uh huh, it's the second day of school, and i'm still up and running. [yeah, i also hear some people going "why? WHY is she still here?]
"we need more hols and more food. we also need more time"
what truly profound words those are, considering the source XD. he goes on to say:
"i need a life"
showing wisdom beyond your years there, loony.
karina's gone crazy of wang lee hom lately. he roxors her soxors, as andrew would say.
karina: kim, i might have to move to Melbourne after high school.
kim: why?
karina: cause there's no hope of me getting married here.
kim: huh?
karina: cause there's no stock of guys in perth who look like wangleehom.
-____________- words cannot express how i felt right then.
another thing said to me that i found really funny [and slightly weird] came courtesy of Finathan [notice i capitalized the name? i know how you get a little particular about that XD].
"he looks like wangleehom??? omg, that's one hot guy man."
yeah, Fin's a dude. but it's cool. you and i both know he means that in the most objective manner. no, i'm not being sarcastic!!
but the thing that made me laugh the MOST came from the mouth of Eewah. many thanks to sarah for telling me about this one.
"i think over the holidays, i've grown quieter, more serious, and more mature"
yeah, and i've given up second helpings.