You know what we as Christians need to do stop doing so much?
We need to stop throwing around the phrase "but God made you this way on purpose".
When someone is crying over how weird-looking they are, or how stupid they are, or how useless they are, a lot of us like to say "you were wonderfully and beautifully made by God, just the way he wanted". Yeah, okay. I get that. So you're telling me that God made me fat on purpose. (And if they actually say that, please try to resist saying "no, that was the 300 donuts you've had in the last 12 months.")
It becomes an excuse, and frankly, say it enough and it loses all meaning. And it's bad too, because guess what? People will take it the wrong way.
They'll end up hating God.
Because somehow, "God wants you to be ugly" just ain't very comforting.
[edit] 4thMay2008, 7.29 p.m.
I don't think I wrote this post very well. Trying to be politically correct backfires when you end up making hugely ambiguous statements. Most people completely missed the point I was trying to make, but that's alright because it actually came up in the discussion in the comments box.
Yes, this post was a criticism, but I wasn't criticising God. We can't blame God for everything in our lives that doesn't go our way. We tend to attribute good things to God, but He isn't a thunder-stealer. In the same way, He isn't a scapegoat.
Mellymel and I thought of a very true, but very mean illustration that we shan't share on a public domain like this. But yeah, read the comments.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
okay, i am easily amused
and i am not ashamed to admit it.
it's kinda like that Adam and Steve moment.
something the reds can relate to.
in other news, it's back to school for me tomorrow, and the weather is not helping my state of mind. it has been two weeks of bliss. ish.
okay, so the first week of my holidays i worked pretty much everyday. that was alright. i could deal with that. the second week was much slacker. much, much slacker. i dealt with that even better.
oh, and i managed to kind of bake cookies without initiating any sort of cosmic disaster. i feel that congratulations are called for.
agreeing with mellymel that we need more sleepovers. (remember how esther vaulted over the couch to get her phone? XD)
and the quote of the day...
on guys checking girls out; how important brains are vs. looks.
the person who said this wishes to remain anonymous because if you all knew who he was, he would receive a never-ending stream of guano. we may, however, refer to him simply as "Simba". Have a nice day, folks.

in other news, it's back to school for me tomorrow, and the weather is not helping my state of mind. it has been two weeks of bliss. ish.
okay, so the first week of my holidays i worked pretty much everyday. that was alright. i could deal with that. the second week was much slacker. much, much slacker. i dealt with that even better.
oh, and i managed to kind of bake cookies without initiating any sort of cosmic disaster. i feel that congratulations are called for.
agreeing with mellymel that we need more sleepovers. (remember how esther vaulted over the couch to get her phone? XD)
and the quote of the day...
on guys checking girls out; how important brains are vs. looks.
"it's like looking at art. if all you're gonna do is just look, then you don't have to worry about what is behind the painting. but if you wanna take it home, then you might need to know a little bit more about how to hang it."
the person who said this wishes to remain anonymous because if you all knew who he was, he would receive a never-ending stream of guano. we may, however, refer to him simply as "Simba". Have a nice day, folks.
smarter people
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Philippians 2:14
Do everything without complaining or arguing.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful.
Proverbs 15:13
so suck it in, girl. suck it in.
so suck it in, girl. suck it in.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
she sat alone, fallen.
with nothing.
everything had been taken away from her.
and yet...
she was not empty.
she was not broken.
she started to get up onto her feet.
why do you still stand?
she began to smile.
how can you smile?
what could she tell him? he wouldn't understand.
no matter what happened to her, she would still stand, she would still smile.
she would never have nothing.
because someone had once made a promise to her.
and it was everything.
because to that promise clung hope.
and hope was all that she needed.
because I sleep too much
or not enough
with nothing.
everything had been taken away from her.
and yet...
she was not empty.
she was not broken.
she started to get up onto her feet.
why do you still stand?
she began to smile.
how can you smile?
what could she tell him? he wouldn't understand.
no matter what happened to her, she would still stand, she would still smile.
she would never have nothing.
because someone had once made a promise to her.
and it was everything.
because to that promise clung hope.
and hope was all that she needed.
because I sleep too much
or not enough
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I want to fall in love with You
He's more than the laughter or the stars in the heavens
as close as a heartbeat or a song on her lips
someday she'll find Him, learn how to see Him
someday He'll call her, and she will come running
fall in His arms and the tears will fall down
and she'll pray
as close as a heartbeat or a song on her lips
someday she'll find Him, learn how to see Him
someday He'll call her, and she will come running
fall in His arms and the tears will fall down
and she'll pray
Jars of Clay
Love Song for A Saviour
Love Song for A Saviour
Monday, April 21, 2008
the things my mother says to pwn me deserve a blog of their own
conversation between the mother, the sister, and myself.
Rick was saying tonight how Joy's never had an "ugly stage", but in the end it was established that her "ugly stage" was when she had glasses.
Rick would probably look at me and say "Kim's still going through her ugly stage."
EH, it's a compliment if people say you're still going through your ugly stage hor. You'd be in trouble if you were already out of it.
things people say
Sunday, April 20, 2008
your happiness is our happiness
I work in retail, and at my job, I see a lot of people. Some days more than others.
Some of these people come in, avoid eye contact, get what they need, then get the hell out of the place.
Some people come in, walk a few circles, look see look see, then get the hell out of there.
Others ask for your help, receive it, pay for what they want (or don't), and then get the hell out of there.
But there are also those who come in and talk to you about what they're looking for. You listen to them, then they listen to you. You try to help them as best you can - tell them about the product, give them advice, a better price (if possible), and above all, you make them feel as if their needs are important; and then you meet those needs.
And you can bet the next time they need something electrical, they'll come back - at least to check it out and speak to someone about it.
Myer is (apparently) Australia's leading departmental store - and we want to keep it that way. We do this by offering a wide range of the latest in fashion, apparel, gifts and homewares. On top of that - and probably most importantly - we offer the best customer service that we can in order to give you the best shopping experience possible.
No, I was not paid to say that. I was told that during training.
But I think after working a very, very busy Saturday yesterday, I finally understand what that means. I think I'm really beginning to see why people will shop at Myer, even though we might not necessarily be the cheapest place to shop.
It's because shopping at Myer becomes addictive.
It's nice, you know. It really is. I'm speaking from experience. We shopped at Myer before I started working there. And no, not everything there is more expensive than other places. If you know how to shop, things become really cheap.
Especially now, with staff discount.
But that's besides the point. Customers have said to me that they prefer to buy from us because of our customer service - even though we might be a little bit more costly (like by $15 or something, which is small when you're dealing with big electrical items).
And when I look at how hard everyone else in my department is working, I can totally see why.
We were expecting yesterday to be a quiet day.
Rick Hart had a new store opening in Belmont, and was selling everything there dirt cheap. So cheap that our manager was joking about how she would send our whole department home now to save herself some money. Joking.
It turned out to be the busiest - and best, $$wise - Saturday we've had in a while. It was crazy. We were actually understaffed for a day like that. It's a massive headache trying to juggle so many people who are all waiting for help. But we tried.
And people just kept coming.
I thought I worked pretty hard yesterday, but I'm sure that all the other staff worked even harder. And when customers see how important they are to us, it makes them feel happier, which in turn makes us feel happier (although this is usually because we've just sold them a $3000 TV).
How important are you to us?
The staff can complain about work, and dream of going home throughout the entire shift, but when they see you coming, they still smile at you (in totally non-creepy ways) and try to help you in any way they can.
Many times, they are missing their lunch and/or tea breaks to help you find what you need.
They tell it to you straight. If it's crap, it's crap. They don't want to cheat you into buying something that's third rate, even if it means losing the sale.
After losing that sale, they usually gain a new one by recommending the best option for your needs.
They don't earn commission on almost all of the stuff they sell, so the fact that they bother at all says something.
You have no idea how often they operate at a loss to keep you happy. No, seriously.
At the end of the day, your happiness is our happiness. -Ish.
I saw that yesterday, in all the people I work with. Finny and Ken will understand this. They really work so hard, and the company is not lying when they say that they have fantastic customer service.
People will shop at Myer because of this customer service. It's nice to know that you can walk into a store, and will receive useful help when they need it. It's nice to know that people who work there have a sense of humour, remember you from last time, and are just short of being your friends. It's nice to feel important.
It also makes us happy to know that we've done our good deed for the day.
And this is Jason, on finishing work yesterday...
let's make like an egg and roll.
let's make like a fire and exit.
let's make like a tree and leave.
let's make like a rock 'n roll.
let's make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here.
Some of these people come in, avoid eye contact, get what they need, then get the hell out of the place.
Some people come in, walk a few circles, look see look see, then get the hell out of there.
Others ask for your help, receive it, pay for what they want (or don't), and then get the hell out of there.
But there are also those who come in and talk to you about what they're looking for. You listen to them, then they listen to you. You try to help them as best you can - tell them about the product, give them advice, a better price (if possible), and above all, you make them feel as if their needs are important; and then you meet those needs.
And you can bet the next time they need something electrical, they'll come back - at least to check it out and speak to someone about it.
Myer is (apparently) Australia's leading departmental store - and we want to keep it that way. We do this by offering a wide range of the latest in fashion, apparel, gifts and homewares. On top of that - and probably most importantly - we offer the best customer service that we can in order to give you the best shopping experience possible.
No, I was not paid to say that. I was told that during training.
But I think after working a very, very busy Saturday yesterday, I finally understand what that means. I think I'm really beginning to see why people will shop at Myer, even though we might not necessarily be the cheapest place to shop.
It's because shopping at Myer becomes addictive.
It's nice, you know. It really is. I'm speaking from experience. We shopped at Myer before I started working there. And no, not everything there is more expensive than other places. If you know how to shop, things become really cheap.
Especially now, with staff discount.
But that's besides the point. Customers have said to me that they prefer to buy from us because of our customer service - even though we might be a little bit more costly (like by $15 or something, which is small when you're dealing with big electrical items).
And when I look at how hard everyone else in my department is working, I can totally see why.
We were expecting yesterday to be a quiet day.
Rick Hart had a new store opening in Belmont, and was selling everything there dirt cheap. So cheap that our manager was joking about how she would send our whole department home now to save herself some money. Joking.
It turned out to be the busiest - and best, $$wise - Saturday we've had in a while. It was crazy. We were actually understaffed for a day like that. It's a massive headache trying to juggle so many people who are all waiting for help. But we tried.
And people just kept coming.
I thought I worked pretty hard yesterday, but I'm sure that all the other staff worked even harder. And when customers see how important they are to us, it makes them feel happier, which in turn makes us feel happier (although this is usually because we've just sold them a $3000 TV).
How important are you to us?
The staff can complain about work, and dream of going home throughout the entire shift, but when they see you coming, they still smile at you (in totally non-creepy ways) and try to help you in any way they can.
Many times, they are missing their lunch and/or tea breaks to help you find what you need.
They tell it to you straight. If it's crap, it's crap. They don't want to cheat you into buying something that's third rate, even if it means losing the sale.
After losing that sale, they usually gain a new one by recommending the best option for your needs.
They don't earn commission on almost all of the stuff they sell, so the fact that they bother at all says something.
You have no idea how often they operate at a loss to keep you happy. No, seriously.
At the end of the day, your happiness is our happiness. -Ish.
I saw that yesterday, in all the people I work with. Finny and Ken will understand this. They really work so hard, and the company is not lying when they say that they have fantastic customer service.
People will shop at Myer because of this customer service. It's nice to know that you can walk into a store, and will receive useful help when they need it. It's nice to know that people who work there have a sense of humour, remember you from last time, and are just short of being your friends. It's nice to feel important.
It also makes us happy to know that we've done our good deed for the day.
And this is Jason, on finishing work yesterday...
let's make like an egg and roll.
let's make like a fire and exit.
let's make like a tree and leave.
let's make like a rock 'n roll.
let's make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here.
Friday, April 18, 2008
kinda late... but yeah
this isn't really a post to tell you about what i did during my birthday.
it isn't a post to celebrate my turning 17.
no, i'm not going to go into detail about how the Leongs (plus Danica) gave me a lovely - and yummy - surprise the night before...
...or about how a couple of idiots nearly gave me a heart attack on the morning.
dinner was lovely, but it's not really about that either.
this is a post to thank you, and You, and you, and you, and you...
for making 05.04.08 such a fantastic day for me.
to thank
the people who tried to be the first to wish me a happy birthday (MelTing is disqualified. 3 minutes early :))
the people who MSNed, SMSed, called - and also those who didn't XD
the people who made the effort.
for the fun, the hugs, the smiles...
for remembering...
and for the presents too :)
it isn't a post to celebrate my turning 17.
no, i'm not going to go into detail about how the Leongs (plus Danica) gave me a lovely - and yummy - surprise the night before...
...or about how a couple of idiots nearly gave me a heart attack on the morning.
dinner was lovely, but it's not really about that either.
this is a post to thank you, and You, and you, and you, and you...
for making 05.04.08 such a fantastic day for me.
to thank
the people who tried to be the first to wish me a happy birthday (MelTing is disqualified. 3 minutes early :))
the people who MSNed, SMSed, called - and also those who didn't XD
the people who made the effort.
for the fun, the hugs, the smiles...
for remembering...
and for the presents too :)
happy days
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
for the time being
Okay. I realise that my last post (one actually written by me) was more than a week ago, and in that time I have had a (really awesome) birthday, and a (quite alright) ball.
Am feeling like a zombie right now because I have had three hours sleep in the last thirty-six, so I'm not going to attempt a lengthy, detail-ful blog post on either right now.
Instead, I shall leave you with this...
Cue: Drum roll.
In Sarah's words, it felt like Kim's birthweek, instead of birthday.
Some of the people who made the day so fantastic.
What I did, what I ate, and what I got will (hopefully) be detailed in a later post.
If you're lucky.
However, you will never find out just what Jono was trying to do (or be) in that picture.
School ball was alright.
Fooooooooooood.... was a bit of a let down.
Am feeling like a zombie right now because I have had three hours sleep in the last thirty-six, so I'm not going to attempt a lengthy, detail-ful blog post on either right now.
Instead, I shall leave you with this...
Cue: Drum roll.
In Sarah's words, it felt like Kim's birthweek, instead of birthday.

What I did, what I ate, and what I got will (hopefully) be detailed in a later post.
If you're lucky.
However, you will never find out just what Jono was trying to do (or be) in that picture.
School ball was alright.
Fooooooooooood.... was a bit of a let down.
Friday, April 04, 2008
To my beloved chubs! bahahaha
chubs happy 17th birthday! =] i stayed up just to do this entry i could be slping rite now coz work was tiring but but im here blogging abt you =] lookie i made a poem for you
K ind....
I diot
M o's awesome fren
B ig headed =P
E rrr .....
R ocket....
L ovable
E rrmm....
Y ummy
when you see kimberley wish her a happy birthday she deserves it =D
shes done a lot for every1 that big head of hers producing many happy moments in our lives
moments where we will cherish forever.
well to my korean guy obsessed pal i wish u a happy birthday and wish u all the best.
from your bestest ever fren stumps!
K ind....
I diot
M o's awesome fren
B ig headed =P
E rrr .....
R ocket....
L ovable
E rrmm....
Y ummy
when you see kimberley wish her a happy birthday she deserves it =D
shes done a lot for every1 that big head of hers producing many happy moments in our lives
moments where we will cherish forever.
well to my korean guy obsessed pal i wish u a happy birthday and wish u all the best.
from your bestest ever fren stumps!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
how we try to be gangsta
We were tired and bored at work today, and someone started giving everybody rapper names.
Kev, Fendi and Greg formed a rap unit and called themselves K-Fen to the G-unit.
Yolanda came up with Ne-Yo, or Me-Yo, or something like that.
Then they looked at me, and said...
They thought that was pretty funny. I couldn't see why.
I am tired.
Kev, Fendi and Greg formed a rap unit and called themselves K-Fen to the G-unit.
Yolanda came up with Ne-Yo, or Me-Yo, or something like that.
Then they looked at me, and said...
"Li'l Kim!!!"
They thought that was pretty funny. I couldn't see why.
I am tired.
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