Monday, October 31, 2005

today (for want of a better title)

lots of stuff happened today.. i remembered most of it in the shower, but i forgot half of it now.. so i'll just put down what i remember..

what a great way to start the day?? i had a relief teacher first up.. that's right, MR. Manipulative was away today, and we had this really fierce relief teacher... most reliefs are a pushover, you can walk all over them and they won't realize it.. but this one meant business.. nevermind, got a fraction of work done..

went to the creek for science.. that was pretty good.. we actually got a little bit of work done!! that's right, me, amy and sarry did some work.. saw mr. nett (form teacher) down at the creek.. he had an awesome sunburn from the athletics carnival last week.. it was glowing and practically radiating heat!!

and what luck!! we had ANOTHER relief teacher... so amazing... two core subject teachers not coming to school on the same day... that was so great.. and he totally made my day with what he said...

"don't tell me things i already know, you're insulting my intelligence!"
by relief teacher #2
"you're not being smart, you're just showing how stupid you are."
by the same relief teacher #2
guess what? when i was walking to jane's house from school, this bunch of assholes in their car drove past me, sam and sharon and threw a cloud of white powder at us.. my first thought was "don't breathe, dont breathe!!" but i accidentally got some in my mouth.. i then proceeded to spit about a pint of saliva into the nearest drain..
then i found out that amy stole my notes!! i told her she couldn't borrow them cause we had a test tomorrow.. and she went ahead and took them anyway.. i guess i should feel flattered that she considered my notes worth copying from, but what the hell?? i need those notes..
sigh....... chinese test tomorrow..

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield
i was listening to this song yesterday [and actually paying attention to the lyrics] when i thought "wow, she's so right!"
how many people actually stop and take in the little things in life? how many of us remember what rain feels like on your skin? how many of us really know how the rest of our life is going to be like?
sure, i take in the little things in life - i try my best not to squash the ants in my garden.. yeah, rain has the same feeling on your skin as water from dripping hair.. uh huh, i'm gonna finish high school and go to university before starting a career and getting married - my whole life is planned out.. RIIIIIGHT~
what about the rest? like noticing how the ants in your garden sometimes travel in orderly lines... and how rain has that smell that makes it different from just ordinary water.. or the things that might happen before you get that happy ending in life..
you know those twinings tea commercials [i think it's twinings] that go "twinings, makes everyday moments special"? yeah, things like seeing a brief reflection of light bouncing off the water from a dripping tap are the little things that we should count..
and talk more.. by talk, i mean really say something, not just making noises as you move your mouth [i tend to do that a lot].. let people know that you care about them.. those annoying chain letters that tell you to forward them to all your friends just to let them know you care have got the right concept, just not the right medium.. chain letters mean jack, so TELL THEM, dammit!!
when i look at it, the whole song's about how life is just starting and there's no definite ending to it [discounting death]. that last verse there is really - it didnt touch my heart or anything, but it's so true what she's saying. everyone i know [inc. me] makes so many cruddy mistakes you'd need all the legs of 5000000 colonies of ants to count them all.. but ' we are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it' [i got that off dear rick warren'.. no worries, mate, "today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten"

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

amy's blog

i'm being very careful with my spelling now, after reading amy's blog.. it's really quite genius really, the way she spells her words. excellent. it's amazing how you can read it and still be able to understand.. it's like she's invented a whole other language..

the first thing that hit me about her blog was........................ the font!! gigantic blue letters in bold that jump out from the screen and hit you harder than katrina hit new orleans.. hey, at least it's readable..

but the best part about her blog is the comments section.. i love the way everyone just says what they want there about what she's written.. unfortunately, this time, she wrote stuff about me liking moey.. i was full of indignant rage and promptly stood up for myself - by rubbing moey's face in the dirt.. okay, so all i did was deny her claims, but that's besides the point.. of all the most random things amy could've said, it had to be that XP...

guess what? amy took pictures of sir radestock for her blog today.. it was really funny.. she hid her camera up her jumper sleeve. there was a hole in there, and we thought she made it specially for taking pictures discreetly.. cracked up quite badly.. so i went up there to distract sir, and i kept trying to move aside so they could get a clear shot of him.. we got a goodlaugh out of it in the end.. and amy got a professional photo of sir radestock in all his glory - and glasses... ROCK ON, AMY!!

okay.. my eyes hurt.. ciao~

going downhill

the last few days have been pretty good for me.. seriously..

i had a nice weekend.. saturday was spent basically doing nothing.. i did finish off my homework though, which is a surprise for me, since i normally do it last minute...

Sunday started slow, but then i went to play badminton with a bunch of people from church.. really really fun, it was... first time i played baddy in over two years.. worked of some of the energy that's been building up in me and really frustrating me lately.. even the fact that we had to play in WESLEY COLLEGE wasn't too worrying...

monday was excellent!!! i know.. i usually hate mondays [the garfield syndrome], but this one was amazingly good.. i felt really happy the whole day, like, really happy.. happy to the point of hyperactiveness.. took lots of pictures with amy and sarah [see below]

tuesday.. and it was going slightly downhill, but still all good.. above average day... got quite a bit of homework, but it's okay... i'll get it done eventually...

today wasn't as great as the last few.. in fact, comparatively, it was pretty lousy... got a slight headache early in the day... it wasn't the really bad kind... which made it even worse, cause then it was just annoying me the whole time..

and tomorrow is guaranteed to suck.. i'm gonna get my BRACES done.. oh well, better now than when i'm thirty, i guess... at least i get to miss out on science..

picture taken on monday

love this picture... mainly because i totally spoilt it.. amy looks so great, sarah even looks passable... i love that i destroy it with that idiot face..

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I love softball

it's a great sport.. what more can i say?

ok, so there's a good chance i'll break my arm while playing and never go near it for the rest of my life... but who cares? it's fun to run around the field chasing balls that travel twice as fast as you do..

so i played softball in PE this morning... now, this isn't the first time i've played softball.. in fact, i played it in primary school.. that's right... about 5 years ago, i played softball in primary school on the concrete basketball court with a soccer ball.. [please don't ask me how that works].. haven't touched the sport since then, but i do remember enjoying it quite a bit..

so we batted.. off a tee.. our teacher doesn't think we're skilled enough to bat against proper pitches.. so we did it off a tee.. she showed us all this technique, right, and [typically] i did it my way anyway... so i actually hit the ball on my first try, right, and the second, and the third...

and then it all went wrong..

so the teacher came over and tried to be a teacher... she corrected my technique.. naturally, once she stands there, i lose my edge and start thinking about what i'm doing... and i miss.. as in, i dont even knock the tee.. i hit air.. and that's not the worst part.. i do it 8 times over.. and then i make progress.. i make contact with the ball............... and the tee comes down with it..

in the end... she goes away and i go back to doing what i did before.. and i hit a real good one... went all of TEN METRES before someone caught it...

so the moral of this story is: whatever man... just do it your way.. and softball rules!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

hah! eat that, Batman

looks like humans aren't the only ones affected by the rising fuel prices..

eat your heart out, Batman!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

charity begins at homosapiens

yup.. that's the title of the article that i have to write an analysis of [not by choice, mind you].. pretty sad huh.. and some people in my class were like "why are you writing about gay people?"... FYI, homosapien is the scientific name for human being.. not that i knew that straight up [i checked the dictionary]

anyway... the article is about why we human beings are so kind to each other... yeah, that's right.. things like donating money to victims of the tsunami and trying to help the kids in third world countries are apparently big mysteries... and there are quite a few theories..

some people say that it's genetic, like, it was evolved from our ancestors when they didnt have money and had to barter three small fish for a big fish... that sort of acted like a training for the 'sharing is caring' we practise today...

another theory is that we do it "as a clever way of promoting individual self-interest".. i can see how that works... yeah, you give half a million dollars to a bunch of people you don't know, and YOU're the one better off... true, you could say you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but how's realizing you can't pay off the mortgage?

and the last theory is the only one that i truly understand... we do it cause it's good for the image... yeah, sure you gave 6 billion dollars to charity.. sure, you have to remortgage your house two hundred times... but, hey, you look like a generous god in front of all your friends... so bring on the loan sharks...

the writer also says that some people have 'true altruism', which means that you are nice to people out of the goodness of your own heart [thank God for oxford dictionaries]... the interesting thing though, is that scientists say that 'true altruism' is a maladaptation... who are you calling 'maladapted... or is it maladaptated?... i'm not sure what maladaptation means, but i can tell it's not something good...

in conclusion, truly generous people have defects in their genes... so don't give money unless it's gonna make you look good... otherwise, you can just blame it on your ancestors...

Monday, October 10, 2005


term one is the term where everyone gets back into the swing of things.. getting used to going back to school.. catching up on the holiday gossip.. finding out the teachers' weakness... re-learning how to eat in class without being caught... that kind of thing.. you're glad when the holidays come, though, because you just remembered why you're forced to go to school [yep, that's right, you've gotta STUDY]..

term two is the term where everyone totally slacks off and every day is a drag because you know you have to heave yourself out of bed and make your way to school.. the weather's also getting colder, so all you wanna do is stay home and sleep..

term three is the term that passes the fastest.. even though the weather is bloody cold and the teachers are making you work extra hard because your semester one reports were a total let-down... you get tired of seeing the same people day after day and you can't wait for the holidays when you can sleep in and bum around all day... and then it's suddenly gone, just like that, you're into your holidays and term three is dead...

term four - a part of you looks forward to it because at least you'll have SOMETHING to do instead of just hanging around the house [OK, maybe not].. but by the time term four comes around, you suddenly have a revelation... term four is going to be JUST LIKE THE LAST THREE so to hell with it... who can be stuffed writing all those book reports and making the stupid posters.. the idea of seven weeks without having to put on the damn school uniform appeals to you like rain in the sahara... you start counting down... nine more weeks... 60 more days... 1440 more hours... and then finally... FINALLY... you can chuck away your science books and burn your S+E notes...

so the hols arrive and you appreciate just how good life can be... no school until next year... ah~ NEXT YEAR??? oh crapp...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

old photos

last night jane [cousin] came over, we sort of persuaded her to have supper here. she came inside and looked at the photographs we have on our living room wall

one of them was a photograph that was taken ten years ago. it had all us cousins [who were already born at the time] in it. so we were standing there, right, and we were all thinking about how different we all looked. jane was my age at the time and had glasses, sam was three and really cute [which she isn't really anymore] and i was a lot shorter [if you can imagine that].

but the most unbelievable person in that photograph was Andrew. Jane’s brother, my cousin - ten years ago he was six. OK, admittedly, he had the biggest head in the entire photograph; but he was so so so so so cute as a little kid. Ten years later, and there is no one who has any idea what happened to him. Seriously, he's like... totally un-cute...

So we started looking at more old photos, right, and mum took out me and sam’s baby photos. That was really really funny, cause sam was the cutest little kid, but she was NOT a pretty baby. We laughed and laughed and laughed because of that.. she's good now, though..

then we all agreed that I was a very beautiful baby………………. boy. Almost everything was great, except that I looked like a boy. Just so you’re clear, I’m NOT a boy, contrary to what some of my friends may say. I had a ‘button’ nose [quote from jane], but somewhere along the way, it blew up to be the size of an avocado. Sam [I’m glad to say] looks a lot better than she did 13 years ago.

Jane said she was a really cute as a baby, which I believe for some odd reason. But somehow I can’t picture her as a little kid, maybe because she was almost ten when I was born.

I’m sorry I can’t show you the photo we were looking at. I look really dumb [cause I was, and still am], and I know all my cousins will probably kill me for displaying it for the whole world to see..

Friday, October 07, 2005


today is friday

it's the last friday of the holidays

this is a list of things i have to do before i go back to school:

1) gather all the school stuff that i brought home [inc. overdue library books]
2) find my english homework [which i have not done]
3) do my english homework [that i can't find]
4) find my school uniform [i am missing two white school shirts]

5) clean my bag [something i have been meaning to do since last year]
6) figure out which books belong to the school library, and which are mine
7) do my EXTRA english homework [tell me why i took extra classes??? i can't finish my work as it is]
8) find a really cool experiment to do for the science fair [note to self: something that explodes]
9) finish watching gundam
10) have some really good bubble tea
11) finish the film on the camera i borrowed from school
12) attach the camera i borrowed from school to my bag via chains so that i won't forget it [the bloody thing cost almost $2000!!! i'm screwed if i destroy
13) remember everything else that i have to do
14) oh yeah, clean my shoes (they've been crusted with mud since July)

no worries, there's always the weekend.

Monday, October 03, 2005


my sister and i share a room, right.. so we decided that we'd each get a wall of that room to stick whatever we want, and no crossing over without asking, that kind of thing...
anyway, we stuck really different stuff on our walls.. well, it wasn't very different.. we both stuck posters and photographs up, but they were posters of different kinds of people..

this is my wall.. yes, we have extremely boring white walls, which is why we stuck stuff on it. i've got posters of agassi, andy roddick and guillermo coria on my wall (a few of my fave tennis players)... and few photographs of my friends and my family.. and a drawing of an anime character... basically, stuff that i like.. i didn't put up any of my anime posters, because they're way too big, and i ran out of blu-tack..

this is my sister's wall.. she's got lleyton hewitt (yuck, i don't like him, he kinda suks.. i love it when Coria mocked him), avril lavigne, photos (like me), and a couple of posters from TV shows.. normal girl stuff, but not what i would stick on my wall..

thanks for letting me go on... i'm going to mount more anime drawings on ^^