sennie and jess. at school, some time last year.
i found this on my computer. it's not one that i took. i can't remember who took it, but i like it cause they're so damn happy in there. they'd both argue they look crap, but honestly... HOW HAPPY DO THEY LOOK? ok, sennie might look a little pained there, but still...
i've got another one of jess and may where they're smiling EVEN BIGGER, but jess would totally kill me if i put that up. she'll strangle me, then drain all my blood out through tiny little needles like the ones they use in acupuncture. ok, she's probably not violent enough to think of that. but she does do taekwondo [or however you wanna spell it].... which is scary cause she's 5'1", 90 pounds, but punches like a 7 foot 300pound wrestler. one shot to the solar plexus and... woooh... worse than getting impaled on a flagpole.
I'M SERIOUS... and it's not like i'm so weak that a 40kg thingy can hurt me... even moey is intimidated!!! [you know it's true, man]. and i'm sure some of the other guys have been punched before too.
so let me introduce you to jessica, one of my buddies at school. jess is one of those really bubbly people who seem to make an awful lot of noise considering their size. ok, to be fair, she's grown A LOT since i first met her... like, 3+ inches or something. but she still weighs about the same, which is slightly unfair to those of us [i.e. me and sarah] who always have no idea what we weigh cause it keeps changing.

steph and jess in dance.
jess is very cute. no, i'm not gay, ok? she is. she's the kind of person who's never gonna run out of friends, simply cause... she's jess? i don't know. you know those people you really really hate because they're all rounders? jess is nice[ish] XD. she's good at school. she's good at sport [except soft cross, which we both REALLY suck at]. she does dance. she's cute. she's friendly. she radiates energy. she plays more than 2 musical instruments. she has a cute little brother. she goes to church. she... she... err... sings?
ok, this is as much of being nice i can take for the next month. i gotta go eat something now. damn, being nice is exhausting.
1 comment:
ahaha awww Kim's so nice to her friends =)
i hope her friends are just as nice to her ;) - which they damn well should be -.-'
you should finish off the post by putting her phone number there HAHAHAHAHAHA = pain for Jess. ouchies, sorry, remembering an incident from a while ago, ignore me.
Good work Kim! being as nice as usual, i'm trying to talk to you but i'm assuming you're at youth XD
toodles! <-(that sounds gay doesn't it?)
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