we were inundated with world war propaganda in english today. it's brainwashing i tell you. good thing i slept. missed a huge part of it. at one point, i propped myself up - elbows on table, face on hands - in an attempt to appear awake while actually sleeping... unfortunately, as i nodded off, my elbows slipped, and i nearly stacked my face on the table.
lining up outside chinese...
tian: HAHA, kimberley got hit by bread.
kim: SHUTTUP. it was bloody painful.
everyone else: huh?
let me tell you what happened.
i finished my lunch, and i was gliding elegantly towards the rubbish bin to dispose of my little ball of gladwrap - because i'm so environmentally conscious, you see - and just as i reach the bin, something whacks me on the side of my face.
i turn to see the offending weapon falling to the ground [this is a testament of how fast i can turn my head] and there's this weird-looking guy approaching the weapon. i glare at him. as in, i gave him an iflookscouldkill you'dbeflatasroadkill look. to his credit, all he said was "sorry. was supposed to go into the bin".
bloody idiot. trying to play basketball with bread and a bin. pft. for the record, the shot wouldn't have been close to getting in. so much for the kobe bryant wannabe.
yes, i was attacked by a piece of bread. a piece of bread that's either gone mouldy, or just has very weird raisins.
i dont want to know.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
it's amazing how some people are so... i dont know.... confident.
sharon fan is one of those people. she speaks her mind and doesn't give a crap about what the world thinks of her.

sharon be the one on the left. what clear skin she has XD.
anyway. today, i told her that the PE teachers were talking about the best baddy players in the year group, and they said she was one of them. i was really excited for her, but she was just like "so?"
you have to understand. i suck at sport, and if anyone were ever to say i'm good at it, i'd be straight through the roof and out onto jupiter.
so i found it kinda amusing when she said...
"i already know i'm pretty good. i take lessons outside of school. most people don't."
i started laughing.
"i'm serious, i know i'm good."
i love sharon.
sharon fan is one of those people. she speaks her mind and doesn't give a crap about what the world thinks of her.

sharon be the one on the left. what clear skin she has XD.
anyway. today, i told her that the PE teachers were talking about the best baddy players in the year group, and they said she was one of them. i was really excited for her, but she was just like "so?"
you have to understand. i suck at sport, and if anyone were ever to say i'm good at it, i'd be straight through the roof and out onto jupiter.
so i found it kinda amusing when she said...
"i already know i'm pretty good. i take lessons outside of school. most people don't."
i started laughing.
"i'm serious, i know i'm good."
i love sharon.
no title
been very very tired lately. i didn't work tuesday night - first time in about 3 months - and that served as yet another reminder that i had no life.
because i'd forgotten what a tuesday night spent at home was like, and i'd planned to.... well, i didn't have a plan. but i was so bored [yes, i know, lack of life, seriously] i did my english homework. the one time i did it, mrs roberts didn't check to see if we'd done it. after the english homework, i... i... played kingdom hearts on the ps2.
i know, i know. it's sad.
wednesday i wasn't feeling too hot at school. everybody kept saying i looked real shitty, and i went to see the nurse at lunch. i actually abandoned my lunch on the bench to go see her. as in, i left it there without even capping it up properly.
karina to sarah:
all i wanted was panadol, but the nurse had to call my mother to ask permission to drug me up. by then karina and sarah had found me at the nurse [i dont know how they did this, i didn't tell anybody], and i was alternating between their shoulders to sleep on. neither could support my sizeable head.
anyway, one panadol turned into a 'rest' in the health center, which meant i got to lounge around on the recliner in a dark room with a really strong heater. the 'rest' turned into a nap when the nurse went for lunch and locked me in the health center by myself. i was fine by then, but i couldn't go anywhere, so i napped a bit more. then i went back to class.
let me tell you, that nap did me good. by the end of school, i was high as anything. william swore it was because i got to smack him on the head three times, and he was too slow to dodge.
isn't it nice to know the school has nap taking facilities?
because i'd forgotten what a tuesday night spent at home was like, and i'd planned to.... well, i didn't have a plan. but i was so bored [yes, i know, lack of life, seriously] i did my english homework. the one time i did it, mrs roberts didn't check to see if we'd done it. after the english homework, i... i... played kingdom hearts on the ps2.
i know, i know. it's sad.
wednesday i wasn't feeling too hot at school. everybody kept saying i looked real shitty, and i went to see the nurse at lunch. i actually abandoned my lunch on the bench to go see her. as in, i left it there without even capping it up properly.
karina to sarah:
oh usually kim's all jumpy and all..but now she's all quiet and bla.......
all i wanted was panadol, but the nurse had to call my mother to ask permission to drug me up. by then karina and sarah had found me at the nurse [i dont know how they did this, i didn't tell anybody], and i was alternating between their shoulders to sleep on. neither could support my sizeable head.
anyway, one panadol turned into a 'rest' in the health center, which meant i got to lounge around on the recliner in a dark room with a really strong heater. the 'rest' turned into a nap when the nurse went for lunch and locked me in the health center by myself. i was fine by then, but i couldn't go anywhere, so i napped a bit more. then i went back to class.
let me tell you, that nap did me good. by the end of school, i was high as anything. william swore it was because i got to smack him on the head three times, and he was too slow to dodge.
isn't it nice to know the school has nap taking facilities?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
*sniff* my friends are growing up... *tears*
these be the friends back in malaysia, who are in their 16th year of life, and are males who... are growing up.
they use the word "beautiful" now.
when did this happen? actually, i know when it happened. but... it's still really weird hearing certain people expand their vocabulary from "what a cow" to "beautiful". even better, use it to describe another friend of ours.
said one of them "don't worry, when the time comes for us to grow, we will grow."
he went on to say that getting a girlfriend is proof of growing up...
...before conceding that he was not properly grown up yet.
went out with erica today. had iced coffee. i will never have it again. it makes me giggle at nothing. not good when you're working. david got annoyed cause i couldn't stop.
my boss educated me today... about the economics of keeping pigs. he told me that, ok, it started with him telling me how the cleaners could make more money - by putting all the leftover food from the food court into a large container and selling it as pig-feed to pig farmers.
he then moved on to telling me how, sometimes, pig farmers have to borrow a boar from another farmer [seeing as they only have sows]... and any.. err... subsequent offspring would need to be shared after a lengthy negotiation. i nearly burst out laughing when he said that. cause he looked really serious. then he said, in china, every part of the pig is used. including the faeces [notice i didn't say shit?].
and when i say nothing is wasted, i mean NOTHING is wasted. because they've figured out a way to use the gas from the faeces. i really couldn't contain my laughter [stupid iced coffee]. bring a whole new meaning to organic gas. WORSE, they use it for cooking.
david: i have really stubby fingers.
kim: me too. no, you're not seeing them *hides hands*
david: i mean, mine are really short, comparatively. let's see yours.
kim: no. you can't.
david: c'mon. it can't be... *sees my hands* ... oh WHAT? those are.. those are the stubbiest fingers i have ever seen.
these be the friends back in malaysia, who are in their 16th year of life, and are males who... are growing up.
they use the word "beautiful" now.
when did this happen? actually, i know when it happened. but... it's still really weird hearing certain people expand their vocabulary from "what a cow" to "beautiful". even better, use it to describe another friend of ours.
said one of them "don't worry, when the time comes for us to grow, we will grow."
he went on to say that getting a girlfriend is proof of growing up...
...before conceding that he was not properly grown up yet.
went out with erica today. had iced coffee. i will never have it again. it makes me giggle at nothing. not good when you're working. david got annoyed cause i couldn't stop.
my boss educated me today... about the economics of keeping pigs. he told me that, ok, it started with him telling me how the cleaners could make more money - by putting all the leftover food from the food court into a large container and selling it as pig-feed to pig farmers.
he then moved on to telling me how, sometimes, pig farmers have to borrow a boar from another farmer [seeing as they only have sows]... and any.. err... subsequent offspring would need to be shared after a lengthy negotiation. i nearly burst out laughing when he said that. cause he looked really serious. then he said, in china, every part of the pig is used. including the faeces [notice i didn't say shit?].
and when i say nothing is wasted, i mean NOTHING is wasted. because they've figured out a way to use the gas from the faeces. i really couldn't contain my laughter [stupid iced coffee]. bring a whole new meaning to organic gas. WORSE, they use it for cooking.
david: i have really stubby fingers.
kim: me too. no, you're not seeing them *hides hands*
david: i mean, mine are really short, comparatively. let's see yours.
kim: no. you can't.
david: c'mon. it can't be... *sees my hands* ... oh WHAT? those are.. those are the stubbiest fingers i have ever seen.
Friday, June 16, 2006
why we're all limping
you know how sometimes people go "hey, you look nice today" or "wow, you look tired". well, yesterday, one of my classmates said something along those lines to me. i can't remember the exact words, but he came up to me and said "wow, you look really crap"
went over to emily's on wednesday. i like her house. high ceilings - very nice. i also found out we've got the same mini stereo thing, and the same clock. now THAT'S freaky.

moey and a very happy emily.
emily's very lovely parents then dropped us off at ice skating, where emily began screaming even before she got on the ice.... literally. she's got great lungs, that girl.

nobody is actually sure how to put the skates on.
most of us fell. yes, big surprise. sennie stacked it worst. self-inflicted stack. face first. painful looking, but funny. we were all really worried about her. i fell... a few... times. worst one was when jon dragged me down, and i landed on my right butt [THE WHOLE LEG GOT JARRED], and then i made lyndon fall when he tried to help me up. lyndon's limping now.

pro skaters that i can't even see as they whiz past.
playing tag on ice is one of the most interesting things to watch. seriously. especially when your friends have no idea what on earth is going on and keep falling over and getting totally OWNED by three year olds.

hoodie buddies, wendy and nicole.
we're all sore now. very. some people have huge ass blisters from the skates, because they decided it would be cool to clamp their feet in undersized skates *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough.
i must look really unstable on skates because people kept going "YOU ALRIGHT, KIM?" everytime they passed me. some went as far as to spend some time skating with me just to make sure i wasn't gonna fall. which i did, but... moving on.

wendy and emily - after emily got over the screaming.
the next day, everybody asked everybody how they felt. most said "nghh", which pretty much sums up how we all feel right now.

me and nicole idontknowwhen. she was suffering from skating shock, i think. but she's good. she can actually skate quite well. which is more than i can say for... me.
we're all hurt, but personally, i don't think anything can top my first [and previous] skating experience. THAT was really painful. this is just... i have to manually move my right leg [with my hands] because it hurts to use the muscle. lovely.
went over to emily's on wednesday. i like her house. high ceilings - very nice. i also found out we've got the same mini stereo thing, and the same clock. now THAT'S freaky.

moey and a very happy emily.
emily's very lovely parents then dropped us off at ice skating, where emily began screaming even before she got on the ice.... literally. she's got great lungs, that girl.

nobody is actually sure how to put the skates on.
most of us fell. yes, big surprise. sennie stacked it worst. self-inflicted stack. face first. painful looking, but funny. we were all really worried about her. i fell... a few... times. worst one was when jon dragged me down, and i landed on my right butt [THE WHOLE LEG GOT JARRED], and then i made lyndon fall when he tried to help me up. lyndon's limping now.

pro skaters that i can't even see as they whiz past.
playing tag on ice is one of the most interesting things to watch. seriously. especially when your friends have no idea what on earth is going on and keep falling over and getting totally OWNED by three year olds.

hoodie buddies, wendy and nicole.
we're all sore now. very. some people have huge ass blisters from the skates, because they decided it would be cool to clamp their feet in undersized skates *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough.
i must look really unstable on skates because people kept going "YOU ALRIGHT, KIM?" everytime they passed me. some went as far as to spend some time skating with me just to make sure i wasn't gonna fall. which i did, but... moving on.

wendy and emily - after emily got over the screaming.
the next day, everybody asked everybody how they felt. most said "nghh", which pretty much sums up how we all feel right now.

me and nicole idontknowwhen. she was suffering from skating shock, i think. but she's good. she can actually skate quite well. which is more than i can say for... me.
we're all hurt, but personally, i don't think anything can top my first [and previous] skating experience. THAT was really painful. this is just... i have to manually move my right leg [with my hands] because it hurts to use the muscle. lovely.
Monday, June 12, 2006
freaking amazing2
3-1 to australia.
3 goals in 8 minutes. the last 8 minutes of the game. gee, they sure took their time. but that was bloody amazing.
i honestly did NOT think they were gonna win.
gotta give them credit for this one.
what the hell happened to japan?
lucky thing i didn't bet.
now all they gotta do, is beat brazil to go to the next round.
i still can't get over it. YOU GUYS HAVE TO WATCH THE REPLAYS.
this is australia, there WILL be replays of that.
3 goals in 8 minutes. the last 8 minutes of the game. gee, they sure took their time. but that was bloody amazing.
i honestly did NOT think they were gonna win.
gotta give them credit for this one.
what the hell happened to japan?
lucky thing i didn't bet.
now all they gotta do, is beat brazil to go to the next round.
i still can't get over it. YOU GUYS HAVE TO WATCH THE REPLAYS.
this is australia, there WILL be replays of that.
freaking amazing
within four minutes.
it belongs to australia.
guus hiddink was dancing like a fairy.
great one for number 15.
it definitely belongs to australia.
within four minutes.
it belongs to australia.
guus hiddink was dancing like a fairy.
great one for number 15.
it definitely belongs to australia.
i thought japan would hang on ti-
so close.. so close.. it could go either way now.
i thought japan would hang on ti-
so close.. so close.. it could go either way now.
warning: might anger some socceroo fans. do not read if you think they are the bestest team ever to grace the fields of germany.
the japan goal was bs.
i'm not against japan or anything, but that goal was bs.
funniest goal of world cup still goes to Gamarra for that own goal. what an - i won't even say it.
twenty minutes left of australia vs. japan. japan's up 1-0.
did you guys read the newspaper today? back page, sports. apparently, after that display of.... err... enthusiasm in the australia vs. netherlands match a while ago, a japanese official said that australia might try to play dirty in tonight's match.
guus hiddink got really upset and totally denied the claim. yes, he that shoved a little japanese guy in disgust because australia is losing.
viduka also denied the claims, saying that they wouldn't give up the tackle, but wouldn't hurt the other players. which is why two japanese players have had to be treated at the sidelines.
ok.. i'm being really evil here. because the japanese have fouled quite a bit too. one of them's been carded - the captain. and that bs goal sure looked illegal.
8 minutes left.
the japan goal was bs.
i'm not against japan or anything, but that goal was bs.
funniest goal of world cup still goes to Gamarra for that own goal. what an - i won't even say it.
twenty minutes left of australia vs. japan. japan's up 1-0.
did you guys read the newspaper today? back page, sports. apparently, after that display of.... err... enthusiasm in the australia vs. netherlands match a while ago, a japanese official said that australia might try to play dirty in tonight's match.
guus hiddink got really upset and totally denied the claim. yes, he that shoved a little japanese guy in disgust because australia is losing.
viduka also denied the claims, saying that they wouldn't give up the tackle, but wouldn't hurt the other players. which is why two japanese players have had to be treated at the sidelines.
ok.. i'm being really evil here. because the japanese have fouled quite a bit too. one of them's been carded - the captain. and that bs goal sure looked illegal.
8 minutes left.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
today.... i wasted 6 hours of my life.
still wasting it, actually.
because in between all the work that i have to do, i still find time to take a nap that i didn't need, watch a movie that i'd already seen, and come online to chat to people i see a lot, and to blog.
mebbe i should say despite all the work that i have to do... seeing as the work is all still there. it's this humungo pile of - i resist the urge to say 'shit' - stuff that i have to do.
moving on.
ahh.... continue this later...
still wasting it, actually.
because in between all the work that i have to do, i still find time to take a nap that i didn't need, watch a movie that i'd already seen, and come online to chat to people i see a lot, and to blog.
mebbe i should say despite all the work that i have to do... seeing as the work is all still there. it's this humungo pile of - i resist the urge to say 'shit' - stuff that i have to do.
moving on.
ahh.... continue this later...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
i really have nothing to say.
england vs. paraguay 1-0 to england. rooney didn't play. beckham shot towards goal in 4th minute, ball bounced off some paraguay dude's head. results as an own goal.
damn funny.
me and finny might watch australia vs japan just to see how many players australia can take out.

england vs. paraguay 1-0 to england. rooney didn't play. beckham shot towards goal in 4th minute, ball bounced off some paraguay dude's head. results as an own goal.
damn funny.
me and finny might watch australia vs japan just to see how many players australia can take out.

awesome song. not too hard to play either. and the lyrics are so niceeee..
The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you
I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find you and I collide
I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find you and I collide
Don't stop here
I lost my place
I'm close behind
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find you and I collide
You finally find you and I collide
You finally find you and I collide
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
class had an argument with teacher in chinese today over the format of the speaking test.
i thought ms yip was unfair, so i told her. and i spewed this bull about how we need mental preparation and whatnot. we took a vote and DUH people supported the non-teacher side.
now ms yip reckons i'm damn sincere.
don't know how she got that.
i thought ms yip was unfair, so i told her. and i spewed this bull about how we need mental preparation and whatnot. we took a vote and DUH people supported the non-teacher side.
now ms yip reckons i'm damn sincere.
don't know how she got that.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
who bully?
people like teasing audrey. the guys, especially. once, auntie kim happened to witness this happening. and she went "WHO BULLY MY AUDREY, AH?".
i had my own version happen today.
we lot bought nasi lemak for lunch after church. i peered inside my container and asked...
kim: is there any chicken in here?
sean: does it look like there's chicken in there?
andrew: HOI! don't make fun of her.
for some reason, i found that very amusing.
i had my own version happen today.
we lot bought nasi lemak for lunch after church. i peered inside my container and asked...
kim: is there any chicken in here?
sean: does it look like there's chicken in there?
andrew: HOI! don't make fun of her.
for some reason, i found that very amusing.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
nancy boys
there's a Borders on Hay Street Mall in the city...
... opposite David Jones, next to EB Games, where Lincraft used to be. [thanks for giving me such accurate coordinates, loony]
so jane took me and cheryl there today. it is AWESOME. there's ANY BOOK YOU WANT in there. don't believe me?
they have the whole series [or most of it] of rurouni kenshin in there.
they have TWO ROWS of david gemmell in there. a whole shelf, ONE WHOLE BLOODY SHELF, for terry pratchett. shelves and shelves of manga.
i wanted so many books. national geographic had this massive, 60kg book of pics. 60 bucks. i wasn't even carrying that much. david gemmell's first book for the troy trilogy was there. edding's the dreamers series. a lot of random books that looked interesting. yes, i even looked at a bright yellow self-help book designed to help me figure myself out.
anyway, i was grinning like one of them damn cheshire cats - you know, the creepy one in alice in wonderland? - and bouncing around the store just cause i was so happy. yes, fine, call me a geek if you must. but know this, what william hung feels for his singing, i feel for my books.
debated and argued - with myself - for a while.
but in the end i got this.

nah, they didn't have this cover.
they had this one. soooo nice, i love it more than that one up there. 32.95 dammit. but bloogy nice cover.

after ages of internal struggle. i went for the more economical option.
22 bucks of this.

why am i so cheap?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
i just saw a bit of ten's late news. it started off, as predicted, with australia's shattering loss to italy in this morning's sudden-death match.

this is what the socceroos were like before the match.
and then this....

yes, we are all pissed off at how that italian dude 'tripped' over neil.
it was a professional fall man. i mean, look, the italian's have had practice.
XD. [btw, that's staged]
anyway, what amused me was that after about 6 million news items about the soccer, the players, the families of the players, the people watching the soccer, the coach, the future of individual players, kewell's ankle injury, viduka's next step..... etc etc.... there came a news item about australians watching the match in iraq.
turns out 22 people were killed in a targeted bombing over there, and this was reported after all that soccer news.
yeah, we know where our priorities lie.

this is what the socceroos were like before the match.
and then this....

yes, we are all pissed off at how that italian dude 'tripped' over neil.
it was a professional fall man. i mean, look, the italian's have had practice.
XD. [btw, that's staged]
anyway, what amused me was that after about 6 million news items about the soccer, the players, the families of the players, the people watching the soccer, the coach, the future of individual players, kewell's ankle injury, viduka's next step..... etc etc.... there came a news item about australians watching the match in iraq.
turns out 22 people were killed in a targeted bombing over there, and this was reported after all that soccer news.
yeah, we know where our priorities lie.
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