just one more paper to go.
and i'm buggered.
it's amazing how you can read every single word in a chapter on applications of radioisotopes and not be able to digest anything beyond "a radioisotope is an unstable isotope of an element."
what a waste of life.
shoutout to moey: because i promised you, and then i forgot. bet you forgot too.
i was shampooing my hair today when i felt the huge bump on my head from hitting my head on a locker door yesterday. don't ask. i was rubbing the bump [still freaking hurts. it's amazing] and thinking about the physiology behind bruises. i need to rub it to get the blood moving again. wait, so did i break any blood vessels? ohcrap, what if there's a blood clot in my brain? isn't that bad. doesn't that restrict blood flow to certain parts of my brain. won't i eventually get brain damage? i won't be able to move and...
and that was when i realized i'd been watching too many episodes of House.
one paper to go. and this is how i feel.

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