it took ages.
because this is what it looked like before.

btw, these pictures were taken halfway through my cleaning process [because i found it so ridiculous], and so try to imagine what it looked like before i started cleaning.

my mom's room is at the front of the house while mine and sam's are at the back. mom feels lonely sleeping alone at the front, so she's been sleeping in my room. which explains the extra mattress.

my point is, ONLY HALF THIS MESS IS MINE!!! the other half belongs to her. and i had to shift my furniture around in order to accommodate the extra mattress. she brought the catalogs and coles magazines in, her bedding is on the floor [i did offer her my bed, but she liked the floor better], and is that a PLACEMAT?!?!?!?
but after hours and hours of tidying this sty by myself, and with a little help from the good ol'

i think if i'd left off cleaning for another week, my room would have been cordoned off and declared a danger zone; no entry unless dressed in full astronaut costume.
i finally have desk space again *sobs*.

and ohmygosh... when was the last time i saw so much carpet?

hey man.. damn
ure room is like.. wowwwww
its soo clean
jealous as@!!! *meal*
simply awesome~
i think u inspired me to clean my room DAMN U KIMBERLEY DAMN U
is that a guitar case i see there? what type and brand is it?
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