we had lots of dogs, a few cats, and a couple of rabbits.
but i want to tell you about our fish.
we first got fish when i was seven or eight, and we had three of them. three african fish - two of which were a rich dark blue with bright, multi-coloured spots, and the third of which was a little pale pink, sardine shaped fish. they weren't very big, and fit into a little tank that sat in the living room with the piano and the settee we never used.
anyway, these fish slowly killed each other off. i kid you not. ironically, it was the smallest fish that emerged the winner in the end, but it died a few days later because it had somehow lost an eye.
we never bought that sort of fish again. instead, we bought blood parrots, which were so the craze in town at the time. my dad liked them a lot, but personally, i don't see the appeal in a puffy, fat looking fish with bulging eyes and the self-preservation capabilities of a doorknob...

i used to have nightmares about them all the time. you're little, but old enough to deal with death. the death of a few goldfish doesn't really bother you. but at the same time, they all looked alike, and there's only so many times (to your little brain) that the same fish can die -____-.
1 comment:
ooh! I had fish too but they too, like yours, killed each other off. They were goldfish and so called 'neon' fish...they seemed to prefer each others' meat rather than the floating fish food pellets... I never liked fish firstly cos they don't blink, and secondly becos of the childhood trauma of seeing fish carcasses floating around in the living room tank :)
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