Tuesday, March 20, 2007

i am tired

i woke up at 6.30 this morning to get to school at 7.30. finished school at 3.30 and went straight to work at 4. finished at 9 something and got home at quarter to ten.

i am tired.

lesson #1428 in battling stupidity:
it is inadvisable to space out during chemistry class because when you come back to earth, you will realize you have just missed out on an explanation of the theory behind quantum mechanics.

i wanna cry.

we have a lot of regular customers where i work. there's $3.20 mocha woman, two black teas one white tea people, large waffle with syrup and half cream man, two single tiramisus couple, and many many many others.

one bunch of guys has been collectively labeled as the singaporean pilots. yeah, that's pretty self-explanatory. they come a lot [every tuesday, but they've been sighted on various thursdays and saturdays as well] and they always order waffles and sometimes other stuff.

one of them always orders a waffle [syrup, no cream, with ice cream], and then comes back for a vienna coffee. today, he came to the counter a third time. actually it was more of a dodgy sidle than a walk and i was fully ready to take an order when he suddenly asked
"uhh... can i have a picture with you all?"

"because i'm leaving tomorrow."
"huh? forever?"
"yeah, forever"

he seems to relax when he sees i'm not gonna bite his head off, and then he starts laughing. "why your reaction so funny one?" -____-

because who the hell leaves Perth forever and asks for a photo with the staff of Gelare?

i can tell my boss is a little sad that he's going. she's grown quite attached to this bunch of guys. she's assigned each one of her staff one of them to get married to -____- [i got the one with the round face, i think]. that's how much she loves them. more than us.

the saddest part for vienna coffee dude though, was that i poured his waffle today and it was baked on the faulty machine. then i practised my coffee making skills on his vienna and managed to burn the milk. which means his last meal here was totally crap.

great memory huh?

well, at least he's got a photo with the boss XD.


Fin said...

lol kimmyting, you are so cute xD(our definition) aww ..hey how do you burn milk man? that's something even i cant achieve XD

kim said...

oh, it's so easy.
see, all you need is to have no understanding of how to boil milk.

i can't remember that definition of cute anymore. remind me yea.

Anonymous said...