what a nice pic of jess and sarry!!

whoa, talk about aggro!!! maybe it's just cause i was sitting in front of her.. hmm...

why does jess look so good in all photos?? whoa, my head is damn big..

Q: how fun is it to eat KFC on the basketball court?
A: not very... blame will for it!!!

outside the science classroom.. like the way the pic is taken... makes sarry's head look big!!

yes, we're all very happy... cause we're outside on a sunny day, when we're supposed to be inside doing english.. damn windy, though..

candid camera!!!

how can you not love this picture??? it makes her look so... dazed?? dumb???

one of my fave pics of all time.. mainly cause we all look sooooo....... happy!!! they said i look like a fish.. i don't see it, though...

sarah and joey, sitting on the bus.. XD

yes, jess, we know you have good hair..
1 comment:
yeayea whatever you say rod..
i've noticed a trend! besides the fact that i'm.. let's see.. in 8 out of your photos (i never knew i provided so much entertainment.. all the stupid pics too) you actually dont look half as bad as you proclaim to be..and i kinda killed the shot with you and TZECHIENG in it (dian deng pao..you know..) and YAR. posting my ugly face on your blog..you really want people to exterminate me and rid the world of an ugly face right.
pfft. this is YOUR BLOG! what is my face doing there. geez.
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