i have just returned from a dental appoinment which dragged me out of bed at the ungodly hour of ten past eight in the morning. considering i slept around one last night, i think i have grounds to complain.
hmm... esther's really really psyched up about taking her driving lessons. you can tell she really enjoys driving just by the way she talks about it.
we were goofing around last night at steven's house. ching can do this thing where she folds her legs up underneath her and lifts herself up using her arms and then swings forward and backward like a pendulum thing. we were all cheering her on and she got a little excited and swung too far back and toppled forward. then everyone started trying to do it. jason could do it and HE COULD WALK. everyone else who could manage it was only jumping around but HE COULD WALK. he could do handstands too. rachel tried doing it but she could only do one leg. richard tried helping by pushing her other leg, and sean started pulling her foot to the right position by the TOES. in the end, ching was the one that got her legs folded up.
i, on the other hand, tried a variety of techniques - all suggested by my dear friends - to fold my legs up that way. i could hook one leg, but not the other. esther tried yanking my foot. sam tried holding the other leg in place. ching told me to stretch out my legs and fold one then the other. i tried that one. folded one leg, couldn't bend the other. so ching tried pushing the outstretched leg to bend it. it wouldn't bend and i ended up falling backwards.
wow, the chicken last night was REALLY REALLY GOOD. [i think ken did the marinade] it was awesome. unfortunately, the barbecue pit was very small and very weak and the chicken was taking AGES to cook. people started going round to the back of the BBQ pit with bits of cardboard to fan the fire. that's the true face of desperation. audrey was having a blast standing by the pit with her tongs.
at some point, sean suddenly said "hey, my chicken's not cooked". i got paranoid and asked my sister if mine was cook [i have no idea what's cooked and what's not]. i asked rachel too and she said it was ok. i continued eating but i realized something was wrong. look, ok, i may not be able to tell cooked chicken by looks, but i can certainly do so by taste. and my chicken tasted raw. i asked joe, who had a good look at it, then proclaimed it TOTALLY UNCOOKED and advised me to throw it away. after that, i ate salad.
sean was putting sauce on his sausage. and i look at it and i'm like "i don't think that's mayonnaise" he goes "yeah, i don't think so either." take a look at the bottle. CEASAR SALAD DRESSING.well, at least he knows how to use it for salad as well. the salad had raw broccoli in it. -________-
i don't actually remember what we did, but i remember having a lot of fun. whatever, though, we ended up leaving the place just past eleven. which was kinda late...
richard threw the cushion footy in my face - on purpose.. then threw a basketball in my face - not on purpose [or was it]. he's such a loving cousin.