Wednesday, March 07, 2007


the greatest thing happened to me at school today. i went to the toilet, and the flush decided to play a game with me. you see, it wasn't having a very good day, so as a twisted form of stress relief, when i flushed the toilet, it splashed it's innards all over me.

the best part is, everybody cleared a path for me to the sink after they heard how eloquently i was handling the situation.

i need to get pictures off people!!! jess, nicole, emily, can you hear me?

river cruise last week. i have no idea what i was drinking, which might explained that look i have on my face. and what's with the finger action man. and pictures are misleading. i'm actually the biggest one out of the three of us.

anyway, intro calc test yesterday wasn't worth stressing over. chem test today was pretty ok too. i'm annoyed that i'm so careless though. it's really something i'll have to work on. but tze-chiang. WHOA. that guy is damn pro. top marks for everything: G&T, intro calc, and chemistry.


mo, don't be depressed. it just wasn't your day. see, you're being mentioned again. woot. we all really do love you. we just don't wanna tell you. because then you'll get so overwhelmed by all this love-for-da-mo [as you call it] that you'll fall over. so be happy yeah? as someone said to me the other night, "chin up"!

ngh, back to the homework.


Chengaloony said...

wat have you been drinking?!!

Anonymous said...

*smiles* thanks kimmy ill keep my chin up as much as possible

sarawr said...

mike, you really really suck. those past tests you and tze had were meant to be SHARED WITH THE WORLD.

and well, at least i beat him in lit. pathetic though. dont you dare say a word.

keep blogging..i told you i need entertainment. do us all a service. and keep those spelling errors down please.

Anonymous said...