in other news, it's back to school for me tomorrow, and the weather is not helping my state of mind. it has been two weeks of bliss. ish.
okay, so the first week of my holidays i worked pretty much everyday. that was alright. i could deal with that. the second week was much slacker. much, much slacker. i dealt with that even better.
oh, and i managed to kind of bake cookies without initiating any sort of cosmic disaster. i feel that congratulations are called for.
agreeing with mellymel that we need more sleepovers. (remember how esther vaulted over the couch to get her phone? XD)
and the quote of the day...
on guys checking girls out; how important brains are vs. looks.
"it's like looking at art. if all you're gonna do is just look, then you don't have to worry about what is behind the painting. but if you wanna take it home, then you might need to know a little bit more about how to hang it."
the person who said this wishes to remain anonymous because if you all knew who he was, he would receive a never-ending stream of guano. we may, however, refer to him simply as "Simba". Have a nice day, folks.
the gelare "patriotism" is still alive in you!
is that the only red shirt you've got?
LOL. im wearing kim's other red shirt..and shes got this other one that's just..unbelievably small. ><
i still have ur shirt btw kimbo =)
i've got a few red shirts, but we thought it would be very... novel, to wear the gelare shirts.
and it's okay melting. i have more than one shirt to wear :)
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