where i work, i see a lot of couples coming and going. they buy stuff from us. and time and time again, i take orders for waffles, and i notice that whenever there are asian couples ordering, they order one large waffle and they share it. like, the 5'1" 90pound girl eats a quarter and the 6'2", 180pound guy gets the rest.
brings to mind the time sarah and i were feeling high. as is typical in our conversations, we were talking about food. in particular, the amount of food different people can eat. the two of us eat a lot, ok. as in, we can pack away a lot. more than seems possible for our height.
on the other hand, jon and leon are bamboo sticks. they're taaaaaaaall and thin. like, THIN.
so sarah and i thought up a hypothetical situation.
setting: hungry jacks
time: not now
characters: sarah [the one with the bigger burger]
kim [the one who wants the bigger burger]
finathan [the one who can't finish his burger]
leon [the one who doesnt want his burger]
four of them sit down at one of those squashy tables in the restaurant. that's right, hungry jacks is a restaurant. sarah and kim order double whoppers with cheese. jon orders a grilled chicken burger. leon orders [i was gonna say french fries, but i thought that was a bit mean] a whopper with bacon [just cause he can].
fin: stop fighting. you can have mine. i can't finish it.
sarah: cool! it's mine now.
kim: but you got the bigger whopper.
leon: *wakes up* shut up guys. eat mine.
sarah, kim: YAY!!
if sarah and i ever order waffles and someone goes "you wanna share?". we'll be like "NO, you want one you buy your own. i need a WHOLE waffle".
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
the escalator
michelle: are male dogs called bastards? cause, you know, female dogs are bitches.
i saw half the youth at work today. at first, i saw tim and lee sze walking in front of me. they were too far away for me to say hi. then i went upstairs and suddenly i see these two crazy guys waving erratically at us. chengloon and eugene.
couldn't see audrey at first cause she was so small and there were many bushes between me and her.
kim: *points at escalator* isn't that daniel, kwok and err.. tan?
then i saw eda's family, minus eda. jono comes up. short while later, joshua appears...
then i saw pak... pak.. pak yao? i think his name is... at the bus stop. i waved but he got up and ran away. ahaha.
this group of guys comes to order stuff.
michelle: i like some of them. but most of them are ugly.
sam: -_____- there's only three of them.
i saw half the youth at work today. at first, i saw tim and lee sze walking in front of me. they were too far away for me to say hi. then i went upstairs and suddenly i see these two crazy guys waving erratically at us. chengloon and eugene.
couldn't see audrey at first cause she was so small and there were many bushes between me and her.
kim: *points at escalator* isn't that daniel, kwok and err.. tan?
then i saw eda's family, minus eda. jono comes up. short while later, joshua appears...
then i saw pak... pak.. pak yao? i think his name is... at the bus stop. i waved but he got up and ran away. ahaha.
this group of guys comes to order stuff.
michelle: i like some of them. but most of them are ugly.
sam: -_____- there's only three of them.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

sennie and jess. at school, some time last year.
i found this on my computer. it's not one that i took. i can't remember who took it, but i like it cause they're so damn happy in there. they'd both argue they look crap, but honestly... HOW HAPPY DO THEY LOOK? ok, sennie might look a little pained there, but still...
i've got another one of jess and may where they're smiling EVEN BIGGER, but jess would totally kill me if i put that up. she'll strangle me, then drain all my blood out through tiny little needles like the ones they use in acupuncture. ok, she's probably not violent enough to think of that. but she does do taekwondo [or however you wanna spell it].... which is scary cause she's 5'1", 90 pounds, but punches like a 7 foot 300pound wrestler. one shot to the solar plexus and... woooh... worse than getting impaled on a flagpole.
I'M SERIOUS... and it's not like i'm so weak that a 40kg thingy can hurt me... even moey is intimidated!!! [you know it's true, man]. and i'm sure some of the other guys have been punched before too.
so let me introduce you to jessica, one of my buddies at school. jess is one of those really bubbly people who seem to make an awful lot of noise considering their size. ok, to be fair, she's grown A LOT since i first met her... like, 3+ inches or something. but she still weighs about the same, which is slightly unfair to those of us [i.e. me and sarah] who always have no idea what we weigh cause it keeps changing.

steph and jess in dance.
jess is very cute. no, i'm not gay, ok? she is. she's the kind of person who's never gonna run out of friends, simply cause... she's jess? i don't know. you know those people you really really hate because they're all rounders? jess is nice[ish] XD. she's good at school. she's good at sport [except soft cross, which we both REALLY suck at]. she does dance. she's cute. she's friendly. she radiates energy. she plays more than 2 musical instruments. she has a cute little brother. she goes to church. she... she... err... sings?
ok, this is as much of being nice i can take for the next month. i gotta go eat something now. damn, being nice is exhausting.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
i don't really have anything to blog about.

just thought i'd share some pictures.

this is sam and jess lying on the oval of wesley college. it's a nice picture. they itched for ages after lying on that grass.

i love this tree. it offers such awesome silhouettes to work with.

sam and jess at the planet shakers conference.

you can tell we're related by our retardedness. oh man, this is a seriously funny picture.

i brought my camera to school one morning and this just seemed such a nice shot. nowhere near as nice as the real thing, though.

i don't even remember whose fingers those were. they weren't mine. mine are stubby.
it is lunch time and i am sitting between william and moey. we are leaning towards will cause we are reading something. but william has just finished playing basketball.
kim: william. i'm sorry. but you really stink.
will: i know i do.
kim: no, i'm serious. as in, you smell bad.
will: *sniffs self* sorry.
moey: *sniffs around* kim smells like beer.
kim: -___________- umm... okay.
william: *sniffs* no she doesn't. she smells like apples.
kim: -_______________-"!!!
moey: *sniff sniff* you're right. she does.
kim: *jumps away* stop smelling me, you guys!!!
moey: william, you want some deodorant?
william: why not?
moey: *sprays deo over william. on himself. then on ME* now kim smells like me.
moey: i still smell apples.
will: me too.

just thought i'd share some pictures.

this is sam and jess lying on the oval of wesley college. it's a nice picture. they itched for ages after lying on that grass.

i love this tree. it offers such awesome silhouettes to work with.

sam and jess at the planet shakers conference.

you can tell we're related by our retardedness. oh man, this is a seriously funny picture.

i brought my camera to school one morning and this just seemed such a nice shot. nowhere near as nice as the real thing, though.

i don't even remember whose fingers those were. they weren't mine. mine are stubby.
it is lunch time and i am sitting between william and moey. we are leaning towards will cause we are reading something. but william has just finished playing basketball.
kim: william. i'm sorry. but you really stink.
will: i know i do.
kim: no, i'm serious. as in, you smell bad.
will: *sniffs self* sorry.
moey: *sniffs around* kim smells like beer.
kim: -___________- umm... okay.
william: *sniffs* no she doesn't. she smells like apples.
kim: -_______________-"!!!
moey: *sniff sniff* you're right. she does.
kim: *jumps away* stop smelling me, you guys!!!
moey: william, you want some deodorant?
william: why not?
moey: *sprays deo over william. on himself. then on ME* now kim smells like me.
moey: i still smell apples.
will: me too.
things people say
Saturday, March 18, 2006
a b c
this comes after having a conversation with one of my friends. it reminded me how important first impressions are. even more, it reminded me of how well they stick in your mind.
this is the thing with people. when you meet someone, you form an impression, and very often, that's what you associate them with for a long, long while after - or at least until you get to know them A LOT better.
for example, when i first met CHENG LOON, we didn't talk much. and unconsciously, in my mind i thought of him as quiet [cause i never heard him talk]. i also noticed that he's really good with his guitar. BUT.. how wrong i was. no, he plays guitar really well, but quiet? not only can he hold decent conversations, he comes up with some of the sharpest insults EVER. i swear, his sarcastic remarks are of such depth they defy the understanding of my underdeveloped mind [this is a gross exaggeration. my mind is SUPER-UNDERDEVELOPED].
BUT, that said, i'm still surprised when i talk to him sometimes, because my brain keeps screaming 'HE'S QUIET'!!! and this conflicts with how he really is. sad, huh.
we digress [a phrase i picked up from jon]. i was talking to my friend, and she voiced her feelings about this other person whom she's never spoken to. apparently, A told B that C told A that C didn't like my friend, so she got slightly upset. all of them are my friends and i'm careful not to take sides, cause i don't know the full story either.
but here's the thing that gets me. she immediately didn't like the other girl. like she said, she's never spoken to her before, but she's doing exactly what the other girl did to her. forming impressions.
sometimes you meet a person and you immediately click. sometimes you don't. it's like that. if you click well, then it's all good. if you don't, it could go either way. you could get to know that person a lot better afterwards, or you could hate their guts. of course, you could remain totally neutral but that's not the point. the problem is that people keep saying "first impressions count", and they do. they really do.
everybody acts differently in front of people they've just met. i think i'm guilty of this too, although my degree of 'different' is very small [i.e. i'm only marginally less stupid in front of people i don't know]. for most people, meeting someone for the first time calls for extra polite language and more demure body language [for girls. for guys it's extra-vulgar jokes and super-agressive movements]. i am, of course, making generalizations.
we talked about this. the problem is, you care too much about what other people are gonna think of you. you know why? cause you know what you think about other people. you'd be totally comfortable around EVERYBODY if you yourself felt that everyone you knew had no faults whatsoever. it's cause YOU form judgements about other people that you feel insecure about how other people feel about you. hence, being stiff and awkward and pretentious in front of new people.
i, personally, do not suffer from this problem, much. i do judge people, and i'm not completely immune to the thoughts of others, i admit, but i have come to a point where it's no longer important to me. it's not that i don't care [i do, a little], it just doesn't matter to me anymore. honestly, i used to care. not to the point where i centered my life around trying to make people think i'm awesome.. i just cared.
it seems so stupid now... because i've found people that i actually LIKE being around - and most importantly, they can take my ludicrously idiotic character WITHOUT cringing. i could bounce around the school on my butt and they'd just be "she's being kim. no biggie."
we talked about LOVE at youth last night. first question was to circle three words from a whole list that you felt best described love. a few of us circled "accepting".. you know why? because we know that if love wasn't totally accepting, God wouldn't love us. and nobody else would either, because there will always be aspects of us that others will not like. it is because they are accepting that they love us anyway.
is it impossible to love certain people? no. it's not easy. but it's not impossible.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
everbody loves moey
me, jess, marisa and moey are walking home.
marisa: kim, i think there's something going on between you and moey
moey: really? *puts arm around kim*
jess: eww.
kim: really? get off, mo.
marisa: yeah. looks like it.
---moey goes off---
marisa: [to moey] kim would like to tell you that she loves you.
kim: geez, marisa, use your own name if you wanna tell him that.
jess: yeah.
marisa: maybe jess likes him.
jess: uh huh. totally. i sooo like him.
kim: oh, how could you, jess.
marisa: my goodness, you guys aren't even denying it.
jess: i know, kim. but i can't help myself. i love him.
marisa: you're betraying your friend, jess.
kim: this is kinda yuck, guys.
marisa: kim, i think there's something going on between you and moey
moey: really? *puts arm around kim*
jess: eww.
kim: really? get off, mo.
marisa: yeah. looks like it.
---moey goes off---
marisa: [to moey] kim would like to tell you that she loves you.
kim: geez, marisa, use your own name if you wanna tell him that.
jess: yeah.
marisa: maybe jess likes him.
jess: uh huh. totally. i sooo like him.
kim: oh, how could you, jess.
marisa: my goodness, you guys aren't even denying it.
jess: i know, kim. but i can't help myself. i love him.
marisa: you're betraying your friend, jess.
kim: this is kinda yuck, guys.
things people say
Monday, March 13, 2006

i went cycling by the river. didn't bring my camera - it's got no batteries in it.
unfortunately for me, i spotted many really really good photo opportunities, most to do with nature. this bums me out because i could go back tomorrow and find that the lovely trees i saw hanging spookily over the bank and casting shadowy reflections onto the river have shrivelled up and died overnight from lack of water.
yeah, they're right by the river.

i wish i could take better photos. like the ones jon has on his blog. and the ones sarah take are pretty alright too. i mean, i guess mine are decent, but [and there's ALWAYS a but] they're so ordinary.

recognize this place, jon? i guess even wesley has interesting leading lines. not a great shot though, could've been better.
i need to eat laksa.i NEEEEED to eat laksa. oh no, i'm torturing myself with this.
andrew got straight A1s for his SPM. smart-ass.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
roses and mangoes
went to the city today with sarah, nicole, and william. we took the bus. didn't get lost [as compared to last time].

we had lunch. nicole and i had hungry jacks, sarah and william had KFC. we all went upstairs to eat and it was fun. my whopper wasn't really enough for me, and sarah only ordered this tiny zinger burger. we finished william's KFC for him. he couldn't eat it. or maybe, he just wanted us to eat it. i don't know.

some random place that looks like a war torn area.
we went to the library. nicole found this MASSIVE heap of stuff for her assignment. sarah found a respectable amount of material for hers.
william and i are useless. we did not succeed in finding any information. we did, however, manage to nod off in front of the microfilms.
moving on. sarah saved me today. i tripped on the stairs, and she grabbed me before i actually fell. for that, i am eternally grateful - because those steps were the wide, steep kind. very reassuring, isn't it.
william saved me too. twice. the first time he saved me from getting vandalized. the second, from getting hit by a car. honestly, i did not see the car at all. i was looking in the wrong direction. sigh~ so blur.
we had bubble tea. very nice. a bit cold though, mine was. i bought one for sam. she was happy.

nicole, sarah and william at the bubble tea place.
i made moey cry. ok, he didn't cry.
mo: ...they'll probably be scared by me. a little ugly thing standing there.
me: yeah, they'll be like "look, it's yoda!!"
mo: -_________-
me: or... "wow, mummy. it's ET!!"
mo: T____T

we had lunch. nicole and i had hungry jacks, sarah and william had KFC. we all went upstairs to eat and it was fun. my whopper wasn't really enough for me, and sarah only ordered this tiny zinger burger. we finished william's KFC for him. he couldn't eat it. or maybe, he just wanted us to eat it. i don't know.

some random place that looks like a war torn area.
we went to the library. nicole found this MASSIVE heap of stuff for her assignment. sarah found a respectable amount of material for hers.
william and i are useless. we did not succeed in finding any information. we did, however, manage to nod off in front of the microfilms.
moving on. sarah saved me today. i tripped on the stairs, and she grabbed me before i actually fell. for that, i am eternally grateful - because those steps were the wide, steep kind. very reassuring, isn't it.
william saved me too. twice. the first time he saved me from getting vandalized. the second, from getting hit by a car. honestly, i did not see the car at all. i was looking in the wrong direction. sigh~ so blur.
we had bubble tea. very nice. a bit cold though, mine was. i bought one for sam. she was happy.

nicole, sarah and william at the bubble tea place.
i made moey cry. ok, he didn't cry.
mo: ...they'll probably be scared by me. a little ugly thing standing there.
me: yeah, they'll be like "look, it's yoda!!"
mo: -_________-
me: or... "wow, mummy. it's ET!!"
mo: T____T
going out
Friday, March 10, 2006
happy rainbows
"your creativity is limited only by your imagination"
mr. john nettleton
i heard on the radio the other day that schools are teaching the students a new and improved version of 'baa baa black sheep'. you'll never guess. it is now...
baa baa rainbow sheep
have you any wool?
another point for multiculturalism.
i'll leave you to ponder that on your own.
we finished watching the black and white version of 'lord of the flies' today. let me first say, karina is not the person to go watch an action film with. i swear, she probably cried in fear while watching finding nemo [btw, you know, it was rated PG because "some scenes may frighten you children"].
anyway, 'lord of the flies' is one of those horribly REAL movies. like, it has ISSUES. real ones. i don't know how to say it. hmm... it's a metaphor of society as a whole. and NO, for those of you who have never read the book or seen the film [i.e. a lot of you], it is NOTHING like 'lord of the rings'.
sadly, that's what i used to think it was about.
WARNING: i mean no offence by the following. i hope no one else ever reads this.
so how do we do a character analysis of the movie? jack - liken to hitler/mussolini. sam n' eric - all those people that just do what they say. piggy - the ones that didn't.
ALRIGHT. i'm gonna go to youth now. bye.
on learning
Sunday, March 05, 2006
ho fun with egg sauce
i feel like telling stories. so i shall tell the story of my day.
i went to church. pastor preached. i got hungry. we had holy communion.
sean: i'm so hungry.
me: yeah, me too. i was like "yay, holy communion"
sean: -______- what the...
might take you a while to get that one.
i met andrew's hobbit. his friend in canning college. she's a lot smaller than me. makes me feel good. then andrew and sean start making fun of my height.i don't get it. it used to be just jane, richard, sam, and PS doing it. now andrew and sean come down, and THEY IMMEDIATELY START AS WELL. sigh~ nobody is on my side.
moving on, we had lunch at taurus: nine of us. anyway, we all ordered and edmund's food came first. serving size was not too shabby. then rick's came. good serving. jane's came. HUMUNGO SERVING. i was getting excited. I'M GONNA HAVE AN AWESOMELY HUGE LUNCH. then mine comes and it looks so much smaller. it's still pretty big though, and jane and richard thought i wouldn't finish it.
rachel: kim is still eating. so slow.
kim: i have finished mine. i'm finishing off jane's now.
all: PHWOAR!
went for bubble tea afterwards. andrew didn't bring money at all. sam had two bucks. jane was po kai [broke]. guess who fronted up. no worries though, it tasted really good. and we all went home without ANY MONEY. i think i'm addicted to bubble tea.
in the car. the phone rings. it's richard:
andrew: hello. oh, we went for bubble tea. no, we didn't buy for you. we ran out of money, LITERALLY. hah? got meh? where got money in here? no leh, no coins. oh shit. got ah. sorry sorry. we didn't know.
i'm eating corn.
i went to church. pastor preached. i got hungry. we had holy communion.
sean: i'm so hungry.
me: yeah, me too. i was like "yay, holy communion"
sean: -______- what the...
might take you a while to get that one.
i met andrew's hobbit. his friend in canning college. she's a lot smaller than me. makes me feel good. then andrew and sean start making fun of my height.i don't get it. it used to be just jane, richard, sam, and PS doing it. now andrew and sean come down, and THEY IMMEDIATELY START AS WELL. sigh~ nobody is on my side.
moving on, we had lunch at taurus: nine of us. anyway, we all ordered and edmund's food came first. serving size was not too shabby. then rick's came. good serving. jane's came. HUMUNGO SERVING. i was getting excited. I'M GONNA HAVE AN AWESOMELY HUGE LUNCH. then mine comes and it looks so much smaller. it's still pretty big though, and jane and richard thought i wouldn't finish it.
rachel: kim is still eating. so slow.
kim: i have finished mine. i'm finishing off jane's now.
all: PHWOAR!
went for bubble tea afterwards. andrew didn't bring money at all. sam had two bucks. jane was po kai [broke]. guess who fronted up. no worries though, it tasted really good. and we all went home without ANY MONEY. i think i'm addicted to bubble tea.
in the car. the phone rings. it's richard:
andrew: hello. oh, we went for bubble tea. no, we didn't buy for you. we ran out of money, LITERALLY. hah? got meh? where got money in here? no leh, no coins. oh shit. got ah. sorry sorry. we didn't know.
i'm eating corn.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
noble chief
there are all sorts of personality determinates popping up out of nowhere suddenly. i mean, before, it was just limited to the meanings of names. i'm not talking about how Sarah means princess of God and Jonathan means gift from God. i'm talking about the ones where you can buy A4 sized laminates of what Kimberley means [somebody bought me one years and years ago and it says that i'm a really awesome person and i will live to become some supreme leader blablabla].
nowadays, you can take HUMUNGO tests in order to determine your personality. i mean, there are those that were obviously created just for fun [e.g. are you a snail or escargot? etc.].. but then there are people who've put time into creating these professional looking tests with professional looking answers and graphs and big words like 'authoritarianism' and 'agency'. and you obviously know that the whole thing isn't real because the results are always so damn ambiguous. seriously, most of them throw something like "you don't usually do things that you don't want to" at you. i mean, that could apply to pretty much EVERYBODY.
i took one such test. sarah gave me the link. first thing i have to say, IT WAS BLOODY LONG. these things shouldn't take more than 5 minutes tops, i tell you. good thing i'm a whiz with the mouse and i click really fast so i breezed through it. but whoa, i couldn't understand half the questions. such is my low intelligence.
i find the results funny. i'm a 'benevolent leader' just like you guys who've taken it [i swear this test only has two sets of results: benevolent leader and riotous follower?] benevolent leader my ass man. you know, interestingly, pretty much every test i've taken says i'm a leader of some sort. nothing wrong with that. but it's the adjectives they stick in front of 'leader'. BENEVOLENT leader, NOBLE chief, DYNAMIC ruler. MY GOODNESS! what a load of bull.
my ego suffers from gluttony and excessive nutrition.
anyway, some of the things this particular test said about me:
Your solid grounding in the practicalities of life, along with your self-assuredness and your willingness to appreciate new things make you a LEADER.
in other words, i'm bossy.
The intellectual curiosity that drives you leads you to seek out causes of and reasons behind things.
also known as 'busybodyness'
Never one to be found in chic boutiques or trendy clothing stores, you take an extremely practical approach to getting dressed.
i.e. i have no style and dress in pyjama-esque clothing.
the last part was the best bit.
extroversion : 80%
empathy : 70%
spontaneity : 40%
authoritarianism : 10%
attention to style : 4%
and the clincher.
masculinity : 52%
femininity : 10%
nowadays, you can take HUMUNGO tests in order to determine your personality. i mean, there are those that were obviously created just for fun [e.g. are you a snail or escargot? etc.].. but then there are people who've put time into creating these professional looking tests with professional looking answers and graphs and big words like 'authoritarianism' and 'agency'. and you obviously know that the whole thing isn't real because the results are always so damn ambiguous. seriously, most of them throw something like "you don't usually do things that you don't want to" at you. i mean, that could apply to pretty much EVERYBODY.
i took one such test. sarah gave me the link. first thing i have to say, IT WAS BLOODY LONG. these things shouldn't take more than 5 minutes tops, i tell you. good thing i'm a whiz with the mouse and i click really fast so i breezed through it. but whoa, i couldn't understand half the questions. such is my low intelligence.
i find the results funny. i'm a 'benevolent leader' just like you guys who've taken it [i swear this test only has two sets of results: benevolent leader and riotous follower?] benevolent leader my ass man. you know, interestingly, pretty much every test i've taken says i'm a leader of some sort. nothing wrong with that. but it's the adjectives they stick in front of 'leader'. BENEVOLENT leader, NOBLE chief, DYNAMIC ruler. MY GOODNESS! what a load of bull.
my ego suffers from gluttony and excessive nutrition.
anyway, some of the things this particular test said about me:
Your solid grounding in the practicalities of life, along with your self-assuredness and your willingness to appreciate new things make you a LEADER.
in other words, i'm bossy.
The intellectual curiosity that drives you leads you to seek out causes of and reasons behind things.
also known as 'busybodyness'
Never one to be found in chic boutiques or trendy clothing stores, you take an extremely practical approach to getting dressed.
i.e. i have no style and dress in pyjama-esque clothing.
the last part was the best bit.
extroversion : 80%
empathy : 70%
spontaneity : 40%
authoritarianism : 10%
attention to style : 4%
and the clincher.
masculinity : 52%
femininity : 10%
Thursday, March 02, 2006
short one
did you guys ever do that skipping thing where two people are turning the rope and one person is jumping in the middle?
may, jess and i did that in PE today. they were turning. i was skipping. they turned. i skipped. they didn't turn high enough. i got hit in the eyes by the rope.
let me tell you, getting hit square in the eyes by a skipping rope moving at who knows how many metres and hour is NOT FUN. in fact, it's actually rather painful.
may, jess and i did that in PE today. they were turning. i was skipping. they turned. i skipped. they didn't turn high enough. i got hit in the eyes by the rope.
let me tell you, getting hit square in the eyes by a skipping rope moving at who knows how many metres and hour is NOT FUN. in fact, it's actually rather painful.
shit happens,
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