so i chose to do ice skating for sport this term. i figured that the worst that could happen was that i would lose a couple of fingers if someone skated over them.
but i realize now that if i had actually lost fingers, it would've been from frostbite. never underestimate gloves, people.
the bus ride to cockburn is always fun. well, usually, depending on who you're sitting with.

there's the normal... then there's the not so normal......

but the blend of wool and polyester in the hundreds aside, how pretty is this girl?

brilliant in general.
we're supposed to wear "sport appropriate" clothing when we go to these things. people tend to dress up quite a bit though. but i'm usually the person who's too lazy to bring a change of clothes for sport and i end up just wearing my school stuff there. even when i wear a skirt to school.

after six weeks of being on the ice, i can finally skate decently. try to avoid being near me though, cause i might be able to skate, but i still have zero balance and can, and will, make you fall over.

and the cafeteria made so much money out of us kids because after a little bit of speed skating and crazy tricks [in most cases, painful falls], 16 year olds are FAMISHED. hot chips were high in demand and i swear they order extra bags of them every friday. we usually eat at least three rounds of chips. multiply that by everyone, and you get a hell of a lot of revenue [oh, it's 20cents per tomato sauce too, and SOME PEOPLE can't live without it].

but today was the last week of ice skating for us. i'm quite glad actually. fun as it is, it gets old after a while. imagine skating round and round and round and round and round and round......
only with lots and lots of equally unstable and often rather crazy people.
1 comment:
someone once asked me,
"dont you feel when you're ice skating you're just like a goldfish? you just keep going round and round and round."
no more ice skating for me.
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