let's talk about the australia day celebrations. people here are really big on australia day. in the words of my beloved cousin,
"it's just another excuse for them to get drunk and beat each other up"
yes, the citizens of australia really know how to enjoy themselves. the lotterywest skyworks are proof of that. and damn, the government has enough money to not only put on fireworks every year, but they can afford to do THIS.
so we went down to watch the fireworks... and this is our story.
we walked around the place before the skyshow started and, andrew being andrew, he stepped on a piece of crap.

which he tried to pry off with a stick...

when that didn't work, he tried rubbing it off on a rock.

that didn't work either and it's still on his RM3.50 slippers. conversion: that's $1.50 over here.
moving on, we continued walking down this pleasant path where the people were few and the trees were many.

we found a really nice spot where we could just sit down and... well, we just sat down.

but not before andrew posed for a couple of photos.

he's sucking his tummy in, i tell you. and no, he does not look so thoughtful in real life. the sky is damn nice though.
after that, we went back to our spot under a tree and watched this adorable little kid try to impale himself on a spike in the ground. good thing his dad had a strong grip on his jumper. i saw many great photo opportunities, primarily of little kids playing in the river, and one of two little little boys holding hands [i really really wanted to take this one, but i am not a pedophile and will not take pictures of little kids who do not belong to me].
the skyworks itself was not as good as expected. the ending was the only part that seemed slightly worth it. oh well. the trains going back south of the river were jammed full of people. there was one in particular that had more people standing up in the aisles than in the actual seats.
sorry, no pictures for this event.
on to the chinese new year celebrations at church last night. they were good. most performances were last minute [which means the only time they practised was before they had to go on stage] but the quality was definitely there. my favourites were the slide presentation by rick and the michael buble song.
rick's slide presentation was only completed a little while before he had to show it to us. it was really good. he said after that, "it makes us all look much better than we really are", but then we all realized that we're actually a pretty decent bunch of people. goofy at times, and very cheeky, but we have good fun together!!
the michael buble song was done by jason, cheng loon and sean. "since tan and jono are not here, i imported two new people" said jason about cheng loon and sean. [inside joke, he sang with jono and tan before]. all three of them can sing. jason has a great voice for singing blues, cheng loon has a classic boy band voice [i mean that in a good way. not all of them are crap, OK?] and sean just has a bloody fantastic voice.
do you know what happens when you take time to socialize before moving on to the dinner? half the food is gone by the time you get to the tables. sucks man.
ken left for johor this morning. we won't see him for another year at least. rick incorporated a tribute to his slide presentation for ken, and it was really nice. we've lost a great friend and a really good cameraman. but only for a year [hopefully, he'll come back so that we can tease him about wearing that pink shirt].
we sang really funny chinese new year songs too. the 'gong xi gong xi gong xi ni' one, and the 'qi ga long dong qiang dong qiang' one. i got the 'dong qiang dong qiang' one stuck in my head. there was a little kid who started buzzing around me like a cow fly. he pulled a face at me, and [do unto others what you would have others do unto you] i pulled one back. thsi caused him to run away. i have never seen him before in my life, and i have no idea who he belongs to, but he just started pulling rabbit ears behind my head, and mock-punching me and I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE HE WAS DOING.
"what have you done to incur his wrath" this from joshua, laughing at my predicament.
sorry to bore you. this is the end. again, i say, we have the stupidest conversations in the car.
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