Saturday, March 10, 2007

ka's and nya's

story recounted by tofu

every malaysian gets drilled into their minds at a tender age the timeless tale of how Parameswara founded Melaka [or malacca, as those people who can't spell malaysian call it].

i remember that i learnt it for the first time in primary 3, i think. second time in kajian tempatan in primary 5. third time in kajian tempatan, primary 6. 4th time again in kajian tempatan, primary 6. 5th time in sejarah, form 1.
yes, malaysia has a proud history, and very uninspired sejarah courses.

for those of you who don't know, the long and short of it is that Malacca was founded by a fugitive named Parameswara who sailed his way to the land of milk and honey [not] and decided to take a rest. there, he witnessed a scene where his two hunting dogs [or such similar creatures] chased a kancil [some sort of deer-like thing] into the water. Parameswara was suitably impressed with the valour and sheer desire for self-preservation demonstrated by the kancil, and he decided to make a settlement there. he called it Malacca for no particular reason.

ok, so we all know Parameswara founded Melaka. big deal. but did you all know he named California as well? really, our very own P-man named that american state that is so famous for... being california.

you didn't know?

well, after that whole kancil incident, Parameswara followed this american guy around the world. they reached a rich and beautiful land [currently known as california], whereby Parameswara, in all his Malaysian-ness, exclaims:
"wah, colourful-nya"

and the rest is history.