went over to emily's on wednesday. i like her house. high ceilings - very nice. i also found out we've got the same mini stereo thing, and the same clock. now THAT'S freaky.

moey and a very happy emily.
emily's very lovely parents then dropped us off at ice skating, where emily began screaming even before she got on the ice.... literally. she's got great lungs, that girl.

nobody is actually sure how to put the skates on.
most of us fell. yes, big surprise. sennie stacked it worst. self-inflicted stack. face first. painful looking, but funny. we were all really worried about her. i fell... a few... times. worst one was when jon dragged me down, and i landed on my right butt [THE WHOLE LEG GOT JARRED], and then i made lyndon fall when he tried to help me up. lyndon's limping now.

pro skaters that i can't even see as they whiz past.
playing tag on ice is one of the most interesting things to watch. seriously. especially when your friends have no idea what on earth is going on and keep falling over and getting totally OWNED by three year olds.

hoodie buddies, wendy and nicole.
we're all sore now. very. some people have huge ass blisters from the skates, because they decided it would be cool to clamp their feet in undersized skates *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough.
i must look really unstable on skates because people kept going "YOU ALRIGHT, KIM?" everytime they passed me. some went as far as to spend some time skating with me just to make sure i wasn't gonna fall. which i did, but... moving on.

wendy and emily - after emily got over the screaming.
the next day, everybody asked everybody how they felt. most said "nghh", which pretty much sums up how we all feel right now.

me and nicole idontknowwhen. she was suffering from skating shock, i think. but she's good. she can actually skate quite well. which is more than i can say for... me.
we're all hurt, but personally, i don't think anything can top my first [and previous] skating experience. THAT was really painful. this is just... i have to manually move my right leg [with my hands] because it hurts to use the muscle. lovely.
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