Tuesday, May 30, 2006


...had the same effect on me as ice age 2 did.

it's fun to watch, but you don't come away a better person.

it focuses more on the action than anything else. most of the characters barely speak two words throughout the entire movie. some are just there to die.

but man, is it cool. you want special effects with gore and exploding people? this is the movie to watch.

props to the special effects. props to the fights.

props to the dude with the WHITE WINGS!!!

damn, i want wings like that.

if i had wings i would fly
cause all that i need, You are
and if the world caved in around me
to You i'd still hold on
cause You're all that i believe
You're the one that created me
Jesus, because of You
i'm free

Sunday, May 28, 2006

feel the love!!

care group on friday was spent eating and watching old disney movies. it kinda struck me as... amusing... that the characters could fall in love sooooo easily.

sleeping beauty in particular. ok, the dude met her for like, two minutes. and then subsequently spends half the movie trying to save her from the clutches of some evil dragon witch.

so he met her once upon a dream... BIG DEAL.

i feel like taking pictures.

this one was an accident. it's been cropped to get the bit i want.. but the original.. bleagh.

woohoo!! ok, so this was a fluke as well.

i love the lens of this camera!!

she actually looks thoughtful XD.

this is cute.

the creek ain't a bad place to be, ey.

i know you i walked with you once upon a dream
i know you that gleam in your eye is so familiar a gleam
and i know it's true that visions are seldom what they seem
and i can't remember how the last lines go
so i'll just have to.. makeitup...

Monday, May 22, 2006

one winter past

looking through some of the IMC pictures from last year. was flipping through the ones from church camp in particular. man, we had fun.

all pictures courtesy of ken/joe.

first of all, orchard glory farm resort is really pretty. you have no idea unless you've been. perfect place for a nice camp.

see, i never lie.

it's not only the scenery. there's the funwe have on the bus...

the games... ending in massive water fights.

the power of supporting friends.

the great, great oranges!!!

the worship..

the friends...

the fishing...

the punishments for losing at cards...

the campfire...

meditating with those odd, odd geese on the lake...

there's also the aunty-cooked food, the tea with a dash of hand squeezed lemon juice [more hand than lemon involved], the wacky sketches [bujang bad boy], the freezing mornings, the baby rabbit [that was and is no more], the sour oranges [lots of stories about oranges], angels and masters, a whole lot of other stuff...

...and just having the time of your life.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

siao hai bu ben

chinese is one of the most educational classes that i take at school.

no, i'm being serious.

ok, when i say educational, i don't necessarily mean that in the most conventional sense.

i mean, there's much to be learnt from a bunch of deluded chinese teenagers put together in a room with a fire-breathing dragon for a teacher. literally.

let me just outline the structure of our chinese class to you. first, the room itself. it's room number.. err... 25 or 26. could be 24.. no that's upstairs. i think it's 25... you know what? WHO REALLY CARES? ahem... it's a little room in the LOTE corridor [the one famously rumoured to have chewing gum that wasn't peeled off before the walls were whitewashed].

i don't really know how to define our seating arrangement. it's a mixture of chosen seats, allocated seats, and people who have to sit next to each other cause they've done something bad and have to be punished. in my case, i don't know whether Ms. Yip's trying to punish me, or Joe. whereas in the case of Sarah and Melvin, i can safely say that Melvin's being the one punished.

there's a poster at the back of the room that says "white man, black man, yellow man, red man... GERMAN".

half the people in the class do ESL. that's not a bad thing, mind you. it's actually really interesting, cause the ESL people are usually the ones who can swear in about 300 different languages. or at least, interpret normal things in such twisted ways, there's never a dull moment in class [i won't elaborate on this].

this is a class that sees many new asian kids to our year take. there's between five and ten new people in our class this year. we're a mixed bunch, we are. there's the guys, the girls, and then there's those that cannot be classified, as yet.

the latest addition to our class is Nigara. no, it does not mean 'country', and you can't call her 'nigger' for short. the guys did this, called her nigger, i mean, which is really mean cause her english ain't that great, and she doesn't know what it means.

she does, however, totally belong in our chinese class. a welcome addition to a class already filled with total nutcases, she's already established herself as someone who can take any of us idiots on. made to sit next to Alfred, her reply to a cheeky remark about how she shouldn't go out with him if he asks was "i wouldn't pick him anyway." when asked her hobby, she said "sleeping", whereby the class immediately went "OH LYNDON. SHE SHARES YOUR HOBBY".

Lyndon, of course, put his foot in his mouth when he said "OH COOL. WE CAN SLEEP TOGETH- OHSHITNONONO THAT CAME OUT WRONG. I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY. ITCAMEOUTWRONG!!!"

good thing he wasn't actually yelling, so only a handful of us heard it. the look on his face was priceless, though.

it's not only the people in class that we can learn from, however. we learn from out textbooks as well [never let it be said that we don't do any work]. in fact, Joe read a very interesting diary entry to the class today. he shared his feelings and thoughts on his boyfriend, Leemoumou. to Joe, Leemoumou is perfect - in looks, talents, and character.

all this, of course, is aimed at teaching us how to describe a person. and since the diary entry that Joe read was was so positive, and we only learnt to use words like handsome, can play guitar, perfect, awesome, great, lovely, bright black eyes, smart, talented, modest, and all other forms of... goodness [this shows i need to brush up on positive vocabulary]... the book also had an entire section devoted to teaching us negative words.

it went something like this:
"...and now, for the mean words...
this little exercise has made me realize that most negative words begin with 'S'.

what makes this class even better is that most of us are in this class together for the third year in a row. we've gotten so used to each other, we don't blink at anything anyone does. once, Jiadou managed to walk round and round the classroom about 30 times, and the teacher didn't even notice even though we were all laughing our butts off.

most of us do alright in chinese. as in, we're not brilliant in the tests, but we're only... borderline retarded. a large part of this is due to our supreme powers of... innovative initiative. Gordon's the master of this. his best effort yet was the time he came to a roadblock in a test, and he banged his head on the edge of his table, appearing to be bouncing ideas around in his head. what he was actually doing was 'thinking' about the answers that were in the book concealed under his desk, conveniently flipped open to the relevant pages.

see... we do learn stuff in chinese.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

on convos

the things people say to me...

on my greatness...
moey: don't hit me or i'll slap the greatness out of you.

on farts vs smarts...
kim: theory of relativity...the really genius nerds get it.
fin: are they all like.. glaiven?
kim: what's glaiven?
fin: you know, the sound smart people make when they get pwned in a test.
kim: huh?
fin: you know...
kim: first thing i thought of was 'fart'
fin: *laughs* i'm gonna blog about that
kim: it's true tho. 'fart' was the first thing that popped into my mind
fin: fart people don't smart

on being... loony...
loony: we couldn't hear you singing. you were too soft.
me: how do you know which voice was mine?
loony: it was the one we couldn't hear.

on travelling...
me: ...never been to sentosa though
sean: yeah, me neither. heard it's not that great
me: but takashimaya scared the crap out of me when i went in
sean: takashimaya? where's that? a city in japan?

on tactfulness...
moey: you're actually quite nice, kim. deep deep down inside.
*pause while kim laughs her butt off*
moey: ... deep deep deep deep DEEP reallyreallyreally DEEPdeepDEEPdeep down inside. ok, it's hard to find, but it's there.

on strong feelings...
sarah: i dislike you a lot, kim. notice how i avoided the word 'hate'?

on violence...
me: ... the teacher thinks i'm violent.
sean: why? you hit her?
me: i don't hit little 50 year old ladies, ok? she saw me fighting with the boys.
sean: HHHOOOAAAA!! you fight with the boys?
me: hey, they started it. i just continue.
sean: that's unfair cause guys can't hit girls back.
me: oh ho. these guys are different. they hit me quite hard.
sean: pppfftt... you kids.
me: feeling your age, sean?
sean: no, just feeling more mature and gentleman-like.

on mutual understanding...
sarah: ...better not fall sick or something
kim: i got dust in my nose
sarah: thanks for that wonderful revelation
kim: ye... it's very englightening, i'm sure.
sarah: i know, i just got dumber
kim: wow, that's great
sarah: i know

on profound realization...
sarah: kimber, you are a GODSEND.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

getting rusted

i want to introduce you guys to a new acquaintance of mine. he's an awesome little guy - a bit round in the tummy, and very very hyperactive, but you forgive him for anything cause he's so cute. [sound familiar, harry?]

yup, that's him. the little furry one. he's got a brown patch [of fur, not anything else] on the other side of his bum, kindly pointed by esther, proud owner and companion.

there, that's his front view. he's got one of the cutest dog faces i've ever seen. and he's so SMALL.

look, there's him again.

and no, we were not torturing him. we find that this is the only position where he stops squirming for a bit. suleen reckons it's cause he's scared you drop him.

he's got this bone thing that he really likes to chew. *chew*chew*chew* the only thing he likes better is eating small fingers.

yup, he really likes his bone.

doesn't seem to like sharing though.

but he's not just another naughty Jack Russell that's so cute it's almost illegal.

he's a thinker, too.

that's how rusty feels comfortable. i know it looks like i'm squeezing him, but no, i have no idea what he's up to. he put himself there, i just... i'm just the cushion TT.

we were drinking milo, and he could smell it. so he scrambled for the table. we wouldn't let him, though, and we put him on the ground. then he started whining. and he sat down next to my chair, and he looked up mournfully. PUPPY DOG EYES. they're not overrated, i swear. couple it with a pathetic whine and you've got... people picking him up and cuddling him. we're so useless.

this is why nobody can say "no" to him......... for long. he's just so adorable.

like cheng loon said, i've been 'rusted'.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

strato whadda?

on average, Perth experiences 200 cloudless days a year.

scarborough beach on an awesome summer's day

the other 165?

you get cloud. [yeah, took a genius to figure that one out]

and sometimes, you can get a lot of it.

makes you wanna go on holiday, doesn't it?

ok, now for some scientific stuff [don't say i didn't try]. there are three main types of cloud - stratus, cumulus, and cirrus. there's lots of sub-types [that they MADE us learn in primary school], but most of them are hybrid clouds that decided to interbreed with each other.

now, i hope i get this right. stratus are the long-ish clouds that form lowest. as in, they're closest to the earth. cumulus are those big-ass ones that look like fluffy cotton balls. you know the type. cirrus are the wispy, feathery ones that look really pretty sometimes, and slightly pathetic at others. they form really high up in the sky, where it's really cold.

do correct me if i'm wrong.

i think these clouds are... strato-cumulus, or something like that.

this one was taken hurriedly outside D46. not the greatest shot, but i like the pattern of the clouds. i believe they are.... stratus-ish.

this is a prime example of cirrus clouds. wispy and feathery bits. ok, the picture quality was really really bad, cause uhmm... i won't go into it. but this has been photoshopped to make it look like what it was supposed to look like. err.. ok, so it wasn't so yellow. but still...

ok, i'm lazy to type. need to go find food now.

a very, very, lonely cloud seen from Blue Gum

I FINALLY GOT A SHOT OF SUN RAYS!! only it's not a good one.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

i'm still here!!

uh huh, it's the second day of school, and i'm still up and running. [yeah, i also hear some people going "why? WHY is she still here?]

"we need more hols and more food. we also need more time"

what truly profound words those are, considering the source XD. he goes on to say:

"i need a life"

showing wisdom beyond your years there, loony.

karina's gone crazy of wang lee hom lately. he roxors her soxors, as andrew would say.

karina: kim, i might have to move to Melbourne after high school.
kim: why?
karina: cause there's no hope of me getting married here.
kim: huh?
karina: cause there's no stock of guys in perth who look like wangleehom.

-____________- words cannot express how i felt right then.

another thing said to me that i found really funny [and slightly weird] came courtesy of Finathan [notice i capitalized the name? i know how you get a little particular about that XD].

"he looks like wangleehom??? omg, that's one hot guy man."

yeah, Fin's a dude. but it's cool. you and i both know he means that in the most objective manner. no, i'm not being sarcastic!!

but the thing that made me laugh the MOST came from the mouth of Eewah. many thanks to sarah for telling me about this one.

"i think over the holidays, i've grown quieter, more serious, and more mature"


yeah, and i've given up second helpings.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

i'm still here!!!

i can hear some people sighing over this.

moving on. connoisseur [hope i've spelt that right] ice-cream is the best. ALL it's flavours are so nice. mmm... my latest venture is the... cookie cream something. they have fancy names. pft, i don't care what it's called. all i know is what it tastes like. GOOD.

this is coming from the person who has unpleasant reactions to Haagen Dazs ice-cream, so please, feel free to dispute that.

"we need more holidays and more food. we also need more time."

what profound words, considering the source XD. ok, so it's not all that profound, but it's true.

he continues on to say "i need a life." showing wisdom beyong your years there, loony.

the quote of the day, however, goes to Ee Wah. special thanks to sarah for telling me about this.

"i think over the holidays, i've grown quieter, more serious and more mature."


riiiiiiiight. and i've given up second helpings.