Thursday, October 20, 2005

I love softball

it's a great sport.. what more can i say?

ok, so there's a good chance i'll break my arm while playing and never go near it for the rest of my life... but who cares? it's fun to run around the field chasing balls that travel twice as fast as you do..

so i played softball in PE this morning... now, this isn't the first time i've played softball.. in fact, i played it in primary school.. that's right... about 5 years ago, i played softball in primary school on the concrete basketball court with a soccer ball.. [please don't ask me how that works].. haven't touched the sport since then, but i do remember enjoying it quite a bit..

so we batted.. off a tee.. our teacher doesn't think we're skilled enough to bat against proper pitches.. so we did it off a tee.. she showed us all this technique, right, and [typically] i did it my way anyway... so i actually hit the ball on my first try, right, and the second, and the third...

and then it all went wrong..

so the teacher came over and tried to be a teacher... she corrected my technique.. naturally, once she stands there, i lose my edge and start thinking about what i'm doing... and i miss.. as in, i dont even knock the tee.. i hit air.. and that's not the worst part.. i do it 8 times over.. and then i make progress.. i make contact with the ball............... and the tee comes down with it..

in the end... she goes away and i go back to doing what i did before.. and i hit a real good one... went all of TEN METRES before someone caught it...

so the moral of this story is: whatever man... just do it your way.. and softball rules!!

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