Monday, March 12, 2007

post trauma #3 pre-pre-trauma #4

catching up on two weeks worth of homework is being a shit.

so i've given up.

out of the purple...

sean: omg i just realised my molar tooth or whatever big tooth at the end of the jaw is growing. as in, it's coming out.
me: wisdom teeth?
sean: yeah, i think those ones. lol. how exciting.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. considering we were talking about ties before that, that was really.. err... relevant.

you, we missed you heaps when you weren't around today. yes, we did notice you weren't there. no, we didn't rejoice. hope it works out for you [you know who you are].

and YOU. you better not die, k? seriously. you're not allowed to. get better. now. [you know who you are too].

to everyone else, good night, sleep tight... bla bla you know the drill.


Anonymous said...

omg.. kim this took me sooo long to figure out how to leave a comment!
wowsers.. look look.. first time since 4eva im commentin on ure blog.. soo kool.. i love givin my opinion on things.. hmm.. i shud so make this a regular commentin thing aye? (note.. that was a rhetoric question)
btw.. juz for the record.. jo dint draw evyone ten times hotter.. i look equally hot in anything *pufo* yea!! but yeaps.. i love it.. actually that was the one reason i came onto ure blog LOL
but okies.. hi kim.. bye kim
love youu

15th march 2007

btw.. choose an identity?
which one am i spose to choose
actualy neva mind. i figured it out xD

Anonymous said...

its me the u know who....i know u missed me...soo is the other u know who sum1 important to me?

kim said...

lol mo. i certainly hope HE's not THAT important to you. would have a problem there otherwise.