Friday, April 18, 2008

kinda late... but yeah

this isn't really a post to tell you about what i did during my birthday.


it isn't a post to celebrate my turning 17.


no, i'm not going to go into detail about how the Leongs (plus Danica) gave me a lovely - and yummy - surprise the night before...


...or about how a couple of idiots nearly gave me a heart attack on the morning.


dinner was lovely, but it's not really about that either.

this is a post to thank you, and You, and you, and you, and you...
for making 05.04.08 such a fantastic day for me.

to thank
the people who tried to be the first to wish me a happy birthday (MelTing is disqualified. 3 minutes early :))
the people who MSNed, SMSed, called - and also those who didn't XD
the people who made the effort.


for the fun, the hugs, the smiles...
for remembering...

and for the presents too :)


Chengaloony said...

ahahaha... disqualified. ahahaha

kim said...

that's what happens when you get too excited.

MeL said...

>< meh. its my computer clock's fault. hahaha.