just thought i'd share some pictures.

this is sam and jess lying on the oval of wesley college. it's a nice picture. they itched for ages after lying on that grass.

i love this tree. it offers such awesome silhouettes to work with.

sam and jess at the planet shakers conference.

you can tell we're related by our retardedness. oh man, this is a seriously funny picture.

i brought my camera to school one morning and this just seemed such a nice shot. nowhere near as nice as the real thing, though.

i don't even remember whose fingers those were. they weren't mine. mine are stubby.
it is lunch time and i am sitting between william and moey. we are leaning towards will cause we are reading something. but william has just finished playing basketball.
kim: william. i'm sorry. but you really stink.
will: i know i do.
kim: no, i'm serious. as in, you smell bad.
will: *sniffs self* sorry.
moey: *sniffs around* kim smells like beer.
kim: -___________- umm... okay.
william: *sniffs* no she doesn't. she smells like apples.
kim: -_______________-"!!!
moey: *sniff sniff* you're right. she does.
kim: *jumps away* stop smelling me, you guys!!!
moey: william, you want some deodorant?
william: why not?
moey: *sprays deo over william. on himself. then on ME* now kim smells like me.
moey: i still smell apples.
will: me too.
*Points at picture at school with rainbow* SO PRETTI!!! :D
i know whose fingers those are. its amy's. remember the time at the creek? yeaaaa.
i like the 3rd pic the best.
and u think i'm a good photographer. HOW DID U CATCH A RAINBOW!!!!
and er,.. i wouldn't lie down on that grass if i were you...trust me. you dont want to know what's been on/is now in it.
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