starting out the game with a strike put me in a lead that i failed to keep. perhaps i shouldn't have been holding that chip in my left hand while bowling the third round. it totally threw off my positive chi.
physics wants me suffering and dead.
on a lighter note, wendy's phone insisted we camwhored today. INSISTED.
in my defense, i took about four pictures. nigara and wendy on the other hand...
well, they camwhored at AMF, on the bus, back at school, on the oval - the list goes on.
so here are the schoolgirl idiots...


and i'll try to keep smiling.
You look beautiful. Much more than I remember you as.
=) dont take that smile off =)
aww... i'll keep it there, mellymel :)
thanks jase, but bad quality pictures lie :)
Come on. I actually know you, you know. =P
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