Saturday, April 12, 2008

for the time being

Okay. I realise that my last post (one actually written by me) was more than a week ago, and in that time I have had a (really awesome) birthday, and a (quite alright) ball.

Am feeling like a zombie right now because I have had three hours sleep in the last thirty-six, so I'm not going to attempt a lengthy, detail-ful blog post on either right now.

Instead, I shall leave you with this...

Cue: Drum roll.

In Sarah's words, it felt like Kim's birthweek, instead of birthday.

Some of the people who made the day so fantastic.
What I did, what I ate, and what I got will (hopefully) be detailed in a later post.
If you're lucky.
However, you will never find out just what Jono was trying to do (or be) in that picture.

School ball was alright.
Fooooooooooood.... was a bit of a let down.
It left me, above everything else, sleep deprived.
Probably will post something on this later. Possibly Tuesday. Monday, perhaps.

But for now, it's time to sleeeeeeeeeep.

1 comment:

jsncruz said...

Everyone seems to be complaining about the food served. =/