the original cartoon was way before my time, but i remember watching it on astro when i was a little kid. and i loved it XD.
so they're back; leaner, meaner, and in 3-D!!!

this movie was well done, i thought. they didn't bring in the original bad guy [shredder? stretcher? smeller?], but the other characters were there. i totally don't remember casey and april o'connor, and the foot soldiers don't ring a bell in my memory at all.
the only thing i remember clearly is michaelangelo eating pizza. another thing is that THE TURTLES USED TO BE FAT. well, not fat. but definitely chubby. it's not the same to have skinny turtles with bulging muscles. sigh.
the movie focuses a lot on the brotherly bonds of the turtles. sure, there's action and the bad guys get their butts kicked, but the main theme is the teamwork between the turtles [although we remarked afterwards "how come we didn't see them fighting TOGETHER?"]
but there were action scenes in there that i really liked. you can tell the CG nerds behind this one really had a lot of fun putting it together. i really liked the little bit where mikey skateboarded his way through the underground sewers, and my favourite fight was the one between raph and leo [might have spoilt this for some of you].

cheng loon has this theory that michaelangelo might be an illegitimate child because his eyes are different from the others. while raph, don and leo have slit-ish eyes, mikey has round-ish ones... AND he has blue eyes!!!
rick was saying before the movie started how which turtle you liked best says a lot about the kind of person you are. you see, leo's the perfectionist, the leader; don's the smart geeky one; mikey's the playful idiot; and raph's the mega buff hothead. rick's theory is beautifully demonstrated by the fact that he liked leo, jane liked don, and i liked mikey [after watching this movie through eyes 8 years older, i still like mikey].
if you think you've outgrown the turtle fandom that gripped you as a little kid, you're probably right. but i reckon this movie is still worth watching. entertainment value. and mikey gets the dumbest lines XD.
omg.. long time no commment
u poor thing
must b hell lonely
pomg.. can go out tomoz
thank gawddd
nice review bout turtles.. hot stuf i say ^.^
dunnow which turtle ill go for.. been ages since i watched adn yea
i remember master rat.. master fu?.. think dat was his name
enhooooo bye kimbarrr
I think guys would remember april o conner xD
omg sharon... master RAT??
and yeah aaron... typical of you to remember april o'connor, isn't it XD. and you have to start blogging regularly. stop being so lazy.
you're right! fav turtles do tell a lot about character. (i like leo)
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