yep, that's right... see those two little specks on top of the wall there? yeah, those are my two main characters.

the one on the right side likes the one on the left. you know what? i'll give them names. the one on the left is err... XD.. i'm just trying to decide whether or not sarah will kill me if i use her name. argh.. better not push it. ok, the girl [right pidgeon] is named Pidgy. and the other one is named jon. pidgy likes jon, but jon doesn't know it. unfortunately, pidgy can't work up the courage to tell jon. aww... look how shy they are.

anyway, so Pidgy approaches jon, slowly and cautiously. jon can't see pidgy because his eyes are placed at the sides of his head, not the back.

unfortunately, jon spots a piece of bacon up in a tree and flies away. pidgy follows hastily. jon sees pidgy watching him and pidgy quickly looks away. pidgy is on the left, btw.

anyway, finally, pidgy looks at jon. and confesses her love.

jon looks at pidgy...

and he totally rejects her.. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
1 comment:
plot is boring and typical, but the ending is highly original. loved the evil laugh 'Muahahaha'.
i give 3 thumbs 1 pinky up, and 1 toe wiggle.
congratulations, u're on ur way to some obscure storytelling award.
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