dancing music sucked.
ate and camwhored the night away.
feet killed after that but no blisters thank God.
might or might not put pics up later.
antagonizingly detrimental
i didn't think the abscence of a blog would hit me that hard... but i realized i was suffering from horrible withdrawal symptoms when i actually started blogging into my photography assignment. yeah, my task evaluation turned out to be a deep and meaningful between me and the green paper.
i just saw the vid of cresbo the [idiot] turtle and his footy [the link's on finny's blog] and it is DAMN FUNNY LA!! the best part was him moaning in the background afterwards. good on him for making us all laugh.
we were talking in english the other day, and karina was telling me, sarah and casper how ugly our kids were gonna be [when we did have kids] and casper gives her his LOOK and says "karina, it doesn't matter what your kids look like, as long as they don't have your brains."
it took karina ten seconds to process that before she started screaming.
quick mentions: happy birthday to PUTRI, NICOLE, EE WAH, EMILY, JESS, TZE-CHIANG?
people are saying a lot of funny things lately.
casper: i need a more interesting voice.
miss illingworth: a prostitute isn't a stereotype, it is an occupation.
karina's really expanded her vocabulary in english this year. she's learnt words like antagonize, detrimental, rebellious and also that gorilla's are real creatures and "not mythical like apes". she can't use these words correctly though.
so she said this one day when she got pissed: YOU ARE BEING ANTAGONIZINGLY DETRIMENTAL TO MY SOCIETY!!! do i sound rebellious when i say that?
Monday, October 09, 2006
the egg doesn't owe you
that got me thinking.
i hate the concept of innocents dying for something totally not worth dying for. most people do. that's why movies make so much money.
i'll try to explain it.
there are people out there who would give their life up for the thing they love. some would do it for a friend, some for their country, most for their family. but there are those who die for things that just aren't worth it. like with Hitler. he was NOT the best guy in the world. yet his people would get shot in his place a hundred times over and be proud because they've saved a national asshole from death.
back to the egg thing. it "joyfully and willingly allows itself to be eaten" by you. that's stupid. it doesn't owe you anything. why the hell should it die so you can eat it. i got worked up about this lastnight, then i remembered that eggs are inanimate objects. they're not chickens yet, and chickens would NEVER willingly let themselves be eaten.
i guess it's to do with what you value and how much you value it. if you value it enough, i guess it's worth dying for. [but i really can't understand how some people can be so NICE they'd die for something not worth it]. i guess i'm selfish for thinking this way.
but it's like this with God. He sent his son to die for a bunch of worthless people. we really aren't worth it at all [and you're deluded if you think you are]. He definitely didn't owe us anything [we owe Him]. but He loved us so much he laid down His life for us. do YOU love anything that much?
and the crunch is this. if God loves you enough to die for you, would you give your life for him too?
Friday, October 06, 2006
sarahnken's birthday
sarahnken's birthday:
it was a sunday afternoon at the foreshore, when suddenly...
i can't remember if i said that to sarah, or if she said it to me.
but then wei wei showed up and he did it. thank you thank you.
had lots of great food, courtesy of great cooks, one of which worked nonstop without a thought for himself in order to prepare enough food for everybody *coughweiweicough*. [seriously, sarah]. the auntie-cooked food is always good.
the guys played some pretty crazy soccer that did not really have a defined goal. bad for the aunties and uncles sitting right behind the goalie. then a bunch of us walked back to sarahnken's place while singing songs loudly. we actually sounded really really drunk, walking and singing and laughing.
back at their house, we played... i can't remember the name of the game. involved killing and saving and cheating and COMMUNAL killing. but before that sarah HAD to show everybody the present i gave her. i know i'm your awesome friend, but that was just embarrassing. [sorry ken, yours is coming... idontknowwhen].
all in all, a good day.
ok, no time for anything else. signing out.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i like you
i like the things you do
you make me want to be a better man
you make me want to understand how you
could do the things you do
i like you
sunday morning
i'm blogging!!
and this time i'm determined not to make any spelling mistakes.
first... [this is for esther]
second, it's the school holidays, and i went to sleep at 9 last night. i completely conked out after work. i was so tired. and then i got a fever. this always happens during the holidays. i've found that every time the holidays come around, i get sick. i didn't even eat a proper dinner *sniff*
working at the royal show is interesting. i get to go in for free everyday. but it means i miss church and youth for a week because it takes so damn long to commute everyday. but the bosses are nice, and we get free lunch. there's also lots of really great pictures to take, if only i could remember to bring my camera...
i'm desperately trying to remember what's happened in the last month since i've blogged. obviously nothing very important, since i can't remember. there's all this hype about the upcoming dinner dance at school, and i don't know why. ok, so it's somewhere fancy, and you get a nice dinner.. but beyond that, the only thing you have left to do is...... camwhore and dance. my mum can cook great dinners too.
oh yeah, rick told me steve irwin died. i thought he was bullying me again. then i saw the news. and steve irwin actually died. how crap.
things i want to do: play soccer and badminton [again]. we played soccer during care group last week, and i realized that even if i can't kick straight, i can still run around like a headless chicken and get in everybody's way. and at least i kick straighter than kavan who "accidentallÿ" kicked his penalty shot right into my face. good thing my body can work faster than my brain and a broken face was avoided.
played baddy with the guys at school last week too. they don't like playing with the girls, sexist boys. i can see why though, sometimes i don't like playing with the girls too. i can't play as well as them, but boys think they know everything better than girls, and they can't lose. idiots. half of them don't even know how to score properly. [thank you to all those people from church who taught me how].
i want to go for family night on friday. it's been a year since i've had mooncake XD. sigh.
then again, it's been three years since i've been back to Malaysia, so i guess i can wait a while longer.
my mum just touched my head and i have a fever again. she told my sister "that silly girl in there doesn't even know she has a fever". reminded me of the time i had a fever so bad i didn't know i had it. because when i touched my head, it felt cold, but then i realized that it only felt cold cause my hands were really, really, really hot. i feel ok though, so maybe my brain's already been fried to the max. i don't even feel hungry.
mum's just found the panadol. hurray for me. she's also determined to force some food down my throat now. i'm really not hungry. i need a doctor.
i got my AMC results back the other day. [AMC is a math competition in the form of a math test. you're comepting with people in the same year in the same state]. right after i came out of the paper, í knew i'd crapped it up. i seriously thought i would get a credit. not participation, cause i know i answered some right. but i thought it was credit for me. [PRIZE is the highest award, then HIGH DISTINCTION, DISTINCTION, CREDIT, then PARTICIPATION]
turns out i got 62 points. out of 120. i was in the same division last year, and i managed to get 66. i got a distinction, and i was so freaking happy. i mean, people around me are getting HDs, and i was so happy with my distinction. i see a pattern evolving with my results though...
year 8: prize
year 9: HD
year 10: D
do we want to know what i'll get in year 11, and then year 12?
the other day me, amy, and ee wah were talking. and i can't remember what i said, but i used a word with four syllables. might have been "mitsubishi", but i can't remember. anyway...
amy: WHOA, mitsubishi *counts syllables with fingers*'. that's a huge word.
me: err... ok...
*we continue talking for a while, but ee wah is unusually quiet*
ee wah: *suddenly* HIPPOPOTAMUS*
ee wah: *smugly* what about hippopotamusES
amy: WHOA!!!!
yes, these are my friends.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
aFter the ater
IMC Yellow Ribbon fundraising concert last night was a really great success. to those of you who didn't go [don't worry, i'm not gonna call you a loser], you missed out on 4 great choir pieces, an awesome singspiration with cute children dancing, three really cool dances, a couple of great duets, a rocking solo, the funniest sketch ever,an uplifting message, and two moving testimonies. [i am SO SORRY if i've left anything out, just trying to remember the program with my *ahem* goldfish memory]
oh, and sorry is spelt with one 'R' XD
mm.. didn't see most of the GMC people. only jenny, caroline, amy... oh yeah, sharon [i so know she poked me in the head] and sarah [super enthusiastic while singing in the choir].
walked to baskin robbins after we finished stacking chairs. rick said it was just around the corner. MY ASS MAN! ok, so it wasn't actually very far, but my shoes [slippers really] weren't made for walking... and... and rachel was wearing stilettos!! phwoar man, she made it all the way without twisting anything. amazing.
baskin robbins has the biggest scoops ever. rachel got a double. took her forever to finish it. kfc after that for dinner, and then we all went home.
there are so many babies in church. where the hell did they all come from? today i arrived, and i saw the Soon baby. went inside, and u.stanley?'s baby was in front. there was what sam referred to as the 'evil baby' to the right.. and i'm sure there are more lurking around up front, shoved between the chairs, and maybe even behind the pulpit. SO MANY.
i asked tiffany where they all came from. she said "kim, please don't ask that question."
ngh.. going to amy's party now. another hole in my pocket. i shall not go out for the next three weeks.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
ater a long long time..
i'm at jane's, and i'm using andrew's laptop to do this.
yup, that means that i still don't have internet at home.
worse, i found out that our area doesn't actually have ADSL... and my mum has realized that she just cannot bear to go back to dial-up since we've gotten so used to broadband. i haven't been on msn for 19 days.
random change of topic.
karina and amy were sitting together in class the other day. they don't get along very well, not because they can't, but because they find it wrong. it's kinda like if william and moey started going out - they could, but it'd be totally wrong.
anyway, amy was fiddling around with karina's stuff, and she picked up one of karina's pens. karina exploded...
my my, that girl has a gift.
went to mcdougall park for games/minisports with the youth today. we spent more time chasing swans and feeling nauseous than participating in the games [which were made up of a three-legged race where everybody hopped, a sack race where everybody hopped, and a blindfolded-egg-on-spoon race where everybody yelled]...
there was this family of swans: a mother leading the way, a father bringing up the rear, and six or seven little babies in between. i went to wash my hands and spotted them on my way back. i 'detoured', as cheng loon put it, and then a whole bunch of us started stalking the swans. there was a brief argument about what they actually were [cheng loon told andrew they were geese], and then the goslings/swanlings/chicks/ducklings/BABIES/ swam away.
i left my camera back near the bbq pit. damn.
then there was the playground. we had a lot of fun on the carousel, and in the end everybody was dizzy and sick and had the urge to puke. yu jhyn actually did puke, we all saw it. the guys managed to play soccer on the carousel while it was spinning.
then kim the awesomest built a house. as i told my servant [cheng loon], designer [esther], and materials collecter [sarah], i was doing the government a great service by building cheap community housing, which could house many insects like ants and cockroaches. why would i do that? well, i'm a believer in equal rights, and if humans have houses, then so should anthropods [or is it arthropods??]. i should receive a nobel prize man. which one? NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LA!! why? because i've forged peaceful alliances with the spider community by building that house.
ohmygoodness i'm so high. we made the little house out of wood and rope, and had an organic, untreated floor made of real authentic timber. yeah, sticks, grass, and bark held our little house together.
everybody gave me shit for making that house, and then auntie kim came by and said THE HOUSE WAS SO NICE. THAT A PICTURE SHOULD BE TAKEN [one was, thanks to ben, who deserves special recognition for humouring us], and that IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOD.
then daniel came and made it fall down, after all that effort and innovation and pure genius.
sigh, story of my life.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
loved, contented, and secure
-___- my mother loves me so much.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
doesn't deserve a title

yup, you're staring into the face of my nightmare.
you see all those hangers? yeah, each one has got something [or somethings] hanging on it. guess what? that's only about a fifth of the laundry i did today.
wanna know what else? i spent half my day [literally] loading the washing machine, unloading it, hanging up the laundry, folding existing laundry.. over and over again. talk about killing my brain cells.
not only that, with the amount of laundry that i did, i didn't have enough line space to hang it all, which is why i had the portable rack and mini clothesline outside as well.
it was a windy day.
the rack fell over. shit, right? i picked it up. it went and toppled itself over again. go die la you stupid rack!!
then the mini clothesline decides it doesnt wanna live without it's friend the stupid rack. so it falls over as well. bloody stupid la these things. why can't manufacturers make them more sturdy? quality so lousy who can use? employ engineers la!! don't be so cheap. customer satisfaction is most important you know.
wow, my asian-ness emerges when i'm unhappy. it emerges when i'm happy too. actually, it's always there.
and as if it's not bad enough that i have to constantly be a mother to the stupid clothes... it starts raining. and me being me, i don't realize it. suddenly, sam goes "KIM, IT'S RAINING" and i scream. so frustrating man. and while i'm running outside to save my laundry, all i can think is "WHY IS SAM STILL STANDING THERE DOING NOTHING?"
oh well.. i can barely move in the living room because of all the clothes there now.. they were more dry when i first put them out -_-... and i have a bit of a headache from getting soaked in the rain.
the things i do for the laundry.. and this is how i get repaid.. sigh~ [waiseh, so dramatic]
God's sense of humour is... mysterious indeed.
Monday, July 17, 2006
during a sketch, ivan and karen are esther's parents..
esther: look dad, i got 95% on my exams!!
ivan: [with accent] 95% only? when your father was in school, he got 96% ah!! *turns to karen* your daughter is a dumbass!!
during an outdoor group discussion, a bee buzzes past sam..
sam: AAAAAARGH!! bee!!!
*everybody else is calm*
somebody: it's ok. it won't hurt you..
*sam is still hysterical. the bee flies past and wen decides to whack the bee with her sleeve*
during our sketch, cheng loon is girlie, and yu jhyn is girlie's father..
father: what's that, girlie?
girlie: i'm smoking weed, dad.
father: WHAT??? FROM THE GARDEN? you want to smoke at least smoke some good quality weed.
while practising said sketch, sarah is supposed to be doing cheng loon's hair...
sarah: so what do i do after i do him?
josh and i look at each other and then we just crack up. it didn't register with sarah what she'd just said, and none of us were gonna explain it to her...
while playing a game of cards, we're supposed to pick a phrase and an action to go with the phrase as part of the game.. here's what we picked.. [from what i can remember.. cause we picked more than once, and i might have gotten them jumbled]
esther: i'm stupid [points at self]
sam: i am sam [pounds right fist on left fist]
kim: i love kim [can't remember the action]
kwok: [gosh.. i really can't remember]
cheng loon: i'm a winner [loser sign on forehead]
david: i am sexy [ripping shirt open]
you can sorta tell who's got self-esteem and ego issues just by that. and everytime someone had to say "i love kim" it just put me off the whole game -___-.. david's was worse tho, and his second pick was "you turn me on" with a little dial-turning motion. nobody could forget that one..
i found my true musical calling while resonating wine glasses filled with water/coke. thanks to all who taught me the delicate art of music making.. i also spilled some of the coke, which led to the uncovering of another skill... cleaning stains from the carpet [which i'm quite good at, i realized].
and when i needed some therapy, i went and did some of the guys' dishes. look, it's the last day, the sink is full of dishes from 3 days, and both sides of the sink are blocked. [the bathroom was blocked too, someone said]. i started on the dishes, while cheng loon just STOOD THERE AND WATCHED. well, samuel stood beside me and ate.. but oh well, i got lazy halfway and gave up anyway..
i'm so sleepy.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
oh damn.. it's so good.
XD my sister just got hooked onto eating the peanutbutter. what do they put in that stuff? peanuts? butter? people used to say if you mix the two you get peanutbutter? is that true? is it? i know it's so stupid, but i've always wondered. it's one of those things on the same level as is winnie the pooh male or female. now THAT'S a hard one.
and say you figure out what winnie the pooh is... what about piglet?? it's PINK!! kanga's a girl, she's got a baby.. but what about the rest?!?!?!?!?! we thought about this long and hard during group discussions at camp.. long and hard.. who brought it up?? must've been yu jhyn.. he's the random one XD.
mm.. camp was fun. sadly, didn't really do much walking of the talk....
rargh.. i'll finish this.. some other time..
Friday, July 14, 2006
it was a day of slacking, a day of sleeping in class, a day of shiny reports, and a day of heavy camwhoring on everybody's part.

the ever gorgeous karina, as she would say herself.

and this is where she wants to be buried. that bush used to have leaves. but it's bare now that it's winter. karina's very upset.

this is how sennie always looks at me... and everybody else.

a couple of aborigines did a demo thing. one played the didgeridoo while this one pretended to be a kangaroo.

this pic is here just for finny XD. because someone thinks nigara's pretty.

moey and jess looking at... i dont know what.. i'm guessing from their looks that it's probably william XD.

sarah, ee wah, karina, clarissa and may... karina kept wanting to take a picture with casper the turtle. he's got to be the most unlucky turtle that ever walked the earth.

really like this pic of emi and sarah. very nice.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
stop complaining la
cause: blocked nose = cannot breathe and talk at the same time
prognosis: wait till winter's gone
symptom: perpetual hunger
cause: state of normality + eating slightly less
prognosis: not good
symptom: eating slightly less *shock horror*
cause: blocked nose = can't breathe while eating
symptom: blurness
cause: being kim
prognosis: not changing
symptom: failure to process speech and instruction
cause: knocked own head with badminton racket
prognosis: damage may be permanent
symptom: random bursts of happiness
cause: can only be dementia
prognosis: is dementia reversable?
symptom: whinging on a blog
cause: boredom and self pity [angry with the flu]
prognosis: tell you tomorrow
Saturday, July 01, 2006
and then the legs...
as always, the auntie-cooked food was goooooood. i had lots of rice [love rice, i do], and two different types of curry, and some mushroom, and fried noodles, and fried bee hoon, and some rendang-ish thing, and another kind of chicken dish. woohoo. missed out on the fish curry tho [scandalous].
ok, look, answer me. you prefer a blue jumper, or a maroon one? tell me, which is better, a blue jumper or a maroon one? would you rather be seen in a blue jumper, or a maroon one? ok, so i know rossy jumpers are a very.... unique shade of blue. but at least it's not maroon, like the willo ones.
alright, it was a stupid argument to have, but that's what you get when you cross a rossy student and a willo student. at least i had tiffany on my side. together, we shot sean down XD. actually, tiffany tried to break up the argument.. but you know how it is... if you can't stop them, join them....
there were a couple of people with blue shirts around, and sean pointed at one of the uncles who had a bright blue jumper and we all just cracked up. IT'S NOT THAT BLUE.. but none of us could look at the uncle without laughing. we've got a checkered school skirt tho, scottish style, so at least we're not so blue. with willo's maroon jumper, their maroon skirt, they walk around like this very maroon blob.
said sean about this: "no, what about their legs? the legs aren't maroon."
said tiffany: "OHO, SEAN... what have you been looking at??"
said sean: "ngh.. but, no. i mean, it's true. there's the legs...."
BAHAHAHHAHA.. tiffany rocks.
family night
so.. things that happened last night....
andrew sang words.. WOOT. "solo" performance... with cheng loon standing next to him on the guitar. smartmouthed his entire way through. he did really really well. and yeah, the singing wasn't bad either. [yeah, ok, you were good too, cheng loon]
then jason, ben, jono and cheng loon did if i stand by jars of clay. really nice harmonies there, complete with massive squeak from jono? when he tried to hit the high notes XD. the slideshow was good too.
then came the call for impromptu performances. everybody was pointing fingers. budden, auntie kim shouted 'SEAN, SEAN" and she actually pointed at him. and when auntie kim asks you to do something, you cannot say no... you can only say 'i dont know' as you pick your ass off the chair and drag your feet to the front.
ok, to be fair, we didn't make him do it alone... we're not pure evil. made tiffany accompany him on the piano XD.. damn talented people. one can sight read flawlessly, the other can sing so well without a practice.
somebody requested auntie kim go up to sing [TAN]. she shared a very quirky story instead, before making auntie anna, pak kai, and mei jing sing a song up there. it was actually a solo with a.anna singing the whole song and the other two standing there looking ornamental. but it was good.
yes, i know i'm useless. and i hate singing into the mic.
the whole thing actually became the cheng loon show. he's the only one who knows what's going on.
sooooooo, i got home late-ish. my sister opened the door for me, then sat herself back down in front of the computer. i went to tell my mum i was home, but she was on the phone. ok, it's all good. so i washed up, got into my PJs, blablabla. nobody paid any attention to me. i switched to the soccer and started watching that. i didn't bother anybody, and nobody bothered me. fine.
so when i felt the call of my bed, i turned off the TV [match went to germany, btw]. i told the sister my intentions and she ignored me. i bid the mother good night, she ignored me. NOBODY KNOWS I EXIST. my family doesn't care. [ok, i'm being over dramatic, because apparently, about an hour after i'd fallen asleep, the mother came to say good night to me. yay!i'mnotatotalloser]
i just sneezed three times in a row. i'm getting sick. i can feel it. WHY TONIGHT??
the other day, casper and i were discussing whether or not we were gonna hand in our homework. no points for guessing what we decided. he then said to me:
my world is now complete.
Friday, June 23, 2006
lining up outside chinese...
tian: HAHA, kimberley got hit by bread.
kim: SHUTTUP. it was bloody painful.
everyone else: huh?
let me tell you what happened.
i finished my lunch, and i was gliding elegantly towards the rubbish bin to dispose of my little ball of gladwrap - because i'm so environmentally conscious, you see - and just as i reach the bin, something whacks me on the side of my face.
i turn to see the offending weapon falling to the ground [this is a testament of how fast i can turn my head] and there's this weird-looking guy approaching the weapon. i glare at him. as in, i gave him an iflookscouldkill you'dbeflatasroadkill look. to his credit, all he said was "sorry. was supposed to go into the bin".
bloody idiot. trying to play basketball with bread and a bin. pft. for the record, the shot wouldn't have been close to getting in. so much for the kobe bryant wannabe.
yes, i was attacked by a piece of bread. a piece of bread that's either gone mouldy, or just has very weird raisins.
i dont want to know.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
sharon fan is one of those people. she speaks her mind and doesn't give a crap about what the world thinks of her.

sharon be the one on the left. what clear skin she has XD.
anyway. today, i told her that the PE teachers were talking about the best baddy players in the year group, and they said she was one of them. i was really excited for her, but she was just like "so?"
you have to understand. i suck at sport, and if anyone were ever to say i'm good at it, i'd be straight through the roof and out onto jupiter.
so i found it kinda amusing when she said...
"i already know i'm pretty good. i take lessons outside of school. most people don't."
i started laughing.
"i'm serious, i know i'm good."
i love sharon.
no title
because i'd forgotten what a tuesday night spent at home was like, and i'd planned to.... well, i didn't have a plan. but i was so bored [yes, i know, lack of life, seriously] i did my english homework. the one time i did it, mrs roberts didn't check to see if we'd done it. after the english homework, i... i... played kingdom hearts on the ps2.
i know, i know. it's sad.
wednesday i wasn't feeling too hot at school. everybody kept saying i looked real shitty, and i went to see the nurse at lunch. i actually abandoned my lunch on the bench to go see her. as in, i left it there without even capping it up properly.
karina to sarah:
all i wanted was panadol, but the nurse had to call my mother to ask permission to drug me up. by then karina and sarah had found me at the nurse [i dont know how they did this, i didn't tell anybody], and i was alternating between their shoulders to sleep on. neither could support my sizeable head.
anyway, one panadol turned into a 'rest' in the health center, which meant i got to lounge around on the recliner in a dark room with a really strong heater. the 'rest' turned into a nap when the nurse went for lunch and locked me in the health center by myself. i was fine by then, but i couldn't go anywhere, so i napped a bit more. then i went back to class.
let me tell you, that nap did me good. by the end of school, i was high as anything. william swore it was because i got to smack him on the head three times, and he was too slow to dodge.
isn't it nice to know the school has nap taking facilities?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
these be the friends back in malaysia, who are in their 16th year of life, and are males who... are growing up.
they use the word "beautiful" now.
when did this happen? actually, i know when it happened. but... it's still really weird hearing certain people expand their vocabulary from "what a cow" to "beautiful". even better, use it to describe another friend of ours.
said one of them "don't worry, when the time comes for us to grow, we will grow."
he went on to say that getting a girlfriend is proof of growing up...
...before conceding that he was not properly grown up yet.
went out with erica today. had iced coffee. i will never have it again. it makes me giggle at nothing. not good when you're working. david got annoyed cause i couldn't stop.
my boss educated me today... about the economics of keeping pigs. he told me that, ok, it started with him telling me how the cleaners could make more money - by putting all the leftover food from the food court into a large container and selling it as pig-feed to pig farmers.
he then moved on to telling me how, sometimes, pig farmers have to borrow a boar from another farmer [seeing as they only have sows]... and any.. err... subsequent offspring would need to be shared after a lengthy negotiation. i nearly burst out laughing when he said that. cause he looked really serious. then he said, in china, every part of the pig is used. including the faeces [notice i didn't say shit?].
and when i say nothing is wasted, i mean NOTHING is wasted. because they've figured out a way to use the gas from the faeces. i really couldn't contain my laughter [stupid iced coffee]. bring a whole new meaning to organic gas. WORSE, they use it for cooking.
david: i have really stubby fingers.
kim: me too. no, you're not seeing them *hides hands*
david: i mean, mine are really short, comparatively. let's see yours.
kim: no. you can't.
david: c'mon. it can't be... *sees my hands* ... oh WHAT? those are.. those are the stubbiest fingers i have ever seen.
Friday, June 16, 2006
why we're all limping
went over to emily's on wednesday. i like her house. high ceilings - very nice. i also found out we've got the same mini stereo thing, and the same clock. now THAT'S freaky.

moey and a very happy emily.
emily's very lovely parents then dropped us off at ice skating, where emily began screaming even before she got on the ice.... literally. she's got great lungs, that girl.

nobody is actually sure how to put the skates on.
most of us fell. yes, big surprise. sennie stacked it worst. self-inflicted stack. face first. painful looking, but funny. we were all really worried about her. i fell... a few... times. worst one was when jon dragged me down, and i landed on my right butt [THE WHOLE LEG GOT JARRED], and then i made lyndon fall when he tried to help me up. lyndon's limping now.

pro skaters that i can't even see as they whiz past.
playing tag on ice is one of the most interesting things to watch. seriously. especially when your friends have no idea what on earth is going on and keep falling over and getting totally OWNED by three year olds.

hoodie buddies, wendy and nicole.
we're all sore now. very. some people have huge ass blisters from the skates, because they decided it would be cool to clamp their feet in undersized skates *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough.
i must look really unstable on skates because people kept going "YOU ALRIGHT, KIM?" everytime they passed me. some went as far as to spend some time skating with me just to make sure i wasn't gonna fall. which i did, but... moving on.

wendy and emily - after emily got over the screaming.
the next day, everybody asked everybody how they felt. most said "nghh", which pretty much sums up how we all feel right now.

me and nicole idontknowwhen. she was suffering from skating shock, i think. but she's good. she can actually skate quite well. which is more than i can say for... me.
we're all hurt, but personally, i don't think anything can top my first [and previous] skating experience. THAT was really painful. this is just... i have to manually move my right leg [with my hands] because it hurts to use the muscle. lovely.
Monday, June 12, 2006
freaking amazing2
3 goals in 8 minutes. the last 8 minutes of the game. gee, they sure took their time. but that was bloody amazing.
i honestly did NOT think they were gonna win.
gotta give them credit for this one.
what the hell happened to japan?
lucky thing i didn't bet.
now all they gotta do, is beat brazil to go to the next round.
i still can't get over it. YOU GUYS HAVE TO WATCH THE REPLAYS.
this is australia, there WILL be replays of that.
freaking amazing
within four minutes.
it belongs to australia.
guus hiddink was dancing like a fairy.
great one for number 15.
it definitely belongs to australia.
i thought japan would hang on ti-
so close.. so close.. it could go either way now.
the japan goal was bs.
i'm not against japan or anything, but that goal was bs.
funniest goal of world cup still goes to Gamarra for that own goal. what an - i won't even say it.
twenty minutes left of australia vs. japan. japan's up 1-0.
did you guys read the newspaper today? back page, sports. apparently, after that display of.... err... enthusiasm in the australia vs. netherlands match a while ago, a japanese official said that australia might try to play dirty in tonight's match.
guus hiddink got really upset and totally denied the claim. yes, he that shoved a little japanese guy in disgust because australia is losing.
viduka also denied the claims, saying that they wouldn't give up the tackle, but wouldn't hurt the other players. which is why two japanese players have had to be treated at the sidelines.
ok.. i'm being really evil here. because the japanese have fouled quite a bit too. one of them's been carded - the captain. and that bs goal sure looked illegal.
8 minutes left.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
still wasting it, actually.
because in between all the work that i have to do, i still find time to take a nap that i didn't need, watch a movie that i'd already seen, and come online to chat to people i see a lot, and to blog.
mebbe i should say despite all the work that i have to do... seeing as the work is all still there. it's this humungo pile of - i resist the urge to say 'shit' - stuff that i have to do.
moving on.
ahh.... continue this later...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
england vs. paraguay 1-0 to england. rooney didn't play. beckham shot towards goal in 4th minute, ball bounced off some paraguay dude's head. results as an own goal.
damn funny.
me and finny might watch australia vs japan just to see how many players australia can take out.

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you
I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find you and I collide
I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find you and I collide
Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find you and I collide
You finally find you and I collide
You finally find you and I collide
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
i thought ms yip was unfair, so i told her. and i spewed this bull about how we need mental preparation and whatnot. we took a vote and DUH people supported the non-teacher side.
now ms yip reckons i'm damn sincere.
don't know how she got that.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
who bully?
i had my own version happen today.
we lot bought nasi lemak for lunch after church. i peered inside my container and asked...
kim: is there any chicken in here?
sean: does it look like there's chicken in there?
andrew: HOI! don't make fun of her.
for some reason, i found that very amusing.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
nancy boys
there's a Borders on Hay Street Mall in the city...
... opposite David Jones, next to EB Games, where Lincraft used to be. [thanks for giving me such accurate coordinates, loony]
so jane took me and cheryl there today. it is AWESOME. there's ANY BOOK YOU WANT in there. don't believe me?
they have the whole series [or most of it] of rurouni kenshin in there.
they have TWO ROWS of david gemmell in there. a whole shelf, ONE WHOLE BLOODY SHELF, for terry pratchett. shelves and shelves of manga.
i wanted so many books. national geographic had this massive, 60kg book of pics. 60 bucks. i wasn't even carrying that much. david gemmell's first book for the troy trilogy was there. edding's the dreamers series. a lot of random books that looked interesting. yes, i even looked at a bright yellow self-help book designed to help me figure myself out.
anyway, i was grinning like one of them damn cheshire cats - you know, the creepy one in alice in wonderland? - and bouncing around the store just cause i was so happy. yes, fine, call me a geek if you must. but know this, what william hung feels for his singing, i feel for my books.
debated and argued - with myself - for a while.
but in the end i got this.

nah, they didn't have this cover.
they had this one. soooo nice, i love it more than that one up there. 32.95 dammit. but bloogy nice cover.

after ages of internal struggle. i went for the more economical option.
22 bucks of this.

why am i so cheap?
Thursday, June 01, 2006

this is what the socceroos were like before the match.
and then this....

yes, we are all pissed off at how that italian dude 'tripped' over neil.
it was a professional fall man. i mean, look, the italian's have had practice.
XD. [btw, that's staged]
anyway, what amused me was that after about 6 million news items about the soccer, the players, the families of the players, the people watching the soccer, the coach, the future of individual players, kewell's ankle injury, viduka's next step..... etc etc.... there came a news item about australians watching the match in iraq.
turns out 22 people were killed in a targeted bombing over there, and this was reported after all that soccer news.
yeah, we know where our priorities lie.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

it's fun to watch, but you don't come away a better person.
it focuses more on the action than anything else. most of the characters barely speak two words throughout the entire movie. some are just there to die.
but man, is it cool. you want special effects with gore and exploding people? this is the movie to watch.
props to the special effects. props to the fights.
props to the dude with the WHITE WINGS!!!

damn, i want wings like that.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
feel the love!!
sleeping beauty in particular. ok, the dude met her for like, two minutes. and then subsequently spends half the movie trying to save her from the clutches of some evil dragon witch.
so he met her once upon a dream... BIG DEAL.
i feel like taking pictures.
this one was an accident. it's been cropped to get the bit i want.. but the original.. bleagh.

woohoo!! ok, so this was a fluke as well.

i love the lens of this camera!!

she actually looks thoughtful XD.

this is cute.

the creek ain't a bad place to be, ey.

Monday, May 22, 2006
one winter past
looking through some of the IMC pictures from last year. was flipping through the ones from church camp in particular. man, we had fun.
all pictures courtesy of ken/joe.

first of all, orchard glory farm resort is really pretty. you have no idea unless you've been. perfect place for a nice camp.

see, i never lie.
it's not only the scenery. there's the funwe have on the bus...

the games... ending in massive water fights.

the power of supporting friends.

the great, great oranges!!!

the worship..

the friends...

the fishing...

the punishments for losing at cards...

the campfire...

meditating with those odd, odd geese on the lake...

there's also the aunty-cooked food, the tea with a dash of hand squeezed lemon juice [more hand than lemon involved], the wacky sketches [bujang bad boy], the freezing mornings, the baby rabbit [that was and is no more], the sour oranges [lots of stories about oranges], angels and masters, a whole lot of other stuff...
...and just having the time of your life.