Saturday, May 06, 2006

strato whadda?

on average, Perth experiences 200 cloudless days a year.

scarborough beach on an awesome summer's day

the other 165?

you get cloud. [yeah, took a genius to figure that one out]

and sometimes, you can get a lot of it.

makes you wanna go on holiday, doesn't it?

ok, now for some scientific stuff [don't say i didn't try]. there are three main types of cloud - stratus, cumulus, and cirrus. there's lots of sub-types [that they MADE us learn in primary school], but most of them are hybrid clouds that decided to interbreed with each other.

now, i hope i get this right. stratus are the long-ish clouds that form lowest. as in, they're closest to the earth. cumulus are those big-ass ones that look like fluffy cotton balls. you know the type. cirrus are the wispy, feathery ones that look really pretty sometimes, and slightly pathetic at others. they form really high up in the sky, where it's really cold.

do correct me if i'm wrong.

i think these clouds are... strato-cumulus, or something like that.

this one was taken hurriedly outside D46. not the greatest shot, but i like the pattern of the clouds. i believe they are.... stratus-ish.

this is a prime example of cirrus clouds. wispy and feathery bits. ok, the picture quality was really really bad, cause uhmm... i won't go into it. but this has been photoshopped to make it look like what it was supposed to look like. err.. ok, so it wasn't so yellow. but still...

ok, i'm lazy to type. need to go find food now.

a very, very, lonely cloud seen from Blue Gum

I FINALLY GOT A SHOT OF SUN RAYS!! only it's not a good one.


sarawr said...

i dislike you a lot. (notice how i avoided the word hate) those pictures are pretty PHWOAR if you ask me. and i never knew there were different sorta clouds..i know i'm ignorant.

and i hate how i always wanna take photos of those power lines but NEVER LIVE NEAR ONE. (okay i do, but its not backyard kinda thing). blaaaaa.

Fin said...

i still maintain, you're good with a camera ;P. and

what a oh excuse me, *coughNcoughEcoughRcoughD* omg, *puts on glasses and in a geeky voice* perth experiences on average 200 cloudy days a year with strato-cumulus and all other reprocatory (is that even a word) inter-atmospheric functions"
LOL!!!! sorry i had to do that.

i'm feeling sadistic.

kim said...

look who's talking finny!

what the hell is 'reprocatory' and dude... inter-atmospheric has SIX syllables. how in the world are you supposed to pronounce that? XD

and uhmm... where have i heard "i still maintain, you're good with a camera" before?

Bert said...

those pics are awesome. have you seen the clouds these last 2 days they really look like they belong in a painting. They were so pretty. :D