Wednesday, June 04, 2008

could i be you for a day?

This is Baxter.

He sits on the bed all day, smiling his little smile, not really thinking about anything in particular, and altogether being very content with his humble position in life.

He is cute, and happy.

And just for a day, I would like to be him.


MeL said...

i know how u feel. wish i could be mellybull. >< he stays in bed ALL DAY xD

Albert said...

eh, but it does remind me of a cute person gone "nuts". He'd get to lay on a bed all day. smiling, not really thinking of anything in particular, content with his crayons and happy. Hehe...

You must have been really stressed to have thought of that. Like you say, chin up! You'll make it.

Chengaloony said...

he's not really alive either...

i hope i didn't say something i shouldn't have >.<