Wednesday, February 27, 2008

hung yi said to me one day over msn:
hey, i just realised that you're only boring on MSN!
your blog is so interesting.

yes, apparently i am boring on MSN.
to him.

deep and absorbing discussions with jane leave me thinking noble and valiant thoughts. unfortunately, these last until i take a nap, and don't resurface until the NEXT deep and absorbing discussion.

oh, and i love you andrew!!!
you are THE BEST.

Monday, February 25, 2008

19 years of mel

today is a very special day for a very special person.

her name is Melissa Ting Yee (i think i've got this right).

we just call her Mel.

or shortstuff, or hobbit. take your pick. it doesn't matter.

cause we all love her to bits.

happy birthday, Mellymel.

have a really great one.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

what made me scream

there was a little beetle on the ground in front of where i was squatting at the BBQ yesterday, so i decided to flick it away.

i flicked it, but all that did was turn it upside down onto it's back. and as i sat there watching it's six little legs flailing, i was suddenly struck by how horrible it would be to be helpless and defenseless on your back, your weak underbelly exposed, no way to get back on your feet.

it was a horrible moment of "put yourself in someone else's shoes", and i felt really bad, and was going to flip it back onto it's feet.

and then jono's foot comes down and SQUASHES IT.

so i screamed.

because one moment it was there, and the next it wasn't. given what i had been thinking, it was really quite traumatic.

you could be walking peacefully minding your own business and suddenly, some big thing happens to you and your world is turned upside down, just like that. and try as you might, you just can't get back up, and it's a moment where you think "oh, shit".
there's hope. oh yes, there's always hope.
at least you're still alive, right?
and then you get squashed.
and then nothing.

to jono's credit, he thought he was helping me get rid of a bug i was afraid of.
i think.

luvey weather

a bunch of us IMC youth (with one KMCer and a couple of funny GMCers) went to Mill Point for a barbecue today. it was fun :)

nice singspiration (you sang your signature outdoor singspiration song again, cheng loon), fun games (a little painful, tho, i'll admit), great food (chicken... nyum), and fantastic company (yes, that means all of you).

knowing that i'm there instead of at work also makes it just that little bit sweeter XD
thank God for good weather.

and my lovely day of fun in the sun left me with gifts!!

a sunburn and some newly defined tan lines.

Friday, February 22, 2008

sore knees

i called into work this afternoon to cancel my shift for tomorrow, but there was no one in the office, and my manager wasn't in either. so i was put through to the manager for the ground floor, who knows me only as "small kim" (there's another kim who works for her downstairs, hence the adjective before my name).

this is how the conversation played out.

kim: hi, this is kimberley, from upstairs.
man: kimberley croning?
kim: err... no. kimberley chieng.
kim: umm... you know? the small asian one?
man: OHH... yes, yes. (starts laughing).


and if you thought I was random... you have obviously not met my physics teacher.

on circular motion:
you know, when an egg and a sperm come together, they form the first human cell. this is a giant cell which, when it divides, splits into two smaller cells within itself. and it keeps doing that until the cells are the correct size... which means you're not actually getting any bigger. okay, so when i'm spinning this thing here, the circular motion is caused by the forces i'm exerting towards the centre of rotation. interestingly, the sperm actually has to rotate the egg before fertilisation, and the rotation is also a form of circular motion...

what. the...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

for some dude...

Happy Birthday Cheng Loon!!

yeah, okay.
you're a pretty special dude.

have a great one.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

can i please let go once in a while?

maturity is difficult to achieve.
even harder to maintain.

i'm so tired.
you have no idea.
i'm so, so tired.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

happy chinese new year!

no atmosphere whatsoever, but hey, it's still new years' right? you still know, deep down inside, that you just got another year older; you feel somewhat satisfied because you received angpows (and if you didn't actually get any, you know you received them in spirit); and perhaps the most telling thing... you had some sort of CNY dinner where you stuffed yourself silly and had trouble lifting your bum off the chair afterwards.

so happy chinese new year!

one year older, one year wiser
well, we've got the older part, so i'd say we're halfway there :)

train of thought...
french people are crazy. so are chinese people. actually, people in general are crazy. i mean, look at eskimoes.

in class...
me: oh, i've got an idea! i've got an idea!!
duncan: did it hurt?

Monday, February 04, 2008

after 10 weeks of school-less-ness

the first day after the summer holidays was not so bad. but that was mainly because i forgot i only had a half-day today, and going home just after 1p.m. was a bit of a pleasant surprise.

that said, i already have homework.

and check this out. it's so pretty.

To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour
Auguries of Innocence, William Blake

Sunday, February 03, 2008

*think happy thoughts*

T-10 hours.

Friday, February 01, 2008

by the way, i wanted a pet too.
cause everyone else's was so cute.
yes, i copy you.
i think he's very cute.
scroll down a bit, he's on your right.