Wednesday, March 14, 2007


i saw a dead bird today.


made me feel so sad.

i was taking photos behind the school today, and i didn't realize that just a foot away from the little weed i was focusing on, there was a little dead bird. didn't realize it was dead at first. when i did, i thought of snapping a shot. but i couldn't. i just.. couldn't.

and you know what?

one of my friends hunted the dead bird down and kicked it around. how sick. i didn't watch him do it because i was working through lunch, but he told me afterwards with a big grin on his face. and suddenly, everywhere i turn, people are asking each other "oy, have you seen the dead bird?".


it's a dead bird. why are you people treating it like some freak attraction? and since when has it been cool to kick dead animals around? and how do you justify leaving a carcass in the middle of a busy walkway? excuse me, when you die, would you like me to kick you around? i won't, of course, because that would bring me down to your level and that's... pretty damn low.

the bird is dead. there are ants crawling all over it [i shall spare the graphic details]. it's a sad enough sight as it is without you destroying it further by breaking every other bone in it's body. you brag about it to all your friends, like you've just conquered troy; and then you laugh about it like it's all an effing big joke. go shit yourself la.

i still feel so sad.


sarawr said...

at least you didnt see the kicking in action. felt like going out there and yelling at them even though they were yr12s.

its okay kim. you'd think it's in heaven now.

Anonymous said...

=] birdie heaven

Aarrrr said...

Poor things without a soul. At least humans get to "be" around even when their dead.