Sunday, March 25, 2007

still converting


i've finished my physics report which has been killing me. all i have to do now is print it out and then draw on some crappy diagrams.

i miss RM1.20 kampua and RM3.00 penang kuey teow.

it's probably RM 1.70 kampua and RM 3.50 penang kuey teow now.

damn inflation.

but it's still a hell lot cheaper than food here in perth. cheapest chicken rice you can get here is $3.80 [about RM11], and that's only one [maybe two] stores IN THE WHOLE OF PERTH. crazy la, sarawak chicken rice is less than RM3.80 la [we're talking coffee shop chicken rice, ok].

we usually opt for $5.50 chicken rice at bullcreek hawkers because it's close, damn nice, and bloody big!! and also because $5.50 for a plate of chicken and rice and soya sauce is considered cheap here. oh, and don't forget the ajinomoto soup!!

i never thought paying RM15 for a chicken rice would make me so happy.


Anonymous said...

I remember my m'sian foods =3 yum yum! too bad pollution makes it 3x worse....

Bert said...

Heeheh physics report :P

Draw the diagrams on the comp. Look more mine ;P

Yeah I want CHEAP food. I had a kebab today it cost me like $7.05 which is like RM21...SO EXPENSIVE...:S

kim said...


that's a rip-off.

TT that just reminded me of the kebabs my aunt used to buy me back in Sibu. i dont even know how much they cost cause she always paid but it was NOT RM21.

sigh... happy days.

Chengaloony said...

yur weird

Erica said...

lol!! always convert when your asian ahha its just in you..hehe