i'd just like to wish all those people who are starting their exams in the coming week all the best. i know that you've all studied hard, and i know that you will all continue to be the diligent students that you are and that you will all achieve to the best of your ability.
i'd also like to say that
man, i'm evil.
but really, i do wish you all the best.
it feels shit to fail.
the last two weeks have been extremely weird for me.
for one, i realized that stress does the most horrible thing to me.
i cannot eat when i am stressed.
yes yes, i know, most people eat like starved rats under stress. but i can't. i just lose my apetite completely. there was one day [the day before g&t] where all i had for breakfast, lunch and dinner was one bowl of noodles. no, not one bowl each. one bowl between three meals. and even then i only ate out of habit.
of course, once i got over myself i felt so hungry that i ate everything i saw and mum had to tapau something for me.
it's stupid also because my stress comes not from actual studying, but from the fact that i can't make myself study, and how the hell are you supposed to pass without studying? my brain automatically generates the ohshiti'msoscrewed message, and i stress like crazy.
i also discovered that i always have to eat two tim tams. i can't stop at one, and i can't eat more than two. of course, if i eat two in the morning, then another two in the afternoon, it's a different story. but i always eat two at a time. just one of those things.

anyway, i wasn't so stressed about chem so i opened up a packet of tim tams that i found in the pantry. i still like classic dark tim tams best, i think. these are okay, but they're just very, very sweet. sigh, dear arnotts, time to cut down on the sugar.
but perhaps the more pressing issue is this: WHY ARE WE BEING DEPRIVED?
everybody knows that a packet of tim tams is supposed to have 11 biscuits in it. ELEVEN. not 10, not 12 [tho if you wanna give us 12, i guess it's okay], and definitely not 9.

look at that. count them. look carefully at them.
i knew something was wrong when i opened them. i knew it. i noticed that the gaps between the first three biscuits were uncharacteristically large, and then i had to take the whole thing out just to check because i couldn't believe it.
SNEAKY BASTARDS! the packaging is still the same size; they just give us less biscuits. look at those gaps. you can fit another 5 biscuits in there if you pack them closer. easy.
grr... i know that a lot of manufacturers are maintaining the same price for their product, but giving the consumer less of it in order to increase their profit margin. but that tim tams would go down the same path is just...... very distressing.
in fact, so distressed was i that i ate three biscuits instead of two.
which was one third of the packet.
-time to eat packet of tim tams 1999: 40minutes
-time to eat packet of tim tams 2007: 20minutes
There it is folks, the stats never lie
i meant take*** stupid frozen hands
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