Friday, December 30, 2005
highlights, lowlights and blinking lights
so.. the year is coming to and end. in just over a day 2005 will be no more, kaput, yadda yadda yadda. we all know that. what counts [to me anyway] is what we got out of it. at least, the parts that we actually remember.
thoughts on school: pretty much unchanged
workload: definitely increased
life in general: like tying shoelaces without your thumbs
human relationships: foul ball
spiritual life: can't even spell God
you know, this is harder than i thought it would be. i'll try to minimize it. but summarizing 365 days into a blog post is like trying to squash a pumpkin up your nostril. try it some time, tell me what it feels like.
moving on.
highlight: i grew 1cm taller compared to last year. lowlight: i also put on weight. blinking light: it doesn't bother me anymore
highlight: made new friends. lowlight: some of them suck [not many mind you]. blinking light: i met sarah
highlight: awesome church camp. lowlight: muddy shoes and bloody cold nights. blinking light: fishing is fun!!!
highlight: photog class. lowlight: chinese class. blinking light: PE class
ok, i don't think i can continue like that. let me outline some of the more significant things this year. obviously, subject changes. aside from the compulsory subjects we have to take [s&e, the bane of my life], i took photog and some other classes. but photog is definitely the class that i enjoyed the most [i think].
briefly, some fun bits - watching richard chen make a fool of himself time and time again. "merry easter".
church camp. great experience. i actually listened carefully to ALL the speakers. so carefully that when we had to do a short sketch, my group did a parody of the whole thing. the whole thing was really fun, and i got to know quite a few people better XD. i also learnt that staying three days with your friends can get a little... weird.
my friends. we went from all being in the same classes to being totally divided. my timetable was on a totally different gridline to theirs, and we pretty much had nothing together. instead, i met sarah. new girl. XD. shall i tell the story? i can hear sarah screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! oh well, it's a good story, one i shall never tire of telling.
this is one of the highlights [retrospective] of my year. she comes into english one day - her first day of school. there's an empty seat beside me and so she approaches [cause there were like.. 4 girls in our class, she didn't actually have much choice]. so she stands there and goes "hi, can i sit here?" in a totally demure way that i've never seen surface again. i say 'yeah'. mr. withers comes in and starts teaching and she doesn't have the lesson material. so she asks "can i share with you?" in the same demure manner. oh man, i'm loving this!! so i share my stuff with her, thinking 'hey, what harm could it do'. little did i know that the lovely girl who spoke to me so politely would turn into Little Red RIding Hood, spawn of Satan XD [inside joke, long story. don't take it the wrong way, jon].
lowlight: when two of my friends who'd been going out broke up. that sucked. even more so because of the circumstances. but it's touching cause he still likes her and all.. yeah.... i'm not the mushy type so i won't go into that.
blinking light: when moey pushed me over the little wooden fence. stupid incident that got everyone laughing. he kept pushing me to the edge of the corridor until i was jammed up against the fence. then he nudged me a little and i went over. for a while, i was just hanging there - my whole body balanced on the fence... then i fell. and moey didn't even help me up. and cresbo and nathaniel and them were walking past and looking at me like i was crazy. very lovely experience, that was. and to this day, he maintains he didn't do it.
singing in the corridors. soooooooo good. we always always do it, just for the hell of it. i remember once during lunch, we were sitting on the staircase singing 'i'm a believer'... "then i saw her face [deng deng deng deng] now i'm a believer" and this teacher came by and stood there. of course, we stopped. and she was like "are you practising for something? can i listen?" and we were like.. "no, we're not practising" and we looked away in an embarassed sorta way.she left eventually, disappointedly. to tell you the truth, we weren't that great. we were just having a lot of fun. we've been talking about going busking one day, and we'll even make our own sound effects to the music. XD.
hmm... will continue this later.
did you guys hear? it was on the news today. some assholes bashed up five quokkas on rottnest island. THEY BASHED UP FIVE QUOKKAS and left them at various places all over the place - amongst them a tennis court. and suspected weapon? A BROOM HANDLE.
stupid jerks.
Weeble is the name given to this absolutely adorable quokka by sarah and jon. oh man, weeble better still be frisking around on that island. please don't let him have been smashed.
p.s. jon, i still reckon his wardrobe is out of season.
Monday, December 26, 2005
is this my life?
Choose a band/artist that nobody has chosen yet: Linkin Park
Answer ONLY using their song titles.
Are you male or female? Part of me
Describe yourself? Breaking the Habit
How do people feel about you? Walking dead
How do you feel about yourself? Numb
Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: [hypothetical] Forgotten
Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend: Without you
Describe where you want to be: Somewhere i belong
Describe how you live: By myself
Describe how you love: From the inside
What would you ask for if you had one wish? A Place for my Head
Share a few words of wisdom: Easier to run
Now say goodbye: Don't stay
imagine if you used green day
Are you male or female? No one knows
Describe yourself? Basket Case
How do people feel about you? The Grouch
How do you feel about yourself? Jackass
Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: Ha Ha You're Dead
Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend: Disappearing boy
Describe where you want to be: Church on Sunday
Describe how you live: Having a Blast
Describe how you love: Like a rat does cheese
What would you ask for if you had one wish? Road to Acceptance
Share a few words of wisdom: Nice guys finish last
Now say goodbye: Wake me up when September ends
now you try.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
christmas eve 2005
anyway, i finished work at 2 and got home around 2.30.. first thing i did - yeah, you guessed it - had a humungo lunch. five hours without food!!! tell me who wouldn't feel half dead. WHO??
i slumped down onto the recliner with my big plate of curry and rice and turned on the tv. didn't bother changing the channel, so i ended up watching a documentary on marine life. let me tell you, watching clownfish mate while chewing a mouthful of curry is not something you should do. ever. it pissed me off that i had to sit up straight cause my food wasn't going down properly. i think it was congesting somewhere along my oesophagus. or maybe it was the clownfish on tv. i dunno.
i'm sure you've all heard this before.. but the best species of males in this world has got to be seahorse males [no offense, guys]. how considerate of them to be the ones who not only get pregnant, but look after the young as well. and jon, remember the chat we had the other day about whose job it is to make the first move? yeah, seahorse females are the ones who start everything. hmm.. i think the scientists might have gotten mixed up. just a thought.
POI: did you know that during the egg-laying time [dunno the proper term for this], female turtles have more testosterone that male turtles because they have to cope with the intense physical strain of hauling their body up the beach, excavating a pit for their eggs, then dragging their exhausted body back into the ocean??? talk about hard work!
i can see you guys screaming "NERD ALERT! NERD ALERT!"
christmas eve. i think it's so so so so sad how i have sooo much free time i can afford to blog on this supposed-to-be special day.i think i shall now go and take a nap.. this is so depressing.
hope you all get to eat good food.
Friday, December 23, 2005
ok, anyway, the results came out yesterday and i'm happy to report that quite a few of my friends got straight As!!! my cousin got 7As and 1B for chinese. stupid chinese. brings the best people down. one of my friends told me he got 5A 2B and i thought he was bullshitting. he's one of those people you totally expect to get straight As, and he didn't. another one of my friends got 3As and a bunch of us felt really bad, cause we knew his result before he actually found out and.. yeah.. i was dead sure he'd get at least 5As. ok, i know some of you may not know the significance of this test, but it's a really big thing. he's gonna appeal for two of his tests cause according to the scores, he's supposed to get As, but the govt gave him Bs. told him to pray lots instead of swearing his head off. anyway...
i was talking to moey just now and he suddenly goes "i'm getting my dog back tomorrow". i dunno why [maybe i'm going senile] but that totally cracked me up. apparently the dad didn't like 'rockie' and gave him away to his sister's boyfriend. and they're getting him back because the boyfriend morphed into ex-boyfriend. reminded me of a dog i once had. we called him Leo, but we had to change it cause the kid next door was called Lyon [yes, i'm pretty sure it's spelt this way. i don't care what anyone else says]. we realized this was a problem when we called for our dog and Lyon came running up and went "yeah, you were looking for me?"
that was like.. ten years ago. i totally forgot about it until i met up with him in high school and he reminded me. it was soooo funny. and when all his friends heard about it, they started teasing him mercilessly about it. XD. good guy, he was. his dad was a doctor. very convenient, having a doctor live next to you.
argh. i'm starting to remember all this stuff about my neighbours. we used to have so much fun. except the house to my left, the house to my right, and the house behind mine were all filled with boys. but they treated me and my sis like boys too.. so it's all good. but that's another story.
tomorrow is Christmas eve. i'm not doing anything special. i have work tomorrow. i hope i dont have to work with the lovely guy who called me a twit and then very generously informed me that it means 'pregnant goldfish'.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
it's funny!!!
At our company we have asset numbers on the front of everything. They give the location, name, and everything else just by scanning the computer's asset barcode or using the number beneath the bars.
Customer: "Hello. I can't get on the network."
Tech Support: "Ok. Just read me your asset number so we can open an outage."
Customer: "What is that?"
Tech Support: "That little barcode on the front of your computer."
Customer: "Ok. Big bar, little bar, big bar, big bar . . ."
come on!! laugh!! it's funny, ok? i don't care what you say, JON, it's funny!!! how can you not get it? ok, i admit, it took me three seconds to fully appreciate the funni-ness of this joke. but then i cracked up!! that proves it's funny [or my level of intelligence is very low]. IT'S FUNNY!!
---ignore the freak demanding that you laugh at the joke---
fine. don't laugh at that joke. but if you don't find this one funny, you're a zombie devoid of humour and... and.. and... life! [man, the holidays are dulling my brain, which, incidentally, is the size of a hackey sack ball].
Three men who were lost in the forest were captured by cannibals. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they could live if they pass a trial. The first step of the trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all three men went separate ways to gather fruits.The first one came back and said to the king, "I brought ten apples." The king then explained the trial to him. "You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any expression on your face or you'll be eaten." The first apple went in... but on the second one he winced out in pain, so he was killed.The second one arrived and showed the king ten berries. When the king explained the trial to him he thought to himself that this should be easy. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... and on the ninth berry he burst out in laughter and was killed.The first guy and the second guy met in heaven. The first one asked, "Why did you laugh, you almost got away with it?" The second one replied, "I couldn't help it, I saw the third guy coming with pineapples."
and you probably have to understand singlish to get this joke.
Singlish vs English
When going shopping...
Brit : I’m sorry, Sir, but we don’t seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
S’porean: No Stock!
When returning a call...
Brit : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page me a few moments ago?
S’porean: Hello, who page?
When someone is in the way...
Brit : Excuse me, I’d like to get by. Would you please make way?
S’porean: Lai,
When someone offers to pay...
Brit : Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
S’porean: no need lah
When asking for permission...
Brit : Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
S’porean: (while pointing at door) Can pass or not?
When asking to be excused...
Brit : If you would excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the gents/ladies. Carry on without me, it would only take a moment.
S’porean: Go toilet. Buay tahan ahh.....
When doubting someone...
Brit : I don’t recall you giving me the money.
S’porean: Got meh?
When disagreeing on a topic of discussion...
Brit : Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you’re coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the policy.
S’porean: Talk cock lah you!
When asking someone to lower their voice...
Brit : Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I’m trying to concentrate over here.
S’porean: Eh, Tiam leh!
When asking someone if he/she knows you...
Brit : Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you?
S’porean: See what see?! BUAY SONG AH?!
wanna know the sad part? not only do i understand the singlish, i can correctly predict what the singaporean is gonna say just by reading what the brit says.
Monday, December 19, 2005
yeah, jon, audrey was the one the MC 'crapped all over'. but he meant goosebumps as in she sang it so well it gave us all goosebumps. he wouldn't openly insult people on stage, i hope.
incidentally, that MC is also my cousin.
hmm.. it's not the first time we've heard her sing that song so we all knew what to expect. we always know what to expect when she sings. you should have heard it, sarah. it was probably the only performance where we sat absolutely still the whole time. XD. we cheered lots too.
we were trying to figure out what you guys' church was called, since it obviously wasn't called 'willeton' anymore. we decided on Grace *woohoo*. for a moment i had a brain freeze and couldn't remember what my church was called. i reasoned that since you guys were called Grace, we must be something like Mercy of Glory or Love. =.= then i remembered we're called Immanuel. even better!!!
that slap from amy really caught me by surprise. thanks everyone, for laughing.
it was good seeing you guys, though. but i'll stick with calling leon guitar-guy-with-long-hair from now on.
p.s. i still can't get on jon's blog.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
pick your own title
flashback to sunday. esther tells me to ask richard to take me and sam to the service. i forget. flashback to yesterday. jess reminds me about it, but don't wanna bother richard. flashback to 5.40 pm today. richard calls and tells us he'll be picking us up at 6.15. i have 35 minutes to shower and eat dinner. and collect the laundry. miraculously, i get it all done. and he shows up half an hour late then gets us all lost. we get there just in the nick of time... good thing too. cause he was the MC =.=
the combined choir was massive, and actually sounded pretty good. the other choirs were good too. but audrey. audrey. words cannot describe it. O Holy Night. second time i've heard her sing it, and let me tell you, it was bloody awesome. she's so gooooood. sigh. the starlight dance was interesting. XD. i like the choir that sang.. uhm.. what was the name of that song? well, i know i like one of the other choirs. only they sang it a bit soft. and i was sitting at the back. the message was alright. i am ashamed to admit though, that i only listened to part of it.
i predicted that the fellowship at the end would last longer than any other item in the service. i was right. we left nearly ten. and everyone wanted to go over to ching's place after, but we gave it a miss. oh.. i saw amy there. well, she saw me first.
i heard someone calling my name i turn and suddenly all i can see is this white shirt and i feel someone hugging me and standing on my foot at the same time. forgive me for not saying hi. i was more preoccupied going "OWW!!! my foot! MY FOOT!!! you're standing on MY FOOT!!!" she had really hard-bottomed converses and i had a cheap pair of slippers.
oh, saw jon there as well. haven't seen him in a while. forgot to say hi. but he took a couple of pictures cause sarah requested them. unfortunately, i had my mouth full all the time. the container of cake was full to the brim, ok? i'm just trying to support whoever brought the cake by helping them consume it. i'm doing them a favour. i mean, i dont want them to have to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow just to finish it off.
saw a couple of girls that amy knows from school as well. i only recognize them because amy is constantly calling out to them in the halls. oh, and i saw guitar-guy-with-long-ish-black-hair as well. he didn't remember me, but no worries. cause i'm not too sure about his name either. sarah told me once, cause i spelt it wrong. uhm. lyon. leon? lion? leone? lyonne? how the hell do you spell it? i told sarah i have a cousin called lyon/leon/lion. he's really cute. she goes "hah? guitar lyon/leon/lion is cute?" what does she think about all day? anyway, i remember that he kicks-ass with his guitar. that's better than the name, right?
i saw karen too. this girl i worked with. she didn't recognize me without my hair tied up and without the work shirt. she played cello for the "we were the reason" choir. she's good.
amy smacked me. hard. thanks for that, jon. dont think i dont know you put her up to it. but i guess the real culprit is... SARAHANNLEE. <---- that looks weird.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
for sarah's entertainment
sarah: GO AND BLOG. i need entertainment.
WhutDeCrap [sorry casper].
do you know, ever since he read my last post, moey's been singing corny one-liners to me. like, he'll do a jon and go 'have i told you lately that i love you?'.. or "why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? just like me they long to be close to you." i'll be like "don't be so random". he'll go "but i don't want you to mix petrol with your juice." i go "you think i'm really unstable, dont you?" he says "yup."
stupid boy
and the only reason he didn't want me to die was because i promised to give him a drawing of a girl in a school uniform [he asked for it]. in jess's words "i can't believe you supported his pervertedness." i was guilty for a while after that [felt i had betrayed the female species]. but i got over it because i didn't draw mega huge boobs and belt-like skirt. in fact, she looks pretty presentable. ^ ^
my feet are cold. i'm hungry. and i've got work later. so ciao~
moey just read this and prompted me to add this. he wants me to mention that he is NOT a pervert. he says that TC draws him pretty girls all the time and all he has to do is hand him his book. what i think? why hand the book over in the first place?
TC is so damn talented it's not funny.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
have i told you lately that i love you?
it didn't look promising: lots of odds and ends [e.g. elastic bands, paper clips, photos] on the top shelf. second shelf half empty [usually reserved for short term books e.g. library books, lost homework etc.] includes space for dictionaries, third shelf full of books like narnias and harry potters and some other weird childrens' books. also packed with inspirational books.. it is one of these that i chose to read.
a 3rd serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul..
anyway, this long winded explanation is all leading up to a point. the explanation will be longer than the point, eventually, but hear me out. i started reading randomly, and somehow, it seemed as if every story i read had something to do with telling someone else you loved them, or they counted, or they would make a difference in the world. and in every story, someone [or someoneS] would be profoundly transformed or saved from committing suicide.
i'm not trying to be sarcastic or crude, i swear. the point is, i suddenly remembered something sarah told me a long time ago [o.e. about 6 mths back]. she said that her cousin , jon, was constantly singing one line from an old, old song. he'd go "have i told you lately that i love you?" at erratic intervals to whoever was in convenient earshot [most often sarah].
at the time, i thought that was cute and funny, in a slightly lame sort of way [sorry, jon, if you're reading this] and we both had a good laugh about it [in fact, i ended up singing that line to sarah the whole day]. but what got me just then was that he had a point. whether or not he meant it, he was letting people around him know that he cared [only someone who cared would sing a sappy song like that. again, sorry jon]. and he might not know it, but he might actually save someone from mixing petrol with their juice on day.
so everyone out there, i urge you. sing a corny song at odd intervals to let the people around you know how much you love them. some good ideas are: that really old one that goes "i love you, i honestly love you", 'i'm a believer', 'lean on me', and the good old 'i'll be there for you'..
hanging by a moment
Desperate for changing // Starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started // Chasing after you
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
Forgetting all I'm lacking // Completely incomplete
I'll take your invitation // You take all of me now...
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
There's nothing else to lose // There's nothing else to find
There's nothing in the world // That can change my mind
There is nothing else (3X)
anyway, just checked my mail. sarah didn't reply [so useless XD]. i keep forgetting to type up an email to jess so that i can teach her how to download Bleach off IRC.. i wonder how people feel about me constantly dissing them. i don't do it to everyone, mind you, only to the people that i know are mentally and emotionally strong enough to handle it..
oh, i checked out the quiz on amy's blog the other day.. it was the one about herself - i guess she wanted to find out how much people knew about her.. i didn't answer the questions though on account of the fact that i didn't know the answers.. embarrassing considering we've been in the same classes the whole year. but that's me...... not a people person..
which reminds me of the time anastasija [pronounced a-na-sta-see-yah for those of you who don't want her on your case] won an English competition.. it was a BIG competition and everyone was congratulating her and hugging her and she was hugging them back.. when i went to congratulate her, i stuck out my hand for a handshake and told her i'm not a hug-type person.. she laughed and commented on how cute that was [even though it clearly isn't].
and then she went off and told everyone. =.=
and everytime amy gives me a hug she comments on how i gotta work on my hugging skills [any time anyone has to suffer the trauma of hugging me, they say this]. i mean, she goes as far as to say that my future boyfriend has gotta be the unluckiest guy on the face of the earth.. well, at least she believes that i'll actually have a future boyfriend. can't say the same for SOME PEOPLE [you know who you are. KARINA! SARAH!].
this is kinda sad, but the only person who hugs me and doesn't make lousy comments is... you guessed it... my mum.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
the $3.90 value meal
anyway, we went there.. guess what? KFC snacker burger $1.90 and Wicked Wings @2.00.. yup, value meal alright. and cause there were four of us [me, sam, PS, rick] we ordered four snacker burgers and four wicked wings [one Wicked Wing has three pieces].. and the guy behind the counter was like "You want 12 chicken wings?" and rick said "YEAH."
so we ate and PS had to go to work before she'd finished her share of the wings.. she left us with espress instructions to leave them and bring them back for her. "you don't eat my chicken, ah." *looks at richard*
after i'd finished my meal [they had to wait for me cause i was the slowest] we stood up to go home. none of us could really stomach the idea of shopping for four hours until PS finished her shift. but then rick said he needed to buy vitamins - vitamins at the cheapest price. so our goal was to visit every pharmacy in Garden City to check out the prices. and if we had to go back to the first one - well, tough luck!
guess what? we did end up having to go back to the first pharmacy we visited. just so you know, Centrum multivitamin tablets are best value Pharmacy Plus.. save you the trouble of having to go through what we did.
we went into a few clothing stores.. most of which had large multi-coloured signs proclaiming things like "$10 only" or "2 for $25". cause we're cheap. in the end, Rick bought a shirt from erm.. either JeansWest or Westco.. one of the two.. always getting them confused. quite a nice shirt..
he and sam did the most random thing while we were walking in the shopping centre. i was walking a little ahead of them so i could hear them talking but i had no idea what about. suddenly, i sensed something was up and i turned around. the two of them came up beside me - sam on the right, rick on the left - and sandwiched me. "just trying to make you feel small," they said. well, i showed them!! i elbowed them a little and tried to take up as muh space as i could. not a good idea in a crowded place.
and then.. just as we were about to take the escalators to the underground carpark, rick caught sight of bright fluorescent coloured-paper stuck outside Kmart. it was too colourful for him to resist a look.. we went in looking for zinc pots and came out with a bottle opener.
Friday, December 09, 2005
things we say
kim: i like walking next to you cause it makes me feel tall.
moey: i like pushing you over cause it makes me feel strong.
moey:...*something about his weight*
kim: you anorexic freak
moey: i'm not anorexic!! but i'll admit i'm a freak.
moey: jess got a job?
kim: yeah.
moey: what is it? being a girl? or in your case, trying to be one.
moey: i wanna grow, you know.
kim: yeah, me too.
moey: you're different.
moey: no, i'm saying you're a girl.
kim: oh.... that's ok then.
moey: girls can be short. i'm a guy.
kim: well, maybe you're a girl too.
moey: what's up?
kim: i'm organizing my music. big job.
moey: you're so organized.
kim: if i don't do it, i can't find the songs i want.
moey: you should come over to my house one day.
kim: what?
moey: to clean my room.
kim: =.= i hate you.
kim: i've got short, stubby fingers.
moey: i do too.
kim: no way. your hands are massive.
moey: no, that's just my palm. my fingers are short
kim: at least they're longer than mine.
moey: that's cause you're a girl. maybe i am too.
after reading...
moey: yeah, neither. it sort of got soft and disappeared
kim: deflated
moey: =.= yes, if you must put it that way
kim: it's true. that's what we said.
moey: i also said if i tense up my stomach really hard and pull down all my fat then i have a visible six pack.
kim: really? i guess i forgot that bit.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
last day of school
today is, of course, the last day of school for the students of RSHS. i do not have to go to school for the next seven weeks.. does not seem a long enough holiday. doesn't feel like the end of the year anyway..
today is also my mum's birthday. this has saved me from working three hours tonight
btw, jon, i didn't say i missed sarah.. at least i don't think i did. everyone seems to miss her, but i don't see what's so missable. i mean, it's quieter and everything, but i got to sit in the safe corner today.. ok, so things aren't the same without sarah around. i'll admit that. but no worries, jon, she'll be back next year.
tze-chiang gave us [me, amy, joey, moey] each a christmas present. he actually took the time out to draw us each an anime picture [personalized, mind you, and totally original] and wish us a very merry christmas. he's a legend. oh, there it is.

ben also gave me a card today. he's on par with sarah as far as insulting me goes. sigh~ he's the same guy who gave me free food one day, flicked ice-cream at me the next, and now totally shocks me with a christmas card. he's even more erratic than i am!!! read yourself.

actually, now that i think about it, i do miss talking to sarah.. it makes me feel better about myself, knowing there's someone out there's who's equally retarded.
gtg.. crisis on hand.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
ok maybe not but that's not the point today ben threw ice-cream at me he flipped a spoonful of it at me i didn't think he would dare but suddenly i felt this cold thing on my arm OMG i can't believe he did it so useless
had to learn to take the bus long story back feels better now in need of a crack since August how much does that suck sarah hasn't replied my email not gonna see karina till next year have to write out christmas cards lollipops are disgusting except chupa chups peach and cream which totally rocks jcullum dunno why i wrote that just felt like it
lots of stuff to do now i'm so depressing to other people they hang around me and i pretty much see them come down from the ceiling
conversation today went something like this:
amy: do you have a six pack or four pack?
kim: no pack. how many different sized packs are there?
amy: some people have two packs
kim: hahahahahahahahaha you serious?
moey: no, it's true
--tze-chiang continues drawing anime--
moey: i used to have a six pack
arsewipe: yeah, me too
--when did arsewipe turn up?? and no way he had a six pack--
arsewipe: i don't anymore
moey: yeah, neither. it sort of got soft and disappeared
kim: deflated
moey: =.= yes, if you must put it that way
matt: who here has man boobs?
Monday, December 05, 2005
free food
ben did the nicest thing today.. it was his birthday so i gave him a birthday/christmas card.. he was really surprised that i remembered.. heck, i was really surprised i remembered.. anyway, i reminded him of the outstanding sausage sizzle that he owed me since the science fair [cause he smacked me and it hurt].. thought i should make him feel a little guilty..
he found me during lunch and presented me with a sausage in a bun.. i was so shocked.. he stood there holding it out, the onions practically screaming to be eaten and he says "i owe you one, right?" i stared for a while... then i go "really?" and he nods and goes "yeah"..
now, under normal circumstances, i would shake my head and be polite.. say no.. but he bought it specially for me [or he might have got it free].. and him, the guy who's always smacking me on the head cause i'm short.. gave me FREE FOOD!!!
all because i remembered his birthday and gave him a card..
i should do it more often..
wait, i just found out from will that he gave me the sausage bun BEFORE he read what i wrote in the card.. woohoo!!!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
the enter key
oh wait, it's working again.. how erratic..
no scratch that.. it only works on this screen, while i'm blogging.. it's completely screwed for msn.. which is damn annoying cause now i gotta keep pressing the send button with my mouse.. do you know, it actually took me five minutes to work out what to do?? i couldn't figure out how to send my messages.. sigh~ that's blurness for you..
moving on to happier topics.. sarah's gone now.. wait, i dunno whether that should be classified under happy.. oh well, i read her post on two guys, and i could tell it was pretty heartfelt... it obviously killed her to have to leave and not see me for a month and a half *cough*cough*hack*ohshitchokingtodeath*..
btw, do you know, i came home on friday after school, after sarah explicitly told me not to die, get fat, and get a boyfriend, and not to choke.. and i choked.. twice.. in successsion.. damn you sarah for cursing me..
went to church today.. richard picked us up at 9.45.. way too early.. anyway, i was wearing a pink shirt, and richard opened his mouth the minute i got in the car.. "you're very pink today. makes you look feminine. doesn't suit your personality."
-__- great.. btw, i have quite a number of pink shirts, for some odd and unfathomable reason..
going home..
sam: [to PS] so when's your bro coming down
PS: why? are you interested?
sam: no, i'm just trying to make conversation
kim: that's kinda sad
PS: well, i was making conversation too
-- pause --
PS: nah, my bro's coming in a month
rick: [just got in the car] he's hot
sam: are you interested, then?
rick: yeah, i'm getting close to her [PS] to get close to him
Saturday, December 03, 2005
the gap
good thing i sit in the second row..
anyway, after much shifting [especially on jac's part, cause she didn't like standing where she was], i ended up standing next to cresbo.. it was really quite uncomfortable, the whiteboard was diging into my back cause i didn't wanna get to close to the people in front of me..
anyway, i carefully maneuvered people to stand directly in front of me to sheild me from the infrared rays of death [and embarassment].. karmen was the primary victim.. but she kept moving beyond what i had wanted, and it ended up that there was this HUUUUUUGE gap right smack in front of me and cresbo.. and we were totally exposed without mercy to the viewfinder of reuben's camera... GREAT.
and the best part was, cresbo kept going "there's a huge gap.. look at that gap.. someone move to stand in front of me"..
in the end, karmen was squashing half of me and my other half was probably in the middle of some weird gesture... at least i wasn't totally in view.. with luck, the picture might turn out dud..
sorry casper..
Friday, December 02, 2005
sarry's last day
kim: so.... sarry: so... kim: don't die ah.. sarry: yeah, don't choke, OK? kim: don't eat too much, yeah. sarry: don't get a boyfriend. kim: yeah, you too.. actually, no - sarry: don't say it kim: i shall not hinder any potential in a relationship *wink, wink. sorry, inside joke* sarry: so, remember.. kim: yeah, neither of us is to die, choke, or get fat..
we took some photos.. memories of an interesting year..

sarah in the safe corner.. both she and i love that little nook in the staircase.. the few times i have sat there, i noticed that she kept looking at it longingly, so now i always let her have it.. just cause she looks so sad otherwise..

taken outside science class.. we seem to always get nice photos outside of old demountable 46... one of sarah's best, too..

amy and sarah inside demountable 46.. amy sort of fell asleep just before i pressed the shutter button, and was in the process of flopping onto sarah's head..
i've got more, but the connection is so erratic.. so sarah, feel honoured that i devoted a whole post to you farewell.. remember, don't choke, don't get fat, and don't DIE..
Thursday, December 01, 2005
let's make kim feel stupick
many times this week, i have been severely oppressed by my fellow peers.. for example, i said to may and putri "do you think i should stop being mean?" and putri goes "no way. if you're not mean, you're not you anymore". =.= meaning that my character is based solely on how mean i am to a person..
next incident.. i always share water with moey cause i drink a lot and he never drinks, so why let perfectly good boiled water go to waste? i'll drink it.. anyway, moey is crazy.. he twists his bottle cap on so tight that i can never open it.. and he always does it for me in the end.. so yesterday, i opened the bottle by myself.. and i was happy. like, really happy.
kim: hey *smiles* i opened it by myself
mo: wow! you've gotten stronger!
amy: wow! you're so strong.
sarry: =.=
-- btw, me, sarry, amy, moey, and tze-chiang are all sitting together--
kim: this is so great *genuinely happy*
TC: *sullenly* you know, moey actually loosened the bottle cap before he gave it to you..
*awkward silence. morphs into annoyance*
mo: hey! you weren't supposed to tell her that.
sarry: there there kim
kim: *sadly* i really thought i opened it myself.
mo: *hits TC* i was trying to be nice.
and then amy makes me feel so much better by twisting open the really tightly shut bottle cap
this morning i asked my mum what time it was.. she said quarter past eight.. we have to go to school then.. so i rushed my way through everything.. and we left the house at 8.20.. or so i thought.. but when i arrived at school, i saw that it was only 8.26.. i was like "whoa, how did we get here so fast? we started out at 8.20".. i look at my mum and she looks away guiltily.. guess what? she lied to me to get me to move faster.. we left the house at 8.10..
cut it short.. i gotta run.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
lonely on the swings

this is one that i printed and then photoshopped to emphasize her loneliness on the swings.. XD.. she's looking at the swing next to her.. thinking that kim should be sitting there.. cause she's such a great person.. and cause... cause... she's just really amazing in general.. XD!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
i'll be there for you
I'll be there for you // When the rain starts to pour // I'll be there for you // Like I've been there before // I'll be there for you // 'Cause you're there for me too
You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight // You've burned your breakfast so far, things are going great // Your mama warned you there'd be days like these // But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees, and
I'll be there for you // When the rain starts to pour // I'll be there for you // Like I've been there before // I'll be there for you // 'Cause you're there for me too
No one could ever know me // No one could ever see me // Since you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me // Someone to face the day with // Make it through all the best with // Someone who always laughs at // Even // when I'm at my worst, I'm best with you
by the rembrandts
in your face jane!! sorry i spoilt it a little in the car today, but it was good..
i'm reading Sabriel now, by Garth Nix. it's good too.. havent read his keys to the kingdom series.. i did start tho..
books that i have to read and for various reasons haven't [e.g. no time, can't find it, no money to buy, can't borrow it off someone, started but didn't continue, forgot about etc.]: garth nix key's to the kingdom; christopher paolini eldest; david gemmel [the rest of his] legend series; eddings [the rest of] the dreamers series..... actually there's a whole list i have in my mind that comes up at odd times, usually when i'm not thinking about it [e.g. when i'm peeling oranges].. when i need them, i can't find them. oh, i'm also halfway through bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything.. as well as a jane austen book that i gave up on because i couldn't understand the language..
i need to go drink water.
Friday, November 25, 2005
i have to share
anyway, my group did a hydrogen and helium demo, involving poking balloons filled with hydrogen.. just so you know, test tubes of hydrogen pop when exposed to flame.. balloons explode.. everytime you poke it with fire, it bursts into this ball of flame with a "BANG".. needless to say, i loved it..
so at one point, i stole away to eat my lunch and this little midget kid looks at me and starts talking to me..
kid: can i have a sandwich?
me: i don't have one *tries to conceal my lunch*
kid: you do. you're holding it.
me: well, you don't want it. it's an avocado and lettuce sandwich.
kid: EWW!! *turns to his midget friends* she's eating a lettuce and avocado sandwich!!
all kids: EWW!!
and you know the worst part? i really was eating a lettuce and avocado sandwich.. my mum loves me so much..
and then...
kid: who's ms cheong?
me: oh, this teacher
kid: is she gay?
me: what?
kid: *points to graffiti on wall* it says so right there.
me: *reads the graffiti [shall not elaborate on this] moves to stand in front of it in an attempt to block it with her sizeable torso* oh, she's actually the gardener's pet dog.. forget what you just read.
kid: haha.. ms cheong is gay
and so on and so forth.. was i like that when i was 11?
usually when we're explaining, no one asks questions. there was one kid who broke the rules.. he raised his hand and i was so surprised i pointed at him and went "what?". he kind of started, but asked his question anyway.. what impudence! i referred him on to my colleague who happened to be better equiped at answering his query.
ben lent me his pda to listen to better days.. and i was listening while the others were talking.. then i accidentally pulled the earphones out and pete murray's voice filled the air going "put my face in my hands".. everyone turned around.. i totally suck..
the week of crapp
let me outline the details.. i could spare you, but please humour me for the next few paragraphs..
the work of the last four months finally caught up with me on monday. imagine a turtle at birth, when it first gets it's shell.. over time, the shell grows as the turtle body grows.. so the turtle progresses happily and naively for a few months.. but one day, the shell doubles it's size. unfortunately, in a cruel twist of nature and it's demented sense of humour, the turtle body is left as miserable and pathetically scrawny as it was before.
that's what it was like. i shit you not.
over the last week, i have developed a sincere, burning hate for the days of the week.. i swear that mondays were created to remind one of the unfairness of life.. in fact, it is strangely biased towards non-schooling things.. like fish.. sorry, bad pun [i.e. a school of fish] even my sense of humour is suffering. tuesdays are for remembering that you've got FOUR DAYS TO FRIDAY!!! wednesdays.. you'd think one would be happy that you're halfway through.. WRONG.. it means that you've got two days to finish all your work before next week.. thursdays are truly detestable.. i'm serious.. they serve no purpose whatsoever in the week except to make you more tired than anything else.. friday.. you look forward to it.. but wait, someone comes along and tells you "oh, you were supposed to get this done before next week".. WTH??
i was so tired this week.. everytime i got back after school, i just wanted to sleep.. i actually did.. at jane's place, i just die on the couch.. i reckon i should carry a sign around my neck saying "i'm not dead" for everytime i pass out on the couch..
like last week, i came home on friday.. skipped youth... finished dinner aroung quarter to nine.. conked out on the sofa.. dead in bed by nine thirty.. woke up at nine the next day... apparently, i slept 11 and a half hours straight..
Monday, November 21, 2005
seriously, this is the best - THE BEST - anime talk i have had in months... turns out there is so much that we both like... and we hate the same things too, even though a hell lot of people like them.. and we're recommending different animes to each other..
this soooo rocks!!! you know why? ANIME ROCKS!!
ok, i'm coming across as a freak.
some anime that's worth looking at.. POT, FMA, fumoffu, fruits basket, peacemaker kurogane, eyeshield21 [pure stupidity to the max], bleach, tsubasa, scryed, project arms was ok, inuyasha, one piece, wait wait, can't remember right now..
FF7: Advent Children is a must see for everybody, ok? OK??
oh man, i'm so addicted
screw it man
work my ass off this week doing all the work that i've put off over the last six months.. reports can't be changed after next week or something anyway... so after this week of tests and torture and trauma, i say "SCREW IT ALL MAN"!!!
by then i'll probably be happy enough to forget this rage.. but in the mean time, SCREW ALL THIS WORK!!!
now............. back to the "work my ass off" part of the plan..
Saturday, November 19, 2005
the fly
anyway, the latest episode in the princess arsewipe diaries is ominously titled..... wait for it, wait for it...... "THE FLY, and the larynx"
background information: arsewipe is a self proclaimed, self-righteous vegetarian who is supposedly against killing animals.
arsewipe: *claps both hands on an unfortunate fly, then lets go. the fly flops onto the table*
kim: i thought you were against killing animals
arsewipe: i didn't kill it. *prods the fly* see, it's still alive.
kim: right, just admit you killed it, ok.
arsewipe: no, seriously, look. it's moving *ok, so the fly wasnt dead... yet*
in the background, radestock is telling the class how sorry doesn't mean anything. it's just a vibration of the larynx, or vocal chords.
kim: that's not the point.. it's not enough for you to insult me, now you gotta torture a fly.
arsewipe: i said i was sorry about yesterday, ok?
kim: *after being prompted by sarah* sorry doesn't mean anything. it's just a vibration of the larynx.
arsewipe: fine -
kim: but just cause i'm a good person - the bigger person in this case - i'll forgive you.
arsewipe: *speechless* *goes back to prodding the fly and trying to make it fly*
kim: get that fly off my file!
arsewipe: did you know that a fly vomits 12 times every second?
kim: i do now. where did the fly go?
arsewipe: i'm not telling you.. you'll kill him.. and how do we know it's a HIM anyway..
kim: oho.. it's a female. even worse, man. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, AUSTRALIA SAYS NO!!!
---fast forward--- now we're doing our work ---
sharne: where did the fly go?
arsewipe: *looks around. lifts his book. the fly guts are smeared all over the table*
kim: hah! you killed the fly.
arsewipe: no i didnt.
kim: yeah you did, you squashed it man. now clean it up.
arsewipe: *cleans the fly up* i didn't kill it, ok?
kim: come on, what, you think the fly jammed itself under your book?
arsewipe: maybe it just didn't wanna live anymore.
kim: what? you think the fly actually committed suicide??
arsewipe: i'm just saying....
sarah: it's ok [arsewipe]... denial isn't the only river in egypt.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
the arsewipe
wanna know what?? i've been annoying this arsewipe for the last two terms, and he's never put up a fight.. today, he talked back and i was like "yeah, he's responding!!!" cause that means i get to have a lot more fun.. so we went back and forth for a while, and it was funny..
now, when i insult him, i do it purely out of fun.. i don't do it because i hate him or anything - i mean, he definitely does not rank in my list of favourite people [doesn't even come anywhere close to 'favourite'] but i don't hate him.. so when insulting him, i stick to a certain standard.. there is a line that i do not cross - the line between funny and just plain evil...
first he calls me a faggot, right? ok, i'm not even the right gender to warrant that name.. then he moves on to "dick with a..." he got scared by the look on my face and stopped himself halfway... oh, to be sure, i smacked him hard!!! then i stopped insulting him cause he just went way too far [i won't go into the details]... but i did tell him in my serious voice that he'd crossed the invisible boundary between joking and just plain offensive..
lucky for him, i actually have standards.. cause there are a million and one things i could say about him that would really grind him into a hole six [thousand] feet under.. primarily to do with his race [indian].. see, i told you i have standards.. so that friggin' arsewipe is now a friggin' crossed the line arsewipe of a baby rat...... a baby rat carrying the plague..
what an asshole!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
results and cousins

there, that's a picture of cheryl, my totally cute cousin [the one who got straight As].. she's got a really big smile that stretches the length of the great wall of china and makes you wanna smile too!! her little brother is even cuter.. he's ten.. and whoa - he's got enough energy to play with polar bears.. except it comes in bursts and never lasts more than an hour or so.. i mean, he sprained his ankle when he was at my aunt's house - for holiday...

oh, here's a picture of him.. this pic says a lot about him, eh. and yeah, the person in yellow behind him has been cropped off because she totally kills the pic [i.e. has a totally retarded face on to suit his] the little boy's name is jonathan.. hmm.... i know three, no, four jonathans.. maybe more that i can't remember.. that's a lot.. i know between seven and ten jessica's.. that is sooooooooo scary..
stream of consciousness
purpose driven life you are products of your past but you don't have to be prisoners of it another great save by uruguay goalie what the hell is his name uruguay in posession no goal dammit!! can someone just kick one in already game gonna go into penalty i bet another foul two players fighting over the ball this is better than live commentary wahahahahahaha that was so not funny don't wanna be an arsewipe you're a champ if you know what i'm on about
when i look at the stars i feel like myself moon was really bright last night fantastic header by uruguay player whatshisname was casting silvery light on the ground outside long shadows from the trees natural confectionary company snakes go aussie go and i'm not even australian
whoa that player is huge radestock rarghurgleghurghurghurgh DIE DIE DIE fine then i'll cook you the flame is burning me but hey it must be hurting that tick a hell lot more whahahahahahahaha constipation crossed with crazed look
sour mangoes
Saturday, November 12, 2005
random pics

what a nice pic of jess and sarry!!

whoa, talk about aggro!!! maybe it's just cause i was sitting in front of her.. hmm...

why does jess look so good in all photos?? whoa, my head is damn big..

Q: how fun is it to eat KFC on the basketball court?
A: not very... blame will for it!!!

outside the science classroom.. like the way the pic is taken... makes sarry's head look big!!

yes, we're all very happy... cause we're outside on a sunny day, when we're supposed to be inside doing english.. damn windy, though..

candid camera!!!

how can you not love this picture??? it makes her look so... dazed?? dumb???

one of my fave pics of all time.. mainly cause we all look sooooo....... happy!!! they said i look like a fish.. i don't see it, though...

sarah and joey, sitting on the bus.. XD

yes, jess, we know you have good hair..