on a lighter note. some chinese gangster dude sent a video to the news, threatening to kill some other chinese dude. he sent it to the NEWS - no mask, no hi-tech voice disguising thing. just a video.
very smart oh.
read for yourself. i dont want to write anything that might induce a video threat of my own XD.
another thing i read in the paper that made me really sad was an article about kids in Romania whose parents work in other countries. see, these parents think their working abroad is ultimately for the good of the children, but they don't see that the kids would rather be poor and have mum and dad at home, than have a mobile [seriously] and eat aunt's cooking everyday.
the saddest part is that these kids kill themselves. they're 9, 11, and they're committing suicide cause they'd rather die than live without mum and dad.

there is seriously something wrong with us when we can't see that life is more than anything else you can find in the world. it's an argument we've heard many times, and one you're going to hear again.
yeah, you need to work to eat. people who think love and happiness transcends all are idiots because no matter how much you love him, you're still gonna die if you don't eat. then your love is wasted anyway so yes, money is important; but only to a certain extent.
the reverse side of that is that money can't buy love or happiness. and when you die you can't take money with you, but you will always have the intrinsic value of having lived and loved.
it's not like these people aren't earning anything in romania. it's just not a lot. but in going away to make more money to give their kids a better life, the strive for money is sucking any chance for life at all away.
it's money vs life.
i know what i'd choose.
do I Oo? i choose lifE!!!!
OMG,.. kim guess wat.. i commented b4.. but i didnt click submit..
aww damn.. and was a super long one.. sigh!!!!
basicaly.. i mocked u and jo =P... made myself look bad.. and said that i liked the best of both worlds.. i also shouted out to some ppl.. soo.. as far as i can remember.. these were my shoutouts!!
barbara bday tomoroooo... kimz on thursdaayyyy.. zhenyaz on the 15th and SHARONZ BDAY ON THE 20TH OF DECEMBERRR !! ^.^
secondly.. hi mo!!.. yeshh. u do know jim... and no u wont ever find out who.. =P
jessica ling.. i like jessica ling!1
i haf a secret admirer.. (the type where i admire that person not the person admiring me.. ) i wrote my admirer a pink stick it note!!!LOL
hannahz leavin aus.. and will buy me a pressie =)
nicole has the same lip balm as me... COPYCATTT.. COPYCATT.. she got it first.. but soo.. i was sooooooooo thinking about it in the future!!!
jo has a gd sense of smell xD.. smells stuf i cnt.. hahah. naww.. joking.. hes awesumm in maths.. helps me epW!!!!!.. and plus.. supa drawer.. lolz.. but as mo wood say "has a childish mind".. dunt worry.. i disagreee!!.. i htink u awesummm ^.^
hee-lahh-lee has a big ass house.. and im goin over there. wif nutty cookies!!! =P.. and she desperately wants a lvoe note frm me!!....
and to evyone else.. ure not on here.. bcoz u dint talk to me between 3:30 and 4... so if u wanna hear my super awesum comments on uuu... TALK TO MEE!!! *pufo*...<--yeshh.. i like my pufo emo mike!!
lotsa lovee.. (less than how much u all love me of coz.. heheh.. jokes.. no .. head isnt big enuff yet.. kim. think i cood still stand ure head biggering !! )
in a mood to write stuf for ppl!!.. soo spammin this window.. maybe i shud juz go online.. and chat aye.. that usually helps.. mmkayes
bye kimm
love kim
thats all kim
me <--- she who writes a million things.. and has a big head..and thinks sunlight was named after her.. walks home wif kim(hint hint.. my name doesnt spell JESSICA LING)... heheh
me! *winkwink*
lallalal.. stil in that mood.. bet u feel loved.. omg.. thats it.. imma write testimos on fwenster!1.. byekimmy
zomg.. still no comments frm neone but ne.. gawdd. kim go get some lovee =P
KIM AND SHARON.. EQUALS HOT TALKERS!! =p.. u know watim not about *winkwink*
think hard kimm.. got an "intellectual" discussion on mondayy
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