Saturday, October 15, 2005

charity begins at homosapiens

yup.. that's the title of the article that i have to write an analysis of [not by choice, mind you].. pretty sad huh.. and some people in my class were like "why are you writing about gay people?"... FYI, homosapien is the scientific name for human being.. not that i knew that straight up [i checked the dictionary]

anyway... the article is about why we human beings are so kind to each other... yeah, that's right.. things like donating money to victims of the tsunami and trying to help the kids in third world countries are apparently big mysteries... and there are quite a few theories..

some people say that it's genetic, like, it was evolved from our ancestors when they didnt have money and had to barter three small fish for a big fish... that sort of acted like a training for the 'sharing is caring' we practise today...

another theory is that we do it "as a clever way of promoting individual self-interest".. i can see how that works... yeah, you give half a million dollars to a bunch of people you don't know, and YOU're the one better off... true, you could say you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but how's realizing you can't pay off the mortgage?

and the last theory is the only one that i truly understand... we do it cause it's good for the image... yeah, sure you gave 6 billion dollars to charity.. sure, you have to remortgage your house two hundred times... but, hey, you look like a generous god in front of all your friends... so bring on the loan sharks...

the writer also says that some people have 'true altruism', which means that you are nice to people out of the goodness of your own heart [thank God for oxford dictionaries]... the interesting thing though, is that scientists say that 'true altruism' is a maladaptation... who are you calling 'maladapted... or is it maladaptated?... i'm not sure what maladaptation means, but i can tell it's not something good...

in conclusion, truly generous people have defects in their genes... so don't give money unless it's gonna make you look good... otherwise, you can just blame it on your ancestors...

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