Saturday, January 13, 2007

harry: i just re-read the list of requirements on two guys. it's bloody stupid, hor. no way is any guy that perfect XD. sorry i didn't get those candles. was thinking it's time you graduated from candles and lime green onto something else...... which i am yet to buy for you. but according to my secret and reliable [questionable] sources, you're coming back soon [if not already] so i shall hasten to get you the whatever.

finny: THERÉ IS NO TYPO!! oh wait. i just found it. "he cracked up and couldn't sport". what the hell does that mean? ok, it's supposed to be stop. but hey, no spelling mistakes. found out your TERs from... my secret and reliable[questionable] sources *coughcarriecough*. oh, and i still remember how proud you were when you came up with kimmyting... as well as how long it took me to understand the stupid pun. and i'm blogging more than you! you owe me, finny, you owe me big time! [btw, i still haven't tried the kebab place near wesley yet].

chengspaceloon: streamyx is better than dial-up is better than NOTHING. at least you have refuge in Borders and Kino, ok? i have Gelaré. woot! got the little ascii thing on top of the E. is it called and ascii? what's an ascii?

the boss has told me MORE stories about her children. [seriously, crosby, you wouldn't be able to tell looking at you now]. so other than work, my life has been filled with a misture of instant noodles and annoying girls on TV who can't seem to work out their love life. HEY, at least you have a love life to speak of! look at poor Harry XD [although this is disputable now that recent developments have... developed].

the most exciting thing that has happened to me over the last few days has been trying the terriyaki fish at the jap stall in the food court. it's not bad, but waaaaaaaay too small. totally not enough. i mean, i finished in under 15 minutes and you all KNOW how slowly i eat.

time for lunch. and then on to the waffles, the ice-cream, and last but definitely BEST OF ALL...

the dishes.


Chengaloony said...

it's an accent u silly girl... ascii's a computer thing.


Fin said...

XD ha see! typoooooo detector finny =D and yea my blog's a bit neglected, wait laaa i'll blog when i'm in msia xD.

alsoooo, .....

Yea i didn't tell Carrie my TER in the end? or did i? howd she find out o.O?? oh wait i think i did -.- anyway cheh.

talk to you later kimmytingggggg =)

sarawr said...

you've got a typo AGAIN! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!

and i'm BACK. i know you've missed my awesome presence.

jenny and caroline are twins because everything that happens to one of them happens to the other. then what makes the 2 of us?!

my new house is nice. smells like a dead rat though. stinks. and no its not because of me.

kim said...

missed you my ass you stupid bum. city next wednesday. talk to moey about it.

accent ascii whatever. isn't accent a musical thing. like this thing > on top of a note?