this, is Dog.
yup, i got a dog. black pure bred standard poodle, ten weeks old, male. damn smart. smarter than me and sam put together [which isn't very smart].
of course, i had him for a total of three days and one hour before my mother gave him away.
one fine morning she said "i don't think we're ready for a dog. let's give him away."
by afternoon it was "we're giving him away to Mei."
by evening it was "bye Dog"
i also have pics from esther's b'day last year. WAAAAY late, but... they're pics.

the pirate, the wushu master, the basketball player, and the scientist.

but get a load of this mugger/veryangrysimpsonsfan. it's so obviously richard.

the birthday girl looking pretty in a kimono.

the jono.
tiffany cheated by wearing her school uniform [ok, we gave her the idea first. but hey, we made the effort]
also have pics from the Dinner Dance last year.
some of the guys. çan't believe jia duo [red sweatshirt] got away with wearing that.
some of the girls. they all looked good la. L-R: may, amrith, preet, clarissa, jia, putri, dayana. ee wah is the one in front.
the girls getting ready. i was already done. pull on the dress, let sarah play with my face and hair. that's it.
will and nicole. the cute couple. holding hands.
me and amrith, then with casper the turtle.
i gotta go to work.
good thing the dog was nameless while in your care. would be harder to let go of Wuffles than Dog. or poodley. or nemo.
and wat's with that superhero pose?
kawaii na
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