D.O.B: 5 December 2006
P.O.B: Berlin Zoo, Germany
weight: 8.7 kg
trivia: spent first 44 days of life in an incubator; his mother rejected him; his brother died; first polar bear to be born in Berlin Zoo for 30 years

he is the latest addition to the polar bear family of Zoo Berlin... and also the latest controversy in animal rights campaigns.

in fact, Frank Albrecht [animal rights activist] is so concerned about the well-being of this bear that he said "the zoo must kill the bear".

his mother rejected him [no, i'm serious] and in the wild, he would have had to fend for himself or die [usually the latter]. the argument is that the zoo should let the natural order of things be: that is they should kill Knut.

no i wouldn't. that's hell mean.
so why do they want to kill Knut?
the vet says Knut may one day be charged with the burden of creating more Knuts. that's quite selfish of us humans, keeping him in captivity just cause we want more Knuts. but hey, it beats no Knut at all.

Viva Knut!
i want....a...polar bear....
Crikey! Look at this lil' beauty, reminds me of these 2 polar bears i've seen on animal planet..
LOL cute!! XD
i'll do it agn..
LOL cute!! XD
gosh kimmy wen i went on and read the most recent post i thought it was i love kim...then i immediately thought WTF wheres i love mo? hint hint next post lolz...ill keep knut =]and give him a bettah name...
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