Saturday, March 04, 2006

noble chief

there are all sorts of personality determinates popping up out of nowhere suddenly. i mean, before, it was just limited to the meanings of names. i'm not talking about how Sarah means princess of God and Jonathan means gift from God. i'm talking about the ones where you can buy A4 sized laminates of what Kimberley means [somebody bought me one years and years ago and it says that i'm a really awesome person and i will live to become some supreme leader blablabla].

nowadays, you can take HUMUNGO tests in order to determine your personality. i mean, there are those that were obviously created just for fun [e.g. are you a snail or escargot? etc.].. but then there are people who've put time into creating these professional looking tests with professional looking answers and graphs and big words like 'authoritarianism' and 'agency'. and you obviously know that the whole thing isn't real because the results are always so damn ambiguous. seriously, most of them throw something like "you don't usually do things that you don't want to" at you. i mean, that could apply to pretty much EVERYBODY.

i took one such test. sarah gave me the link. first thing i have to say, IT WAS BLOODY LONG. these things shouldn't take more than 5 minutes tops, i tell you. good thing i'm a whiz with the mouse and i click really fast so i breezed through it. but whoa, i couldn't understand half the questions. such is my low intelligence.

i find the results funny. i'm a 'benevolent leader' just like you guys who've taken it [i swear this test only has two sets of results: benevolent leader and riotous follower?] benevolent leader my ass man. you know, interestingly, pretty much every test i've taken says i'm a leader of some sort. nothing wrong with that. but it's the adjectives they stick in front of 'leader'. BENEVOLENT leader, NOBLE chief, DYNAMIC ruler. MY GOODNESS! what a load of bull.

my ego suffers from gluttony and excessive nutrition.

anyway, some of the things this particular test said about me:

Your solid grounding in the practicalities of life, along with your self-assuredness and your willingness to appreciate new things make you a LEADER.
in other words, i'm bossy.

The intellectual curiosity that drives you leads you to seek out causes of and reasons behind things.
also known as 'busybodyness'

Never one to be found in chic boutiques or trendy clothing stores, you take an extremely practical approach to getting dressed.
i.e. i have no style and dress in pyjama-esque clothing.

the last part was the best bit.
extroversion : 80%
empathy : 70%
spontaneity : 40%
authoritarianism : 10%
attention to style : 4%

and the clincher.
masculinity : 52%
femininity : 10%


sarawr said...

are you serious? hahahha 10% for feminity and 52% for masculinity? HAHAHAHHA. at least i had a higher percentage for feminity XDD and dont worry, there were others like benevolent artist.

sigh. why you copy me??

kim said...

yes i am serious.

and no, it is not funny.

in fact, i was actually quite surprised. i'm manlier than jon.

Bert said...

52% male. Sometimes i wonder.... jk jk :P

Fin said...

rofl beats me. 80% female ><
it's wesley, i swear.