Monday, March 05, 2007

the last... i dunno

stuff's happened since school began, some interesting, some funny, some not. i've realized a few things too...

i hate kids
i do this thing at school where i'm supposed to help the new year 8 kiddies settle in at school. i hate it. some groups have 4 kids, most have 5 or 6. mine has 7 because this one kid had no group so we had to take him too. he sucks.
my partner in suffering doesn't help either. in fact, he kinda adds to my torment. and don't even get me started on keeping track of all those little monsters. so i play favourites. the little redhead boy and the little redhead girl are sweetasanything. the big reject kid and the adhd asian boy are hell on the loose. one's a whole lot bigger than me and it's just... totally not funny. the other swears i had a nose job.
it's put me off kids for a while. weird considering i'm still a kid myself.

i failed g&t

apparently everyone is supposed to fail their first EPW, but how come i'm one of only 4 people i know that failed? everyone else did ok. so now i need to get near perfect scores for everything else to get an A.

a bird shat on my food
i shit you not [no pun intended]. i got out my lunch, opened the bag up, and the white rain of blessing plopped neatly in [bar the bit that landed on my hand]. that bird must have practised long and hard to get perfect aim like that.
the brought my got-shat-on-by-bird total up to two for the year. my annual record currently stands at 4, if i'm not mistaken. judging by the way i'm going, i'm well on my way to breaking it.

valentine's day

my friends said "if a bird shits on you today, you'll be lucky tomorrow". valentine's day was the day after the bird shat on my food.
i have to say i was quite lucky. my friends gave me chocolate. really nice chocolate. so nice that i took another one from moey [because he offered]. btw, mo, that was your mention for this post. another friend gave me a drawing too. it was so nice christine asked me to scan it and send it to her -_____-.
i have really great friends.

the river cruise

this was actually a lot of fun. i mean, we were crammed like sardines into that boat, but man, did we have fun. $25 for drinks didn't really appeal, but in the end, it was pure stress relief. on thing though, when you go out onto the deck and have the wind blow crazily into your face so you get dizzy, don't go back inside where it's really hot immediately. more so, don't go out onto the dance floor where everybody is jumping so hard it's rocking the boat [lieterally]. the only reason i didn't actually fall down was because everyone was so jammed together i had to stay upright.
our hats go off to Ms Smith for busting moves that we have never seen before. yes, she is a teacher. chemistry.

sadly, i don't have any pictures. yet. but i will. soon.

said karina about out intro calculus EPW:
of course i used my calculator. i'm not so stupid that i used my brain.

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