Thursday, March 15, 2007

it is thursday

i hate power lines.

moey's gunning for a mention here. his idea for a post was "say my name, then post it". eager beaver.

mm.. we had a discussion in lit on a poem by gwen harwood yesterday. it was actually really really good. ok, it was more a fight than a discussion, with sharon totally blowing everyone away when she said "maybe it's because girls just know how to think better than guys".

profound.that's it in a nutshell. simple, concise, and to the point.

"what happened today, class?"
"we had a discussion"
"i know. that's weird."
"but fun"
"why did we have a discussion?"
"because rama said 'slut'"

bear in mind we're immature 15/16 year olds who are all naturally very confrontational. we all also don't want to do any actual work [i.e. work that requires more apparatus than just a mouth. for example, a brain.]

casper's gonna shave his head to raise money for lukaemia. i have no idea how to spell lukaemia, except that it starts with an L. he's gonna be a bald turtle as of... some time this weekend. go him!!

let's all try to do something for someone else without getting anything in return, yea?

i'll be your crying shoulder
i'll be love's suicide
i'll be better when i'm older
i'll be the greatest fan of your life


Fin said...

leukemia my dearrr kimmy hehe =)

Anonymous said...

so much for a mention TT and didnt i tell u not to put that in ur blog or else ill neva eva talk to u agn? oO

Anonymous said...

i apologise to u kimberley